1(Theses, articles)-- -- - -- -- Page 2 ("Fluorine-Fluorite"
dans les revues)
Règne Minéral
De vol 1 à 50
dans lesquels le mot "Fluorite" apparaît:
:8 /33/41 ;
3 :25/34-37 ;
4 :46/51 ;
5 :1/5-8/13/39/41-43 ;
6 :33/49-52 ;
7 :24/35 ;
8 :37/38-41 ;
9 :23-25/48 ;
10 :42/47-48 ;
11 :32/34/41 ;
12 :1/25/56 ;
13 :14 ;
14 :35/40/45 ;
15 :34 ;
16 :4-49/52 ;
18 :49-50/53 ;
19 :39/45-47/49/51/53-55 ;
20 :25/41 ;
21 :10/38/44-45 ;
22 :5-13/18/23-30 ;
23 :33 ;
24 : 44/47/50 ;
25 :5-24/42/46 ;
26 :5-26/54 ;
27 :42-43 ;
28 :25/42-44/47/49 ;
29 :36-45 ;
30 :37/45-46/49 ;
31 :37-45 ;
32 :9 ; 33 :13 ;
34 :5-15/23/39 ;
36 :32/45 ;
39 :34-35 ;
40 :20-21 ;
41 :44/48-49 ;
42 :9 ;
43 :20-21/25/32/38-60/68;
45 :22-25/33-37/46-47 ;
46 :8/38/40-41 ;
47 :15-16 ;
48 :39/42/46-47 ;
49 :34 ;
HS1 :22-23 ;
HS5 ;
HS6 :30 ;
HS7 :43
R. (1999). Le gîte de fluorite dArbouet, Pyrénées-Atlantiques,
France, 29 :36-45.
J. (1995). Notes sur les gisements et indices de fluorite
en France, 5 :5-8.
J. (1999). Le gisement de fluorite et barytine de Lantignié
: historique et exploitation, Rhône, France, 25 :5-24.
J., DIETRICH J.E et SCHWAB P.-N. (1999). Le gisement de
fluorite et barytine de Lantignié : géologie
et minéralogie, Rhône, France, 26 :5-26.
Gateau J. (2002). La fluorite et la calcite de Neaux, Seuil
de Neulise, Loire, France, 45 :33-37.
P., De PARSEVAL Ph. et Martin F. (2002). Les minéraux
de terres rares de Trimouns (Ariège) : lexploitation
du Talc, HS8 :7-8.
GAUTRON L. (1996). Les barytines de la mine de Maine-Reclesne,
Saône-et-Loire, France, HS2 : 25-33.
GAUTRON L. (1999). La fluorite dans le massif du Mont-Blanc,
HS5 :53-56.
GAUTRON L. (1999). Les indices minéralogiques du
Massif du Mont-Blanc, HS5 :59-66.
Gloaguen E. (2001). Un aperçu des minéraux
du Massif Armoricain, France, 42 :6-9.
GOL D. (2000). Une géode de barite à lAvellan,
Var, France, 31 :37-45.
GOUJOU J.-C. (1999). Minéralogie du massif du Mont-Blanc
: introduction générale, HS5 :5-12.
Jorelle C. (2002). La barytine et la fluorite de Saint-Martin-dEstréaux,
Loire, France, 45 :22-25
Kuck A. et Saadi J., 1998, Les minéraux des pegmatites
de la région de Papachacra, Catamarca, Argentine,
22 :5-13.
Lucas C. (2002). Du prix des cailloux, petite histoire de
fluorite, suivie dune réflexion personnelle,
44 :22-24.
MARI G. (1996). Le filon des Porres, Var, France, HS2 :18-24.
MARI G. (2002). La mine de Fontsante, Var, France, 43 :38-60.
MARTAUD A. (1995). Histoire de fluorite, 5 :13.
MARTAUD A. (1996). Note sur la barite de Chaillac, Indre,
France, HS2 :57-58.
MEISSER N. (1999). Les gîtes minéraux du versant
suisse du massif du
Mont-Blanc, France, HS5 :28-37.
Monistier G. (1999). Minéralogie du Mont-Blanc :
Le glacier dArgentière, HS5 :67-68.
Pitorre F. (1997). Le secteur minier dEn Bournegade,
Tarn, France, 14 :40-47.
Pitorre F. (1998). Mines et minéraux dAlban-le-Freysse
et de Saint-Jean-de-Jeannes, Tarn, France, 19 :41-47.
Plagne G. et PLAGNE R. (2002). La pegmatite de Beauchaud,
massif du Forez, Puy-de-Dôme, France, 45 :39-45.
POTY B. (1999). La formation des cristaux dans les fentes
alpines du massif du Mont-Blanc, HS5 : 18-21.
B. (1999). Roger Fournier (1939-1976), Cristallier de Chamonix
et le renouveau de la recherche des cristaux à Chamonix,
HS5 :24-27.
Raumer J.F.v. (1999). Les massifs du Mont-Blanc et des Aiguilles
Rouges, : un aperçcu géologique, HS5 :12-17.
Touret L. et Le CleacH J.M. (1998). Le musée
de minéralogie de lEcole Nationale Supérieure
des Mines de Paris, 24 :19-33.

September 2002, Seite: 13
November 2002, Seite: 8
Umfang: 16,5 Seiten
Fluorit Themenheft:
Mai 1977, Seite: 4, Umfang: 16 Seiten
Fluorit Wölsendorf und Zschopau:
Januar 1981, Seite: 9, Umfang: 6 Seiten
Fluorit Santa Lucia, Sardinien, Italien:
November 1982, Seite: 20, Umfang: 2 Seiten
Fluorit Colorado, USA:
März 1983, Seite: 5, Umfang: KN
Fluorit Fleißtal, Österreich:
Juni 1984, Seite: 42, Umfang: 0,5 Seiten
Fluorit Hocharn, Österreich:
März 1985, Seite: 26, Umfang: 2 Seiten
Fluorit Weißeck im Lungau, Österreich:
April 1985, Seite: 39, Umfang: 0,5 Seiten
Fluorit Regensburger Revier:
April 1989, Seite: 11, Umfang: 11 Seiten
Fluorit Bramberg, Pinzgau, Österreich:
Juli/August 1990, Seite: 6, Umfang: KN
Fluorit Campiano, Toskana, Italien:
März 1990, Seite: 17, Umfang: 1 Seite
Fluorit Rosiclare, Illinois, USA:
November 1991, Seite: 25, Umfang: 11 Seiten
Fluorit Annaberg, Sachsen:
Dezember 1992, Seite: 30, Umfang: 2 Seiten
Fluorit Schönbrunn, Vogtland, Sachsen:
Juli/August 1992, Seite: 13, Umfang: 13 Seiten
Fluorit Farbzonierung:
Juni 1993, Seite: 39, Umfang: 10 Seiten
Fluorit Derbyshire, England, Blue John:
Juni 1994, Seite: 13, Umfang: 10 Seiten
Fluorit Valle Bedretto, Schweiz, Rosafluorit:
Dezember 1994, Seite: 5, Umfang: KN
Fluorit Kanadische Fundstellen:
November 1995, Seite: 33, Umfang: 3 Seiten
Fluorit Henneberg, Thüringen, EF:
Januar 1996, Seite: 42, Umfang: 1,5 Seiten
Fluorit Sauberg, Ehrenfriedersdorf/Sa. Phantom, EF:
Januar 1996, Seite: 42, Umfang: 0,5 Seiten
Fluorit Telemark, Norwegen, kugelig:
Juni 1996, Seite: 24, Umfang: 3 Seiten
Fluorit Gasteiner Tal, Österreich, 1997:
September 1997, Seite: 41, Umfang: 2 Seiten
Fluorit Moldava, Böhmen, CR:
Oktober 1997, Seite: 25, Umfang: 13 Seiten
Fluorit Laacher See, Eifel, kugelig:
Oktober 1998, Seite: 31, Umfang: 5 Seiten
Fluorit Gr. Teufelsgrund, Münstertal, Schwarzwald:
Oktober 1999, Seite: 28, Umfang: 3 Seiten
Fluorit Zogno, Lombardei, Italien, Riesenkristalle:
März 1999, Seite: 13, Umfang: 5 Seiten
Fluorit Ätzfiguren und Anlösungserscheinungen:
Dezember 2000, Seite: 11, Umfang: 13 Seiten
Fluorit Oberpfalz und Fichtelgebirge, Neufunde:
September 2000, Seite: 31, Umfang: 3,5 Seiten
Fluorit Okorusu, Namibia:
März 2000, Seite: 24, Umfang: 6 Seiten
Fluorit Bösenbrunn, Sächsisches Vogtland, Neufund:
Juli/August 2001, Seite: 67, Umfang: 10 Seiten
Fluorit Gr. Clara, Schwarzwald, XX, Opt. Spat:
Juli/August 2001, Seiten: 28, 55, Umfang: 3 Seiten
Fluorit Indien, Kugelfluorit, mögliche Entstehung:
Juni 2001, Seite: 48, Umfang: 0,5 Seiten |

De vol1 1916 à vol 84 1999
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4 - 1919
Fluorite from Madoc, Ontario T. L. Walker 95
7 -1922
Polarization phenomena of certain fluorites A. L. Parsons 142
10 - 1925
Fluorite from Rochester, New York A. C. Hawkins 34
11 - 1926
Marcasite inclusions in fluorite from the central Kentucky barite-fluorite-calcite
veins William D. Johnston, Jr. 174
18 - 1933
The photo-luminescence of Illinois fluorite and certain zinc minerals
and associated species from the Joplin, Missouri, District E.
Mitchell Gunnell 68
20 - 1935
The occurrence and origin of celestite and fluorite at Clay Center,
Ohio Roger B. Morrison 780
21 - 1936
Silica-fluorite pseudomorphs Joseph Murdoch 18
22 1937
The paragenesis and color of fluorite in the English Pennines
Kingsley C. Dunham 468
27 - 1942
Minor chemical elements in fluorites from Jamestown, Colorado
Joseph M. Bray 769
33 - 1948
Fluorite-rare earth mineral pegmatites of Chaffee and Fremont
Counties, Colorado E. Wm. Heinrich 64
36 - 1951
Detection of fluorite in sands with zirconium-alizarin solution
Robert M. Grogan 780
37 1952
NOS. 7 AND 8,
Hydrothermal uranothorite in fluorite breccias from the Blue Jay
Mine, Jamestown, Boulder County, Colorado George Phair and Kiyoko
Onoda Shimamoto 659
NOS. 11 AND 12,
Variation in chemical and physical properties of fluorite Robert
D. Allen 910
42 - 1957
NOS. 3 AND 4,
Some physical properties of naturally irradiated fluorite Robert
Berman 191
45 - 1960
NOS. 7 AND 8,
Multi-form fluorite from Mexico Paul E. Desautels 884
47 - 1962
NOS. 7 AND 8,
Pegmatites at Ryrs, Sweden-examples of fluorite exomorphism E.
Wm. Heinrich 924
NOS, 9 AND 10,
Experimental pseudomorphs: replacement of calcite by fluorite
E. D. Glover and R. F. Sippel 1156
49 - 1964
NOS. 11 AND 12,
Fluorite from the Badu pegmatite, Llano County, Texas Robert Greenwood
51 - 1966
NOS. 3 AND 4,
Thermoluminescence of fluorite and age of deposition Frank N.
Blanchard 474
52 - 1967
NOS. 3 AND 4,
Thermoluminescence of synthetic fluorite Frank N. Blanchard 371NOS.
7 AND 8,
Origin of coloration in some fluorites H. Bill, J. Sierro, and
R. Lacroix 1003
NOS, 11 AND 12,
Fluorite in crystal-lined vugs in the Maquoketa Shale at Volga,
Clayton County, Iowa C. Ervin Brown 1735
55 - 1970
NOS. 3 AND 4,
The replacement of calcite by fluorite: a kinetic study N. S.
Baer and S. Z. Lewin 466
61 - 1976
November-December 1976
Numbers 11 and 12
Braunite: its structure and relationship to bixbyite, and some
insights on the genealogy of fluorite derivative structures Paul
B. Moore and Takaharu Araki 1226
62 - 1977
January, February 1977
Numbers 1 and 2
A stain test for fluorite
W. E. Sharp, Eric L. Carlson and Irb Kheoruenronme 171 Download
the Scanned PDF
64 - 1979
March, April 1979
Numbers 3 and 4
Magnussonite, manganese arsenite, a fluorite derivative structure
Paul B. Moore and Takaharu Araki 390v Download the Scanned
July, August 1979
Numbers 7 and 8
Armangite, Mn2+26[As3+6(OH)4O14][As3+6O18]2[CO3], a fluorite derivative
Paul B. Moore and Takaharu Araki 748 Download the Scanned PDF
65 - 1980
March, April 1980
Numbers 3 and 4
The use of proton irradiation to reveal growth and deformation
features in fluorite
Ronald W. T. Wilkins and J. R. Bird 374Volume 67 - 1982 Download
the Scanned PDF
November, December 1982
Numbers 11 and 12
Sedimentary pachnolite and fluorite from Tampa Bay, Florida
Sam B. Upchurch, Raymond A. Rea and Rulph G. Stevenson, Jr. 1258
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Rocks & Minerals (79:06); November/December 2004
powered by FreeFind English Fluorite, p. 378 Artist M. Pielsticker,
p ... A penetration-twinned fluorite crystal, 2.5 cm on ... related
articles on fluorite from the Northern Pennines, England
2. Rocks & Minerals (76:04); July/August 2001
Advertising powered by FreeFind Washington fluorite, p. 218 Pike's
Peak topaz, p. 222 Copper ... 2001 FEATURES 218 Green Fluorite
from the Kettle Mine, Ferry County, Washington
3. Rocks & Minerals (80:01); Jan/Feb 2005
Chinese Mimetite, p.24 Chinese fluorite mines, p. 32 Yaogangxian
mine, p. 46 ABOUT THE ... China Guanghua Liu 32 Fluorite from
the Xianghualing Polymetallic Ore Field, Hunan Province
4. Rocks & Minerals (71:03); May/June 1996
Descriptive Mineralogy in Modern Science Allan Pring 164 Colorado
Fluorite Barbara Muntyan 180 Connisseur s Choice: Cavansite, near
Wagholi, Poona District, Maharastra, India Robert
5. Rocks & Minerals (66:02); March/April 1991
136 Milwaukee's Gentlemen Paleontologists Donald G. Mikulic 147
Fluorite from Veins in Diabase near Kingston, New Jersey Warren
Cummings 150 Collections and Displays: The World
6. Rocks & Minerals (78:04); July/August 2003
July/August 2003 FEATURES 220 Large Smoky Quartz and Fluorite
Crystals from the Holy Moses Pocket, Godsend Claim, Lake George,
Colorado Raymond R. Berry, Richard Fretterd 226
7. Rocks & Minerals (78:06); November/December 2003
Rocks & Minerals (78:06) November/December 2003 FEATURES 380
Fluorite from the Blanchard Mine Group, Hansonburg Mining District,
Socorro County, New Mexico Ramon S. DeMark 390
8. Rocks & Minerals (81:02); March/April 2006
Gold in the Canadian Shield David K. Joyce 114 Fluorite Occurrences
in Canada Mark Mauthner, Frank Melanson 121 Mineral Collection
Cataloguing Software Anthony R. Kampf 124 Scovil
9. Rocks & Minerals (73:01); January/February 1998
Swiss Artist (b. 1961) Susan Robinson 54 Connisseur s Choice:
Fluorite on Quartz, Chamonix, Haute-Savoie, France Robert B. Cook
59 Through the Scope: History of the Arthur M. Roe
10. Rocks & Minerals (81:03); May/June 2006
180 Mica group, p. 214 Linarite, p. 208 Weardale fluorite, p.
225 ABOUT THE COVER: Rainbow garnet (andradite), with one polished
face, Kouse mine, Tenkawa, Nara Prefecture, Japan
Rocks & Minerals (65:05); September/October 1990
Joseph Molon 455 Fluorescent Forum: The Many Fluorescences of
Fluorite Manuel Robbins DEPARTMENTS 397 Chips from the Quarry
401 Letters 446 Media Reviews Robert B. Cook, Mike
33, No. 4 July - August 2002
Issue cover: Fluorite on muscovite, Nagar, Hunza Valley, Northern
Areas, Pakistan $12
Vol. 32, No. 2 March - April 2001
Issue cover: Fluorite, Shangbao mine, Hunan, China $12
Mines and Minerals of Peru Vol. 28, No. 4 July - August
Issue cover: Fluorite, Huanzala mine, Dos de Mayo Province, Peru
Illinois-Kentucky Fluorite District Vol. 28, No. 1
January - February 1997
Issue cover: Fluorite, Minerva No. 1 mine near Cave in Rock, Illinois
Out of print
Vol. 25, No. 2 March - April 1994
Issue cover: Fluorite, Dal'negorsk, Primorski Kraj, Russia $12
Vol. 23, No. 3 May - June 1992
Issue cover: Fluorite on quartz, Mont Blanc, Chamonix, France
New Mexico Vol. 20, No. 1 January - February 1989
Issue cover: Fluorite, Pine Canyon deposit, Grant County, New
Mexico $12
Vol. 12, No. 3 May - June 1981
Issue cover: Fluorite on sphalerite, Huanzala, Peru $12
Chinese Fluorite (by Berthold Ottens) 36: 59-68 v. 36, n.
Mineralogy of the Calcite-Fluorite Veins near Long Lake, New York
(by R. Peter Richards & George W. Robinson) 31: 413-422
v. 31, n. 5
Mineral Localities: The Illinois-Kentucky Fluorite District (by
Alan Goldstein) 28: 3-49 v. 28, n. 1
of printFluorite and Associated Minerals from Asturias, Spain
(by Carles Curto Milá & Jordi Fabre Fornaguera) 23:
69-76 v. 23, n. 1
from the Pine Canyon Deposit, Grant County, New Mexico (by Robert
M. North & Ramon S. DeMark) 20: 47-50 v. 20, n. 1
New in Minerals? (Department)
[Mexico] Fluorite; Arkansas Quartz Twin (by Evan Jones) 20:
[Arizona] Wulfenite, Fluorite (by Wendell E. Wilson) 20:
75 v. 20, n. 1
Fluorite Mines of Madoc, Ontario (by Frank Melanson & George
W. Robinson) 13: 87-92 v. 13, n. 2
Octahedral Fluorite from Peru (by Dennis O. Belsher) 13:
29-30 v. 13, n. 1
Fluorite Crystals from Old Chelsea, Quebec (by Joel D. Grice)
12: 103-104 v. 12, n. 2
Interesting Fluorite Crystal from the Black Forest [Germany] (by
Eric Offermann) 10: 125 v. 10, n. 2 1979

minerals in the Xihuashan Y-enriched granitic complex, southern
China: a record of magmatic and hydrothermal stages of evolution
-Ru Cheng Wang, François Fontan, Xiao Ming Chen, Huan Hu,
Chang Shi Liu, Shi Jin Xu, and Philippe de Parseval Volume 41,
number 3, Pages 727-748
BEAUDOIN -The Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 38, pp. 1387-1398 (2000)
Mineralogist Vol. 38, pp. 1457-1466 (2000)
Mineralogist Vol. 38, pp. 81-100 (2000)
minerals of the Penobsquis and Millstream deposits, southern New
Brunswick, Canada -J.D. Grice, R.A. Gault and J. Van Velthuizen
-Pages 1469-1487
dykes at Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania: the fate of natrocarbonatite
-Jörg Keller, Anatoly N. Zaitsev -Pages 857-876
- The Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 38, pp. 67-79 (2000)
-CARLO MARIA GRAMACCIOLI -The Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 38, pp.
1409-1418 (2000)
heterogeneity in fluorite and the genesis of fluorite deposits:
insights from LAICPMS analysis -Joel E. Gagnon, Iain
M. Samson, Brian J. Fryer, and Anthony E. Williams-Jones -Volume
41, number 2, Pages 365-382
on the genesis of yellow fl uorite in hydrothermal baritefl
uorite veins of the Erzgebirge, eastern Germany: evidence from
optical absorption spectroscopy, rare-earth-element data, and
fl uid-inclusion investigations -M. Trinkler, T. Monecke, and
R. Thomas -Pages 883-898
and mineralogy of the Little Nahanni rare-element granitic pegmatites,
Northwest Territories -Lee A. Groat, Thomas Mulja, Mark H.F. Mauthner,
T. Scott Ercit, Mati Raudsepp, Robert A. Gault, and H. Andrew
Rollo -Volume 41, number 1, Pages 139-160
a new hydrated sodium calcium titanosilicate from Mont Saint-Hilaire,
Quebec: description, structure determination and genetic implications
-Andrew M. McDonald, and George Y. Chao - Pages 769-780
from the Bastnäs deposit, Västmanland, Sweden: a new
REE oxyfluoride mineral species -Dan holtstam, Jekabs Grins, and
Per Nysten -Pages 1097-1103
BaB2Si2O8, and pekovite, SrB2Si2O8, new mineral species from the
Dara-i-Pioz alkaline massif, northern Tajikistan: description
and crystal structure -Leonid A. Pautov, Atali A. Agakhanov, Elena
Sokolova and Frank C. Hawthorne Pages 107-119
data on szaibelyite from the type locality, Baita Bihor, Romania
-Stefan Marincea -Volume 39, number 1, 111-127
a new astrophyllite-group mineral from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec,
Canada: description and crystal structure -P.C. Piilonen, A.E.
Lalonde, A.M. McDonald and R.A. Gault -Volume 38, number 3, Pages
Vol. 38, pp. 1075-1101 (2000)
(Na,)2[(Ti4+,Fe3+)4 {Si2 O6}2 {Si3 AlO10} (OH)4] H2O, a new mineral
species from the Khibina alkaline massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia:
description and crystal structure - Alexander P. Khomyakov, Inna
E. Kulikova, Elena Sokolova, Frank C. Hawthorne, and Pavel M.
Kartashov -Volume 41, number 4, Pages 989-1002
a new mineral species from the Sawtooth batholith, Boise County,
Idaho, U.S.A. - Kimberly T. Tait, Frank C. Hawthorne, Joel D.
Grice, John L. Jambor and William W. Pinch -Pages 121-124
behavior of rare-earth and lithophile trace elements in rare-metal
granites: a study of fluorite, melt inclusions and host rocks
from the Khangilay complex, Transbaikalia, Russia -Elena V. Badanina,
Robert B. Trumbull, Peter Dulski, Michael Wiedenbeck, Ilya V.
Veksler, Ludmila F. Syritso Pages 667-692 Volume 44, Number 3,
June 2006
composition and origin of hydrothermal fluids in a NYF-type granitic
pegmatite, South Platte District, Colorado: evidence from LAICPMS
analysis of fluorite- and quartz-hosted fluid inclusions -Joel
E. Gagnon, Iain M. Samson, Brian J. Fryer, and Anthony E. Williams-Jones
-Pages 1331-1355
crystal structure and crystal chemistry of uranosphaerite, Bi(UO2)O2OH
- Karrie-Ann Hughes, Peter C. Burns, and Uwe Kolitsch -Volume
41, number 3, Pages 677-685
mineralogical consequences and behavior of descending acid-sulfate
waters: an example from the Karaha Telaga Bodas geothermal
system, Indonesia -Joseph N. Moore, Bruce W. Christenson, Richard
G. Allis, Patrick R.L. Browne, and Susan J. Lutz -Pages 1483-1499
Vol. 38, pp. 915-936 (2000)

- Gîtes du Puy de Dôme
15 - Mines de Ste Marie aux Mines
- 16 -
- Mines de Fontsante
27 - Les Pyrénnées Atlantiques
- Minéralogie des Maures
- Les Porres
36 -
- Mine Saint Jacques
- 50 -
- Géologie et métallogénie du Japon
52 - Grands sites minéralogiques
- 54 -
à 78 - Cornouaille minéralogique et minière
- Dépôts de Fluorite de l' Argenterolle
- 93 - 97C - 116C -
- Fentes alpines à Fluorite
- 129C -
- Excursion à Rio Tinto
- 131 -
- La mine de Clara en Forêt Noire
177C -
- Mine de fluorine de Foisches - 1986 -
- La mine de Montbelleux
- 244C - 254 - 265 -
- Anciennes mines de plomb, zinc, antimoine et tungsténe
de Bretagne -
- 279
- Mines de Fluorine de Voltennes

Australia, South Australia, Flinders Range, Ediacara Mine 19:28
Australia, Tasmania, Lottah, Anchor Mine 17:15
England, Cornwall, Bugle, North Goonbarrow Pit 14:27
England, Cornwall, Calstock, Hingston Down Quarry 20:4
England, Cornwall, Camborne, South Crofty Mine 19:5
England, Cornwall, Nanpean, Stenna Gwynn Mine 14:26
England, Cornwall, St Dennis, Great Wheal Prosper Quarry 14:26
England, Cornwall, Stenalees, Gunheath Pit 14:28
England, Cumbria, Egremont, Florence Mine 14:35
England, Cumbria, Nenthead, Brownley Hill Mine 12:22
England, Cumbria, Patterdale, Hartsop, Hartsop Hall Mine 11:32
England, Derbyshire, Ashover, Fall Hill Quarry 13:28
England, Derbyshire, Ashover, Gregory Mine 15:28
England, Derbyshire, Ashover, Milltown, Clay Cross Mine 13:31
England, Derbyshire, Ashover, Starrs Wood 13:30
England, Derbyshire, Bonsall Moor 13:31
England, Derbyshire, Bradwell, Mogshaw rake 13:31
England, Derbyshire, Bradwell, Smalldale, Jeffrey Lane 13:31
England, Derbyshire, Castleton, Dirtlow Rake 13:31
England, Derbyshire, Castleton, Dirtlow Rake 13:31
England, Derbyshire, Castleton, Speedwell Mine 11:35
England, Derbyshire, Castleton, Treak Cliff 13:30
England, Derbyshire, Castleton, Treak Cliff 13:31
England, Derbyshire, Castleton, Windy Knoll Quarry 13:31
England, Derbyshire, Crich, Crich Quarry 11:33
England, Derbyshire, Crich, Glory Mine 13:31
England, Derbyshire, Cromford, Ball Eye Mine 13:31
England, Derbyshire, Cromford, Ball Eye Mine 13:31
England, Derbyshire, Darley Dale, Millclose Mine 13:31
England, Derbyshire, Eyam, Ladywash Mine 11:33
England, Derbyshire, Lathkill Dale, Raper opencast 13:31
England, Derbyshire, Longstone Edge 13:31
England, Derbyshire, Longstone, Watersaw Rake 13:28
England, Derbyshire, Matlock, Masson Hill Mines 13:30
England, Derbyshire, Matlock, Masson Hill Mines 13:31
England, Derbyshire, Monsal Dale, Putwell Hill Mine 13:31
England, Derbyshire, Monyash, Ricklow Quarry 13:31
England, Durham, Stanhope, West Pastures Mine 12:27
England, Durham, Weardale, Fraser's Hush Mine 19:5
England, North Yorkshire, Greenhow, Coldstones Quarry 19:5
England, North Yorkshire, Gunnerside Gill, Bunting Level 12:19
England, North Yorkshire, Gunnerside Gill, Priscilla Level 12:18
England, North Yorkshire, Gunnerside Gill, Sir Francis Level 12:16
England, North Yorkshire, Gunnerside Gill, Sun Hush Level 12:18
England, Northumberland, Allenheads, St Peter's Mine 17:4
England, Northumberland, Allenheads, St Peters Mine 18:4
England, Staffordshire, Ecton Hill Mines 13:31
England, Weardale, Fraser's Hush Mine 12:30
England, Weardale, Frosterley, Rogerley Mine 16:12
England, Weardale, Frosterley, Rogerley Mine 20:4
France, Aveyron, Valzergeus Mine 16:12
Ireland, Co. Dublin, Dublin area 12:38
Ireland, Co. Galway, Inverin (or Inveran) Mine 11:42
Ireland, Co. Galway, Oughterand, Glengowla Mine 11:42
Ireland, Co. Galway, Toombeola 11:45
Ireland, Co. Sligo, Ballysadare, Abbeytown Mine 11:45
Peru, Huagon 16:10
Scotland, Grampian, Ballater, Glen Gairn, Abergairn Mine 11:37
Scotland, Highland, Isle of Skye, The Cuillins 20:4
Spain, Asturias, Caravia, Emilio Mine 16:10
Spain, Asturias, La Collada, La Viesca, Geoda del Regueria 14:37
Spain, Murcia, Portman, Terasita Mine 16:10

Record - 2
TI: Walk-off near optic axes of spatially dispersive media of
fluorite symmetry: the case of conical points
AU: Dettwiller, L.
JN: Journal of Modern Optics
PD: May 2007
VO: 54
NO: 8
PG: 1173-1185(13)
PB: Taylor and Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/09500340601124726
IS: 0950-0340
Record - 3
TI: Controls on the genesis of a high-fluoride thermal spring:
Innot Hot Springs, north Queensland
AU: Lottermoser, B. G.; Cleverley, J. S.
JN: Australian Journal of Earth Sciences
PD: June 2007
VO: 54
NO: 4
PG: 597-607(11)
PB: Taylor and Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/08120090701188988
IS: 0812-0099
Record - 5
TI: Column flotation of high grade fluorite without wash water
AU: Aliaga, W.; Sampaio, C.H.; Brum, I.A.S.; Ferreira, K.R.S.;
Batistella, M.A.
JN: Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy : IMM Transactions
section C
PD: December 2007
VO: 116
NO: 4
PG: 251-256(6)
PB: Maney Publishing
DOI: 10.1179/174328507X198654
IS: 0371-9553
Record - 16
TI: On dynamic characteristics of welding aerosol from fluorite
AU: Yang, S.B.; Pan, C.X.
JN: Science and Technology of Welding Joining
PD: August 2007
VO: 12
NO: 6
PG: 487-489(3)
PB: Maney Publishing
DOI: 10.1179/174329307X213648
IS: 1362-1718
Record - 4
TI: Modeling of formula types of fluorite-like isomorphism products
in MF2-RF3 systems
AU: Korsun, V.; Kotova, I.; Korsun, O.
JN: Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
PD: April 2007
VO: 52
NO: 4
PG: 613-620(8)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/S0036023607040250
IS: 0036-0236
Record - 5
TI: REE distribution between fluorite and ore-forming fluid based
on results of thermodynamic modeling
AU: Kolonin, G.; Shironosova, G.
JN: Doklady Earth Sciences
PD: June 2007
VO: 414
NO: 4
PG: 661-665(5)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/S1028334X0704037X
IS: 1028-334X
Record - 6
TI: A comparison between fluorite mineralizations in the central
Anatolian Massif: Trace-element contents
AU: Koc,; Ozahin, N.; Rencber, A.; Ozmen, O.
JN: Geochemistry International
PD: May 2007
VO: 45
NO: 5
PG: 509-517(9)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/S0016702907050096
IS: 0016-7029
- 8
TI: Mechanism of nanostructuring in fluorite-like Ca1 x La x F2
+ x
AU: Maksimov, S.; Maksimov, K.
JN: Inorganic Materials
PD: May 2007
VO: 43
NO: 5
PG: 551-556(6)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/S0020168507050202
IS: 0020-1685
Record - 14
TI: Energetics of Defect Fluorite and Pyrochlore Phases in Lanthanum
and Gadolinium Hafnates
AU: Ushakov, Sergey V.; Navrotsky, Alexandra; Tangeman, Jean A.;
Helean, Katheryn B.
JN: Journal of the American Ceramic Society
PD: April 2007
VO: 90
NO: 4
PG: 1171-1176(6)
PB: Blackwell Publishing
DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2007.01592.x
IS: 0002-7820
- 18
TI: The Sweet Home rhodochrosite specimen mine, Alma District,
Central Colorado: the porphyry molybdenumfluorine connection
AU: Bartos, Paul; Nelson, Eric; Misantoni, Dean
JN: Mineralium Deposita
PD: February 2007
VO: 42
NO: 3
PG: 235-250(16)
PB: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/s00126-006-0103-5
IS: 0026-4598
- 4
TI: REE geochemistry and fluid-inclusion studies of fluorite deposits
from the Yaylagozu area (Yildizeli-Sivas) in Central Turkey
AU: Sasmaz, Ahmet; Yavuz, Fuat
JN: Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie - Abhandlungen
PD: February 2007
VO: 183
NO: 2
PG: 215-226(12)
PB: E. Schweizerbart Science Publishers
DOI: 10.1127/0077-7757/2007/0077
IS: 0077-7757
Record - 9
TI: Direct evidence of fluid mixing in the formation of stratabound
PbZnBaF mineralisation in the Alston Block, North Pennine Orefield
AU: Bouch, Jon; Naden, Jonathan; Shepherd, Thomas; McKervey, John;
Young, Brian; Benham, Antony; Sloane, Hilary
JN: Mineralium Deposita
PD: December 2006
VO: 41
NO: 8
PG: 821-835(15)
PB: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/s00126-006-0093-3
IS: 0026-4598
- 18
TI: Development of a technology for sulfuric acid breakdown of
a bertrandite-phenacite-fluorite flotation concentrate
AU: Samoilov, V.
JN: Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry
PD: June 2006
VO: 79
NO: 6
PG: 877-883(7)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/S1070427206060024
IS: 1070-4272
- 20
TI: Role of Point Defects in the Physical Properties of Fluorite
AU: Duncan, Keith L.; Wang, Yanli; Bishop, Sean R.; Ebrahimi,
Fereshteh; Wachsman, Eric D.
JN: Journal of the American Ceramic Society
PD: October 2006
VO: 89
NO: 10
PG: 3162-3166(5)
PB: Blackwell Publishing
DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2006.01193.x
IS: 0002-7820
Record - 3
TI: Enrichment of ElazigKeban fluorite by flotation method
AU: Ayhan, F.D.; Bozdogan, M.; Temel, H.A.
JN: Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy : IMM Transactions
section C
PD: June 2006
VO: 115
NO: 2
PG: 113-116(4)
PB: Maney Publishing
DOI: 10.1179/174328506X109004
IS: 0371-9553
Record - 4
AU: Jin, Zhijun; Zhu, Dongya; Zhang, Xuefeng; Hu, Wenxuan; Song,
JN: Journal of Petroleum Geology
PD: January 2006
VO: 29
NO: 1
PG: 27-40(14)
PB: Blackwell Publishing
DOI: 10.1111/j.1747-5457.2006.00027.x
IS: 0141-6421
- 8
TI: Correlation effects for cation diffusion via vacancy-pairs
in fluorite-related oxides
AU: Belova, I. V.; Samuelis, D.; Martin, M.; Murch, G. E.
JN: Philosophical Magazine
PD: 11 August 2006
VO: 86
NO: 23
PG: 3559-3567(9)
PB: Taylor and Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/14786430600669808
IS: 1478-6435
Record - 9
TI: Features of solid solution formation with a fluorite type
structure in the system ZrO2-HfO2-Y2O3 with different synthesis
AU: Lopato, L.; Shevchenko, A.; Redko, V.; Pasichnyi, V.
JN: Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics
PD: January 2006
VO: 45
NO: 1-2
PG: 1-7(7)
PB: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/s11106-006-0034-9
IS: 1068-1302
Record - 10
TI: Experimental Study of Dissolution Rates of Fluorite in HClH2O
AU: Zhang, Ronghua; Hu, Shumin; Zhang, Xuetong
JN: Aquatic Geochemistry
PD: April 2006
VO: 12
NO: 2
PG: 123-159(37)
PB: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/s10498-005-3658-3
IS: 1380-6165
Record - 11
TI: Sylvite and fluorite microcrysts, and fluorite-nyerereite
intergrowths from natrocarbonatite, Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania
AU: Mitchell, R.H.
JN: Mineralogical Magazine
PD: February 2006
VO: 70
NO: 1
PG: 103-114(12)
PB: Mineralogical Society
DOI: 10.1180/0026461067010316
IS: 0026-461X
- 13
TI: Electronic band structure and stability of fluorite-like phases
in the Mg-Sn-B system
AU: Shein, I.; Ivanovskii, A.
JN: Inorganic Materials
PD: January 2006
VO: 42
NO: 1
PG: 7-13(7)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/S0020168506010031
IS: 0020-1685
Record - 14
TI: Anomalously high fracture toughness of polycrystalline optical
fluorite from the suran deposit (South Urals)
AU: Akchurin, M.; Ganutdinov, R.; Smolyanski, P.; Fedorov, P.
JN: Doklady Physics
PD: January 2006
VO: 51
NO: 1
PG: 10-12(3)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/S1028335806010034
IS: 1028-3358
Record - 16
TI: Granitic Rocks of the Rio dos Bugres Mine: Host Rocks of Fluorite
Deposits in Southernmost Brazil
AU: Flores, J.A.; Nardi, L.V.S.; Formoso, M.L.L.; Meunier, A.;
Pascal, M.L.; Fonteilles, M.; Ferreira, A.C.
JN: International Geology Review
PD: January 2006
VO: 48
NO: 1
PG: 63-77(15)
PB: Bellwether Publishing
IS: 0020-6814
Record - 17
TI: Synthesis and Characterization of Fluorite-Like Ce-Zr-Y-La-O
AU: Turko, G.; Ivanova, A.; Plyasova, L.; Litvak, G.; Rogov, V.
JN: Kinetics and Catalysis
PD: November 2006
VO: 46
NO: 6
PG: 884-890(7)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1007/s10975-005-0152-2
IS: 0023-1584
- 19
TI: Mechanochemical synthesis of nonstoichiometric fluorite Ca1x
LaxF2+x nanocrystals from CaF2 and LaF3 single crystals
AU: Sobolev, B.; Sviridov, I.; Fadeeva, V.; Sulyanov, S.; Sorokin,
N.; Zhmurova, Z.; Herrero, P.; Landa-Canovas, A.; Rojas, R.
JN: Crystallography Reports
PD: May 2005
VO: 50
NO: 3
PG: 478-485(8)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/1.1927613
IS: 1063-7745
- 2
TI: Crystal fields of hexameric rare-earth clusters in fluorites
AU: Nikiforov, A.; Zakharov, A.; Ugryumov, M.; Kazanskii, S.;
Ryskin, A.; Shakurov, G.
JN: Physics of the Solid State
PD: August 2005
VO: 47
NO: 8
PG: 1431-1435(5)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/1.2014482
IS: 1063-7834
Record - 3
TI: Paramagnetic resonance of Gd3+ ions in nonstoichiometric fluorite
R x M 1x F2+x (R = Y, Gd; M = Ca, Cd)
AU: Vazhenin, V.; Potapov, A.; Gorlov, A.; Nikiforov, A.; Kazanskii,
S.; Ryskin, A.
JN: Physics of the Solid State
PD: August 2005
VO: 47
NO: 8
PG: 1450-1453(4)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/1.2014487
IS: 1063-7834
- 5
TI: Synthesis and Characterization of Fluorite-Like Ce-Zr-Y-La-O
AU: Turko, G.; Ivanova, A.; Plyasova, L.; Litvak, G.; Rogov, V.
JN: Kinetics and Catalysis
PD: November 2005
VO: 46
NO: 6
PG: 884-890(7)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1007/s10975-005-0152-2
IS: 0023-1584
- 7
TI: Determination of Uranium and Thorium in Zircon, Apatite, and
Fluorite: Application to Laser (U-Th)/He Thermochronology
AU: Evans, N.; Byrne, J.; Keegan, J.; Dotter, L.
JN: Journal of Analytical Chemistry
PD: December 2005
VO: 60
NO: 12
PG: 1159-1165(7)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1007/s10809-005-0260-1
IS: 1061-9348
- 12
TI: Current Production Processes on Metallic Electrodes in Contact
with Oxygen-Conducting Solid Electrolytes with Face-Centered Cubic
Lattice of the Fluorite Type
AU: Shkerin, S.
JN: Russian Journal of Electrochemistry
PD: July 2005
VO: 41
NO: 7
PG: 697-712(16)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1007/s11175-005-0128-6
IS: 1023-1935
- 14
TI: Rare-Earth Containing Nanocrystal Precipitation and Up-conversion
Luminescence in Oxyfluoride Glasses
AU: Qiu, Jianbei; Makishima, Akio
JN: Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
PD: September 2005
VO: 5
NO: 9
PG: 1541-1545(5)
PB: American Scientific Publishers
DOI: 10.1166/jnn.2005.317
IS: 1533-4880
- 4
TI: A km-scale illite alteration zone in sedimentary wall rocks
adjacent to a hydrothermal fluorite vein deposit
AU: Brockamp, O.; Clauer, N.
JN: Clay Minerals
PD: June 2005
VO: 40
NO: 2
PG: 245-260(16)
PB: Mineralogical Society
DOI: 10.1180/0009855054020170
IS: 0009-8558
- 10
TI: Nanoscale structures on ultra-precision machined fluorite
AU: Gritschneder, S.; Namba, Y.; Reichling, M.
JN: Nanotechnology
PD: June 2005
VO: 16
NO: 6
PG: 883-887(5)
PB: Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/16/6/044
IS: 0957-4484
Record - 11
TI: Synthesis of cubic fluorite CeO2 nanowires
AU: Yang, Ru; Guo, Liang
JN: Journal of Materials Science
PD: March 2005
VO: 40
NO: 5
PG: 1305-1307(3)
PB: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/s10853-005-6958-5
IS: 0022-2461
Record - 15
TI: Nature and genesis of a carbonatite-associated fluorite deposit
at Speewah, East Kimberley region, Western Australia
AU: Alvin, M. P.; Dunphy, J. M.; Groves, D. I.
JN: Mineralogy and Petrology
PD: March 2004
VO: 80
NO: 3-4
PG: 127-153(27)
PB: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/s00710-003-0015-3
IS: 0930-0708
Record - 16
TI: The giant Vergenoeg fluorite deposit in a magnetitefluoritefayalite
REE pipe: a hydrothermally-altered carbonatite-related pegmatoid?
AU: Goff, B. H.; Weinberg, R.; Groves, D. I.; Vielreicher, N.
M.; Fourie, P. J.
JN: Mineralogy and Petrology
PD: March 2004
VO: 80
NO: 3-4
PG: 173-199(27)
PB: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/s00710-003-0012-6
IS: 0930-0708
Record - 17
TI: Fluorite stability in silicic magmas
AU: Scaillet, B.; Macdonald, R.
JN: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
PD: May 2004
VO: 147
NO: 3
PG: 319-329(11)
PB: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/s00410-004-0559-1
IS: 0010-7999
Record - 18
TI: Study of the fluoritepyrochlorefluorite phase transitions
in Ln2Ti2O7 (Ln=Lu, Yb, Tm)
AU: Shlyakhtina, A.; Shcherbakova, L.; Knotko, A.; Steblevskii,
JN: Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry
PD: August 2004
VO: 8
NO: 9
PG: 661-667(7)
PB: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/s10008-003-0491-8
IS: 1432-8488
Record - 19
TI: Mechanochemical synthesis, structure, and properties of nanocrystalline
metastable perovskites and fluorites for catalytic membrane reactors
AU: Zyryanov, V.; Uvarov, N.; Sadykov, V.; Alikina, G.; Ivashkevich,
L.; Ivanovskaya, M.; Neophytides, S.
JN: Journal of Structural Chemistry
PD: January 2004
VO: 45
NO: Supplement 1
PG: S127-S132(1)
PB: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/s10947-006-0107-0
IS: 0022-4766
Record - 4
TI: Hyperfine Interactions in Pb3+F 8 F a clusters in fluorite
AU: Muravev, V.
JN: Physics of the Solid State
PD: May 2004
VO: 46
NO: 5
PG: 853-857(5)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/1.1744960
IS: 1063-7834
- 12
TI: Mechanochemical Synthesis and Electrical Conductivity of Bi1.6M0.4O3
- x (M = Ca, Ca0.5Sr0.5 , In, Y, La) Metastable Fluorite Solid
AU: V. V. Zyryanov; N. F. Uvarov
JN: Inorganic Materials
PD: July 2004
VO: 40
NO: 7
PG: 729-734(6)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1023/B:INMA.0000034772.51569.ac
IS: 0020-1685
Record - 17
TI: Stability of fluorite and titanite in a calc-silicate rock
from the Vizianagaram area, Eastern Ghats Belt, India
AU: Sengupta P.; Raith M.M.; Datta A.
JN: Journal of Metamorphic Geology
PD: May 2004
VO: 22
NO: 4
PG: 345-359(15)
PB: Blackwell Publishing
DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-1314.2004.00518.x
IS: 0263-4929
- 3
TI: Structural properties of the fluorite- and pyrochlore-type
compounds in the Gd2O3-ZrO2 system xGdO1.5-(1-x)ZrO2 with 0.18=<x=<0.62
AU: Wang J.; Nakamura A.; Takeda M.
JN: Solid State Ionics
PD: November 2003
VO: 164
NO: 3
PG: 185-191(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.ssi.2003.09.003
IS: 0167-2738
- 13
TI: Formation of a fluorite phase in SrBi2Nb2O9-Li2B4O7 glasses
AU: Park H.W.; Kim S.J.; Lee S.J.; Choi H.W.; Song C.H.; Yang
JN: Physics and Chemistry of Glasses
PD: 1 April 2003
VO: 44
NO: 2
PG: 97-99(3)
PB: Society of Glass Technology
IS: 0031-9090
Record - 1
TI: Fluorite M1 x R xF2 + x phases (M = Ca, Sr, Ba; R = rare earth
elements) as nanostructured materials
AU: Sobolev, B.; Golubev, A.; Herrero, P.
JN: Crystallography Reports
PD: January 2003
VO: 48
NO: 1
PG: 141-161(21)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/1.1541755
IS: 1063-7745
Record - 5
TI: Sm-Nd fluorite dating of Proterozoic low-sulfidation epithermal
Au-Ag deposits and U-Pb zircon dating of host rocks at Mallery
Lake, Nunavut, Canada
AU: Turner W.A.; Heaman L.M.; Creaser R.A.
JN: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
PD: 1 December 2003
VO: 40
NO: 12
PG: 1789-1804(16)
PB: NRC Research Press
IS: 0008-4077
Record - 9
TI: Fluid-rock interaction during progressive migration of carbonatitic
fluids, derived from small-scale trace element and Sr, Pb isotope
distribution in hydrothermal fluorite
AU: Buhn B.; Schneider J.; Dulski P.; Rankin A.H.
JN: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
PD: 1 December 2003
VO: 67
NO: 23
PG: 4577-4595(19)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0016-7037(03)00392-2
IS: 0016-7037
Record - 10
TI: Correlation of crystal structures with electric field gradients
in the fluorite- and pyrochlore-type compounds in the Gd2O3-ZrO2
AU: Wang J.; Otobe H.; Nakamura A.; Takeda M.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: 15 November 2003
VO: 176
NO: 1
PG: 105-110(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0022-4596(03)00353-0
IS: 0022-4596
- 13
TI: Structural properties of the fluorite- and pyrochlore-type
compounds in the Gd2O3-ZrO2 system xGdO1.5-(1-x)ZrO2 with 0.18=<x=<0.62
AU: Wang J.; Nakamura A.; Takeda M.
JN: Solid State Ionics
PD: November 2003
VO: 164
NO: 3
PG: 185-191(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.ssi.2003.09.003
IS: 0167-2738
Record - 23
TI: Formation of a fluorite phase in SrBi2Nb2O9-Li2B4O7 glasses
AU: Park H.W.; Kim S.J.; Lee S.J.; Choi H.W.; Song C.H.; Yang
JN: Physics and Chemistry of Glasses
PD: 1 April 2003
VO: 44
NO: 2
PG: 97-99(3)
PB: Society of Glass Technology
IS: 0031-9090
- 33
JN: International Journal of High Pressure Research
PD: Numbers 1-2/March-June 2003
VO: 23
NO: 1-2
PG: 155-160(6)
PB: Taylor and Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/0895795031000147777
IS: 0895-7959
- 42
TI: Beneficiation of fluorite by flotation in a new chemical scheme
AU: Zhang Y.; Song S.
JN: Minerals Engineering
PD: July 2003
VO: 16
NO: 7
PG: 597-600(4)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0892-6875(03)00136-5
IS: 0892-6875
- 45
TI: Electronic Band Structure of the Fluorite-like Borides AlBeB,
MgBeB, and NaBeB
AU: Shein I.R.; Ivanovskii A.L.
JN: Inorganic Materials
PD: July 2003
VO: 39
NO: 7
PG: 694-695(2)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
IS: 0020-1685
Record - 1
TI: Structural phase stability of CaF2 and SrF2 under pressure
AU: Kanchana V.; Vaitheeswaran G.; Rajagopalan M.
JN: Physica B
PD: May 2003
VO: 328
NO: 3
PG: 283-290(8)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0921-4526(02)01851-3
IS: 0921-4526
- 5
TI: Geochemie des Fluoritvorkommens von Feke (Adana-Turkei) im
Osten des Taurusgebirges: Geochemistry of fluorite occurrence
from Feke (Adana-Turkey) in the East Taurid Mountains
AU: Uras Y.; Oner F.; Yaman S.
JN: Chemie der Erde/Geochemistry
PD: March 2003
VO: 63
NO: 1
PG: 55-62(8)
PB: Urban & Fischer
DOI: 10.1078/0009-2819-00022
IS: 0009-2819
Record - 6
TI: Reconstruction of palaeo-burial history and pore fluid pressure
in foothill areas: a sensitivity test in the Hammam Zriba (Tunisia)
and Koh-i-Maran (Pakistan) ore deposits
AU: Benchilla L.; Guilhaumou N.; Mougin P.; Jaswal T.; Roure F.
JN: Geofluids
PD: May 2003
VO: 3
NO: 2
PG: 103-123(21)
PB: Blackwell Publishing
DOI: 10.1046/j.1468-8123.2003.00053.x
IS: 1468-8115
Record - 7
TI: Spatial distribution of europium chloride precipitates in
NaCl : Eu2+ crystals as determined by epifluorescence optical
AU: Cordero-Borboa A.E.; JimEnez-GarcIa L.F.
JN: Philosophical Magazine Letters
PD: 2003
VO: 83
NO: 4
PG: 241-253(13)
PB: Taylor and Francis Ltd
IS: 0950-0839
Record - 8
TI: Structures and ionic conductivities in two fluorite type families:
Pb5Bi17X5O43 and Pb5Bi18X4O42 (X=P, V and As)
AU: Giraud S.; Obbade S.; Suard E.; Steinfink H.; Wignacourt J.-P.
JN: Solid State Sciences
PD: February 2003
VO: 5
NO: 2
PG: 335-341(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1293-2558(02)00018-3
IS: 1293-2558
Record - 9
TI: Raman spectroscopic investigation of the single-monolayer
Langmuir-Blodgett film of C16NaphOH and C10AzoNaphC4N-SDS
AU: Wu Y.; Zhao B.; Xu W.; Li G.; Li B.
JN: Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
PD: April 2003
VO: 59
NO: 6
PG: 1171-1176(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1386-1425(02)00297-4
IS: 1386-1425
Record - 10
TI: The order-disorder transition in ion-irradiated pyrochlore
AU: Lian J.; Wang L.; Chen J.; Sun K.; Ewing R.C.; Matt Farmer
J.; Boatner L.A.
JN: Acta Materialia
PD: 14 March 2003
VO: 51
NO: 5
PG: 1493-1502(10)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1359-6454(02)00544-X
IS: 1359-6454
Record - 11
TI: Geology, mineralogy and fluid inclusion data of the Kizilcaoren
fluorite-barite-REE deposit, Eskisehir, Turkey
AU: Gultekin A.H.; Orgun Y.; Suner F.
JN: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
PD: January 2003
VO: 21
NO: 4
PG: 365-376(12)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1367-9120(02)00019-6
IS: 1367-9120
Record - 12
TI: Hydrogen permeability in (CeO2)0.9(GdO1.5)0.1 at high temperatures
AU: Nigara Y.; Yashiro K.; Kawada T.; Mizusaki J.
JN: Solid State Ionics
PD: March 2003
VO: 159
NO: 1
PG: 135-141(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-2738(02)00919-0
IS: 0167-2738
Record - 13
TI: Electrical conductivity anomaly around fluorite-pyrochlore
phase boundary
AU: Yamamura H.; Nishino H.; Kakinuma K.; Nomura K.
JN: Solid State Ionics
PD: March 2003
VO: 158
NO: 3
PG: 359-365(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-2738(02)00874-3
IS: 0167-2738
Record - 14
TI: Fluid evolution in the Pedra Preta wolframite ore deposit,
Paleoproterozoic Musa granite, eastern Amazon craton, Brazil
AU: Rios F.J.; Villas R.N.; Fuzikawa K.
JN: Journal of South American Earth Sciences
PD: January 2003
VO: 15
NO: 7
PG: 787-802(16)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0895-9811(02)00128-1
IS: 0895-9811
Record - 15
TI: Calibration of methane analysis by Raman spectroscopy in H2O-NaCl-CH4
fluid inclusions
AU: Guillaume D.; Teinturier S.; Dubessy J.; Pironon J.
JN: Chemical Geology
PD: 15 March 2003
VO: 194
NO: 1
PG: 41-49(9)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2541(02)00270-X
IS: 0009-2541
Record - 16
TI: Origin, timing, and temperature of secondary calcite-silica
mineral formation at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
AU: Wilson N.S.F.; Cline J.S.; Amelin Y.V.
JN: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
PD: 15 March 2003
VO: 67
NO: 6
PG: 1145-1184(40)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0016-7037(02)01205-X
IS: 0016-7037
Record - 17
TI: Polymorphism of Bi1-xLnxO1.5 phases (0<x<0.40) - Characterization
of a new compound Bi4Ln2O9 (x=0.33; Ln=La, Pr, Nd)
AU: Drache M.; Huve M.; Roussel P.; Conflant P.
JN: Materials Research Bulletin
PD: 1 January 2003
VO: 38
NO: 1
PG: 113-124(12)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0025-5408(02)00984-4
IS: 0025-5408
Record - 18
TI: Synthesis of nanosized Ce0.75Zr0.25O2 porous powders via an
autoignition: glycine nitrate process
AU: Potdar H.S.; Deshpande S.B.; Khollam Y.B.; Deshpande A.S.;
Date S.K.
JN: Materials Letters
PD: January 2003
VO: 57
NO: 5
PG: 1066-1071(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-577X(02)00932-1
IS: 0167-577X
Record - 19
TI: Effects of Dy substitution for Ce on transport properties
of (Pb2Cu)Sr2DyxCen-x-deltaCu2O2n+6 (n=5,6) epitaxial films
AU: Ikegawa S.; Nakayama K.; Arai M.
JN: Physica C
PD: 15 January 2003
VO: 384
NO: 1
PG: 61-70(10)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0921-4534(02)01985-8
IS: 0921-4534
Record - 20
TI: Crystallization study of (TiO2, ZrO2)-rich SiO2-Al2O3-CaO
glasses Part II Surface and internal crystallization processes
investigated by differential thermal analysis (DTA)
AU: Loiseau P.; Caurant D.; Majerus O.; Baffier N.; Fillet C.
JN: Journal of Materials Science
PD: 15 February 2003
VO: 38
NO: 4
PG: 853-864(12)
PB: Springer
IS: 0022-2461
Record - 21
TI: Metal Contamination of Active Stream Sediments in Upper Weardale,
Northern Pennine Orefield, UK
AU: Lord R.A.; Morgan P.A.
JN: Environmental Geochemistry and Health
PD: 2003
VO: 25
NO: 1
PG: 95-104(10)
PB: Springer
IS: 0269-4042
Record - 22
TI: Recurrent hydrothermal activity induced by successive extensional
episodes: the case of the Berta F-(Pb-Zn) vein system (NE Spain)
AU: Cardellach E.; Canals A.; Grandia F.
JN: Ore Geology Reviews
PD: January 2003
VO: 22
NO: 1
PG: 133-141(9)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0169-1368(02)00112-9
IS: 0169-1368
Record - 23
TI: Fluorite-related phases in the Bi2O3-SO3 system
AU: Smirnov V.I.; Ponomareva V.G.; Yukhin Y.M.; Uvarov N.F.
JN: Solid State Ionics
PD: January 2003
VO: 156
NO: 1
PG: 79-84(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-2738(02)00418-6
IS: 0167-2738
Record - 24
TI: Sintering behavior and electrical conductivity of Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95
powder prepared by the gel-casting process
AU: Cheng J.-G.; Zha S.-W.; Huang J.; Liu X.-Q.; Meng G.-Y.
JN: Materials Chemistry and Physics
PD: 28 February 2003
VO: 78
NO: 3
PG: 791-795(5)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0254-0584(02)00384-X
IS: 0254-0584
Record - 25
TI: Geochemical controls on ground water composition at the Cripple
Creek Mining District, Cripple Creek, Colorado
AU: Eary L.E.; Runnells D.D.; Esposito K.J.
JN: Applied Geochemistry
PD: January 2003
VO: 18
NO: 1
PG: 1-24(24)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0883-2927(02)00049-5
IS: 0883-2927
Record - 26
TI: Calcite and fluorite as catalyst for the Knovenagel condensation
of malononitrile and methyl cyanoacetate under solvent-free conditions
AU: Wada S.; Suzuki H.
JN: Tetrahedron Letters
PD: 6 January 2003
VO: 44
NO: 2
PG: 399-401(3)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0040-4039(02)02431-0
IS: 0040-4039
Record - 27
TI: Method for estimating local lattice distortions near a magnetic
ion based on the parameters of the ligand hyperfine interaction:
Ce3+ in the fluorite homologous series
AU: Gavasheli, Ts.; Daraseliya, D.; Dzhaparidze, D.; Mirianashvili,
R.; Romelashvili, O.; Sanadze, T.
JN: Physics of the Solid State
PD: October 2002
VO: 44
NO: 10
PG: 1880-1884(5)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/1.1514776
IS: 1063-7834
Record - 28
TI: Electronic structure of FeSi2
AU: Kurganskii, S.; Pereslavtseva, N.
JN: Physics of the Solid State
PD: April 2002
VO: 44
NO: 4
PG: 704-708(5)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/1.1470562
IS: 1063-7834
Record - 29
TI: Clusters of group-III ions in activated fluorite-type crystals
AU: Kazanskii, S.; Ryskin, A.
JN: Physics of the Solid State
PD: August 2002
VO: 44
NO: 8
PG: 1415-1425(11)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/1.1501330
IS: 1063-7834
Record - 30
TI: The influence of local distortions on the static and dynamic
properties of copper and silver eightfold-coordinated Jahn-Teller
complexes in mixed crystals with a fluorite-type structure
AU: Ulanov, V.; Zaripov, M.; Zheglov, E.
JN: Physics of the Solid State
PD: August 2002
VO: 44
NO: 8
PG: 1471-1479(9)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/1.1501340
IS: 1063-7834
Record - 31
TI: Optical properties and electronic structure of fluorite and
AU: Sobolev, V.; Kalugin, A.; Smirnov, S.
JN: Physics of the Solid State
PD: May 2002
VO: 44
NO: 5
PG: 870-879(10)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/1.1477486
IS: 1063-7834
Record - 32
TI: Modulation in the murataite structure
AU: Karimova, O.; Organova, N.; Balakirev, V.
JN: Crystallography Reports
PD: November 2002
VO: 47
NO: 6
PG: 957-960(4)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/1.1523540
IS: 1063-7745
Record - 33
TI: The Ba1-x R x F2 + x (R= Gd-Lu) phases with the distorted
fluorite structure as products of crystallization of incongruent
melts in BaF2-RF3 systems. II. Crystal structures of two new forms
of Ba1-x YbxF2 +x fluorite phases and some features of the anionic
packing and the cation distribution
AU: Maksimov, B.; Gubina, Yu.; Belokoneva, E.; Molchanov, V.;
Grigor'eva, N.; Vigdorchik, A.; Krivandina, E.; Sobolev, B.
JN: Crystallography Reports
PD: May 2002
VO: 47
NO: 3
PG: 372-378(7)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/1.1481918
IS: 1063-7745
Record - 34
TI: Chemical aspects of crystal growth of multicomponent fluoride
materials from the melt
AU: Sobolev, B.
JN: Crystallography Reports
PD: January 2002
VO: 47
NO: Supplement 1
PG: S63-S75(1)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/1.1529960
IS: 1063-7745
Record - 35
TI: Ba1 xRxF2 + x phases (R = Gd-Lu) with distorted fluorite-type
structure products of crystallization of incongruent melts in
the BaF2-RF3 systems. I. Ba0.75 R 0.25F2.25 crystals (Synthesis
and some characteristics)
AU: Sobolev, B.; Golubev, A.; Krivandina, E.; Marychev, M.; Chuprunov,
E.; Alcobe, X.; Gali, S.; Pascual, L.; Rojas, R.-M.; Herrero,
JN: Crystallography Reports
PD: March 2002
VO: 47
NO: 2
PG: 201-212(12)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/1.1466493
IS: 1063-7745
Record - 36
TI: Modelling oxide thin films
AU: Sayle D.C.; Catlow C.R.A.; Dulamita N.; Healy M.J.F.; Maicaneanu
S.A.; Slater B.; Watson G.W.
JN: Molecular Simulation
PD: 1 January 2002
VO: 28
NO: 6
PG: 683-725(43)
PB: Taylor and Francis Ltd
IS: 0892-7022
Record - 37
TI: Phase Relation and Dielectric Properties of Bi2O3-ZnO-Nb2O5-Based
AU: Kim J.S.; Cheon C-I.; Nahm S.
JN: Ferroelectrics
PD: 1 January 2002
VO: 272
NO: 1
PG: 273-278(6)
PB: Taylor and Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/001501902320327249
IS: 0015-0193
Record - 38
TI: Pressure-Induced Enhancement of the Photoluminescence in Ca1xSrxF2:Mn2+
AU: Rodriguez F.; Hernandez I.; Gutierrez R.E.; Garcia-Revilla
S.; Moreno M.; Alcala R.
JN: International Journal of High Pressure Research
PD: 1 January 2002
VO: 22
NO: 1
PG: 115-119(5)
PB: Taylor and Francis Ltd
IS: 0895-7959
Record - 39
TI: Phase Relations and EOS of ZrO2 and HfO2 Under High-temperature
and High-pressure
AU: Ohtaka O.; Fukui H.; Funakoshi K.; Utsumi W.; Irifune T.;
Kikegawa T.
JN: International Journal of High Pressure Research
PD: 1 January 2002
VO: 22
NO: 1
PG: 221-226(6)
PB: Taylor and Francis Ltd
IS: 0895-7959
Record - 40
TI: Effect of Preparation Method and Redox Treatment on the Reducibility
and Structure of Supported Ceria-Zirconia Mixed Oxide
AU: Kozlov A.I.; Kim D.H.; Yezerets A.; Andersen P.; Kung H.H.;
Kung M.C.
JN: Journal of Catalysis
PD: 25 July 2002
VO: 209
NO: 2
PG: 417-426(10)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jcat.2002.3644
IS: 0021-9517
Record - 41
TI: Optimization of Mixed Conducting Properties of Y2O3-ZrO2-TiO2
and Sc2O3-Y2O3-ZrO2-TiO2 Solid Solutions as Potential SOFC Anode
AU: Tao S.; Irvine J.T.S.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: April 2002
VO: 165
NO: 1
PG: 12-18(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2001.9477
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 42
TI: Laser Ablation Deposition of CeO2-x Epitaxial Domains on Glass
AU: Lee W.H.; Shen P.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: June 2002
VO: 166
NO: 1
PG: 197-202(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2002.9582
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 43
TI: Petroleum-Rich Fluid Inclusions in Fluorite, Purisima Mine,
Coahuila, Mexico
AU: Gonzalez-Partida E.; Carrillo-Chavez A.; Grimmer J.O.W.; Pironon
JN: International Geology Review
PD: 1 August 2002
VO: 44
NO: 8
PG: 755-764(10)
PB: Bellwether Publishing
IS: 0020-6814
Record - 44
TI: Bi0.85Ln0.15(1-n)V0.15nO1.5+0.15n Fluorite Type Oxide Conductors:
Stability, Conductivity, and Powder Crystal Structure Investigations
AU: Benkaddour M.; Obbade S.; Conflant P.; Drache M.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: January 2002
VO: 163
NO: 1
PG: 300-307(8)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2001.9414
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 45
TI: Microstructures of Some Bi-W-Nb-O Phases
AU: Zhou W.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: 1 February 2002
VO: 163
NO: 2
PG: 479-483(5)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2001.9431
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 46
TI: Fine Structures of the Permittivity and Characteristic Losses
of Electrons in Fluorite
AU: Sobolev V.V.; Kalugin A.I.
JN: Russian Physics Journal
PD: December 2002
VO: 45
NO: 12
PG: 1143-1147(5)
PB: Springer
IS: 1064-8887
Record - 47
TI: Mechanism of collector adsorption in fluorite flotation
AU: Ucar, A.; Ozdag, H.
JN: Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy: Transactions
of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Section C
PD: 1 August 2002
VO: 111
NO: 2
PG: 100-105(6)
PB: Maney Publishing
IS: 0371-9553
Record - 48
TI: A transferable representation of the induced multipoles in
ionic crystals
AU: Carmen Domene; Patrick W. Fowler; Mark Wilson; Paul A. Madden
JN: Molecular Physics
PD: December 20, 2002
VO: 100
NO: 24
PG: 3847-3865(19)
PB: Taylor and Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/0026897021000028401
IS: 0026-8976
Record - 49
TI: Electronic state of oxygen in oxide minerals: an XAS study
on the influence of cationic environment
AU: Figueiredo, Maria Ondina; Mirao, Jose
JN: European Journal of Mineralogy
PD: 1 December 2002
VO: 14
NO: 6
PG: 1061-1067(7)
PB: E. Schweizerbart Science Publishers
DOI: 10.1127/0935-1221/2002/0014-1061
IS: 0935-1221
Record - 50
TI: Molecular Modeling of Interactions of Alkyl Hydroxamates with
Calcium Minerals
AU: Pradip; Rai B.; Rao T.K.; Krishnamurthy S.; Vetrivel R.; Mielczarski
J.; Cases J.M.
JN: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
PD: December 2002
VO: 256
NO: 1
PG: 106-113(8)
PB: Academic Press
DOI: 10.1006/jcis.2001.7994
IS: 0021-9797
Record - 1
TI: Carboxyl Stretching Vibrations of Spontaneously Adsorbed and
LB-Transferred Calcium Carboxylates as Determined by FTIR Internal
Reflection Spectroscopy
AU: Lu Y.; Miller J.D.
JN: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
PD: December 2002
VO: 256
NO: 1
PG: 41-52(12)
PB: Academic Press
DOI: 10.1006/jcis.2001.8112
IS: 0021-9797
Record - 2
TI: Influence of Nano-Structure on Electrolytic Properties in
CeO2 Based System
AU: Mori, Toshiyuki; Drennan, John; Wang, Yarong; Li, Ji-Guang;
Ikegami, Takayasu
JN: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
PD: November 2002
VO: 70
NO: 2
PG: 309-319(11)
PB: Springer
DOI: 10.1023/A:1021691500201
IS: 1418-2874
Record - 3
TI: The Kynsijarvi quartz alkali feldspar syenite, Koillismaa,
eastern Finland-silicic magmatism associated with 2.44 Ga continental
AU: Lauri L.S.; Manttari I.
JN: Precambrian Research
PD: 20 December 2002
VO: 119
NO: 1
PG: 121-140(20)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0301-9268(02)00120-1
IS: 0301-9268
Record - 4
TI: Hydrogen production by ethanol reforming over Rh/CeO2-ZrO2
AU: Diagne C.; Idriss H.; Kiennemann A.
JN: Catalysis Communications
PD: December 2002
VO: 3
NO: 12
PG: 565-571(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1566-7367(02)00226-1
IS: 1566-7367
Record - 5
TI: Structural features of new rare earth-based mixed anions (O,
S, F) compounds: relationships between optical absorption and
rare earth environment
AU: Pauwels D.; Demourgues A.; Laronze H.; Gravereau P.; Guillen
F.; Isnard O.; Tressaud A.
JN: Solid State Sciences
PD: November 2002
VO: 4
NO: 11
PG: 1471-1479(9)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1293-2558(02)00038-9
IS: 1293-2558
Record - 6
TI: Structures and magnetic properties of Ln3OsO7 (Ln=Pr,Nd,Sm)
AU: Plaisier J.R.; Drost R.J.; IJdo D.J.W.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: December 2002
VO: 169
NO: 2
PG: 189-198(10)
PB: Academic Press
DOI: 10.1016/S0022-4596(02)00057-9
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 7
TI: Evolution of Ferroelectric SrBi2Nb2O9 Phase in the Li2B4O7-SrO-Bi2O3-Nb2O5
Glass System
AU: Prasad N.S.; Subbanna G.N.; Varma K.B.R.
JN: Ferroelectrics
PD: 1 January 2002
VO: 281
NO: 1
PG: 135-150(16)
PB: Taylor and Francis Ltd
IS: 0015-0193
Record - 8
TI: Preparation of SrBi2Ta2O9 Thin Films by Liquid-Delivery MOCVD
Without Additional Solvents
AU: Nukaga N.; Ono H.; Shida T.; Machida H.; Suzuki T.; Funakubo
JN: Integrated Ferroelectrics
PD: 1 January 2002
VO: 45
NO: 1
PG: 215-222(8)
PB: Taylor and Francis Ltd
IS: 1058-4587
Record - 9
TI: Efficient blue up-conversion luminescence of Tm3+ ions in
transparent oxyfluoride glass ceramics containing PbxCd1-xF2nanocrystals
AU: Qiu J.; Mukai A.; Makishima A.; Kawamoto Y.
JN: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
PD: 2002
VO: 14
NO: 50
PG: 13827-13834(8)
PB: Institute of Physics Publishing
IS: 0953-8984
Record - 10
TI: Analysis of sulfides in whole rock matrices by elemental analyzer-continuous
flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry
AU: Studley S.A.; Ripley E.M.; Elswick E.R.; Dorais M.J.; Fong
J.; Finkelstein D.; Pratt L.M.
JN: Chemical Geology
PD: 16 December 2002
VO: 192
NO: 1
PG: 141-148(8)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2541(02)00162-6
IS: 0009-2541
Record - 11
TI: Fluid transfers at a basement/cover interface - Part II. Large-scale
introduction of chlorine into the basement by Mesozoic basinal
AU: Boiron M.C.; Cathelineau M.; Banks D.A.; Buschaert S.; Fourcade
S.; Coulibaly Y.; Michelot J.L.; Boyce A.
JN: Chemical Geology
PD: 16 December 2002
VO: 192
NO: 1
PG: 121-140(20)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2541(02)00191-2
IS: 0009-2541
Record - 12
TI: Phase relations in the CH4-H2O-NaCl system at 2 kbar, 300
to 600oC as determined using synthetic fluid inclusions
AU: Lamb W.M.; Mcshane C.J.; Popp R.K.
JN: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
PD: 15 November 2002
VO: 66
NO: 22
PG: 3971-3986(16)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0016-7037(02)00963-8
IS: 0016-7037
Record - 13
TI: Synthesis and characterization of Ba1-xErxF2+x (0.00=<x=<1.00)
AU: Patwe S.J.; Achary S.N.; Tyagi A.K.
JN: Materials Research Bulletin
PD: 20 November 2002
VO: 37
NO: 14
PG: 2243-2253(11)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0025-5408(02)00971-6
IS: 0025-5408
Record - 14
TI: Synthesis, characterization of Ba1-xEuxF2+x (0.00=<x=<1.00)
and Rietveld refinement of some representative compositions in
this system
AU: Achary S.N.; Patwe S.J.; Tyagi A.K.
JN: Materials Research Bulletin
PD: 20 November 2002
VO: 37
NO: 14
PG: 2227-2241(15)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0025-5408(02)00973-X
IS: 0025-5408
Record - 15
TI: Preparation and characterization of Y2O3-doped CeO2 ultrathin
film made from Langmuir-Blodgett films
AU: Lu W.; Fang K.; Wang H.; Guo W.; He P.; Ji M.
JN: Thin Solid Films
PD: 15 October 2002
VO: 418
NO: 2
PG: 175-181(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0040-6090(02)00727-7
IS: 0040-6090
Record - 16
TI: Synthesis and UV-shielding properties of ZnO- and CaO-doped
CeO2 via soft solution chemical process
AU: Li R.; Yabe S.; Yamashita M.; Momose S.; Yoshida S.; Yin S.;
Sato T.
JN: Solid State Ionics
PD: November 2002
VO: 151
NO: 1
PG: 235-241(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-2738(02)00715-4
IS: 0167-2738
Record - 17
TI: Microstructures and optical properties of nanocrystalline
rare earth stabilized zirconia thin films deposited by a simple
sol-gel method
AU: Zhang Y.; Jin S.; Liao C.; Yan C.H.
JN: Materials Letters
PD: November 2002
VO: 56
NO: 6
PG: 1030-1034(5)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-577X(02)00670-5
IS: 0167-577X
Record - 18
TI: Selective oxidation of ethane to ethylene in a dense tubular
membrane reactor
AU: Akin F.T.; Lin Y.S.
JN: Journal of Membrane Science
PD: 15 November 2002
VO: 209
NO: 2
PG: 457-467(11)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0376-7388(02)00363-0
IS: 0376-7388
Record - 19
TI: Contribution to the study of the transition to a superstructure
in high yttria content YCSZ
AU: Gallardo-Lopez A.; Martnez-Fernandez J.; Domnguez-Rodrguez
JN: Journal of the European Ceramic Society
PD: December 2002
VO: 22
NO: 16
PG: 2821-2825(5)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0955-2219(02)00061-4
IS: 0955-2219
Record - 20
TI: A new fluorite type compound Pb5Bi17X5O43: synchrotron and
neutron structure determination (X=P) and conduction properties
(X=P, V and As)
AU: Roussel P.; Giraud S.; Suard E.; Wignacourt J.-P.; Steinfink
JN: Solid State Sciences
PD: September 2002
VO: 4
NO: 9
PG: 1143-1152(10)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1293-2558(02)01380-8
IS: 1293-2558
Record - 21
TI: Synthesis, structure and dielectric characterization of Ln2Ti2-2xM2xO7(Ln=Gd,
Er; M=Zr, Sn, Si)
AU: Erickson E.E.; Gray D.; Taylor K.; Macaluso R.T.; LeTard L.A.;
Lee G.S.; Chan J.Y.
JN: Materials Research Bulletin
PD: 27 October 2002
VO: 37
NO: 13
PG: 2077-2083(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0025-5408(02)00928-5
IS: 0025-5408
Record - 22
TI: Creep resistance comparison of two solid oxygen fuel cell
electrolytes with the fluorite structure: cubic zirconia and doped-ceria
AU: Wolfenstine J.
JN: Journal of Power Sources
PD: 18 September 2002
VO: 111
NO: 1
PG: 173-175(3)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0378-7753(02)00064-2
IS: 0378-7753
Record - 23
TI: Hydrothermal synthesis and luminescence properties of NaGdF4:Eu
AU: You F.; Wang Y.; Lin J.; Tao Y.
JN: Journal of Alloys and Compounds
PD: 16 September 2002
VO: 343
NO: 1
PG: 151-155(5)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0925-8388(02)00203-7
IS: 0925-8388
Record - 24
TI: Compound Mg2Ta2O7 and Its Interaction with Nd3TaO7
AU: Pivovarova A.P.
JN: Refractories and Industrial Ceramics
PD: May 2002
VO: 43
NO: 5-6
PG: 172-175(4)
PB: Springer
IS: 1083-4877
Record - 25
TI: Calculation of the Optical Spectra of Fluorite
AU: Sobolev V.V.; Kalugin A.I.
JN: Inorganic Materials
PD: October 2002
VO: 38
NO: 10
PG: 1053-1057(5)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
IS: 0020-1685
Record - 26
TI: New Bismuth(III), Lanthanum(III), Praseodymium (III), and
Heterodinuclear Bi-La and Bi-Pr Complexes with Polyaminocarboxylate
AU: Wullens H.; Bodart N.; Devillers M.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: September 2002
VO: 167
NO: 2
PG: 494-507(14)
PB: Academic Press
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2002.9668
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 27
TI: The Substitution of Al and F in Titanite at High Pressure
and Temperature: Experimental Constraints on Phase Relations and
Solid Solution Properties
JN: Journal of Petrology
PD: October 2002
VO: 43
NO: 10
PG: 1787-1814(28)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-3530
Record - 28
TI: Structure Study of Bi2.5Na0.5Ta2O9 and Bi2.5Nam1.5NbmO3m+3
(m=2-4) by Neutron Powder Diffraction and Electron Microscopy
AU: Borg S.; Svensson G.; Bovin J-O.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: August 2002
VO: 167
NO: 1
PG: 86-96(11)
PB: Academic Press
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2002.9623
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 29
TI: Magnetic Properties of the Fluorite-Related La3MO7 Phases,
M=Ru and Os
Local Moment Magnetism, Short- and Long-Range Order in 4d and
5d Transition Metal Oxides
AU: Lam R.; Wiss F.; Greedan J.E.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: August 2002
VO: 167
NO: 1
PG: 182-187(6)
PB: Academic Press
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2002.9640
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 30
TI: Three-dimensional superconductivity in the infinite-layer
compound Sr0.9La0.1CuO2 in entire region below Tc
AU: Kim M.-S.; Jung C.U.; Kim J.Y.; Choi J.-H.; Lee S.-I.
JN: Solid State Communications
PD: 1 July 2002
VO: 123
NO: 1
PG: 17-20(4)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0038-1098(02)00202-8
IS: 0038-1098
Record - 31
TI: Correction of chromatic aberration in hybrid objectives
AU: Zajac M.; Nowak J.
JN: Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics
PD: September 2002
VO: 113
NO: 7
PG: 299-302(4)
PB: Urban & Fischer
DOI: 10.1087/0030-4026-00172
IS: 0030-4026
Record - 32
TI: Laser Ablation Deposition of CeO2x Epitaxial Domains on Glass
AU: Lee W.H.; Shen P.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: June 2002
VO: 166
NO: 1
PG: 197-202(6)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 33
TI: Non-metamict zirconolite polytypes from the feldspathoid-bearing
alkali-syenitic ejecta of the Vico volcanic complex (Latium, Italy)
AU: Bellatreccia, Fabio; Della Ventura, Giancarlo; Williams, C.
Terry; Lumpkin, Gregory R.; Smith, Katherine L.; Colella, Michael
JN: European Journal of Mineralogy
PD: 1 August 2002
VO: 14
NO: 4
PG: 809-820(12)
PB: E. Schweizerbart Science Publishers
DOI: 10.1127/0935-1221/2002/0014-0809
IS: 0935-1221
Record - 34
TI: Catalytic oxidation of methane over CeO2-ZrO2 mixed oxide
solid solution catalysts prepared via urea hydrolysis
AU: Pengpanich S.; Meeyoo V.; Rirksomboon T.; Bunyakiat K.
JN: Applied Catalysis A: General
PD: 8 August 2002
VO: 234
NO: 1
PG: 221-233(13)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0926-860X(02)00230-2
IS: 0926-860X
Record - 35
TI: New occurrences of willemite-franklinite assemblages in Bergslagen,
central Sweden
AU: Holtstam, Dan
JN: European Journal of Mineralogy
PD: 1 June 2002
VO: 14
NO: 3
PG: 621-626(6)
PB: E. Schweizerbart Science Publishers
DOI: 10.1127/0935-1221/2002/0014-0621
IS: 0935-1221
Record - 36
TI: Sol-gel deposition and characterization of In6WO12 thin films
AU: Dabney W.S.; Antolino N.E.; Luisi B.S.; Richard A.P.; Edwards
JN: Thin Solid Films
PD: 31 May 2002
VO: 411
NO: 2
PG: 192-197(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0040-6090(02)00244-4
IS: 0040-6090
Record - 37
TI: Kinetics decay and electron phototransfer in cerium-doped
AU: Pologrudov V.V.; Penzina E.E.; Malchukova E.V.
JN: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section
A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
PD: 21 June 2002
VO: 486
NO: 1
PG: 443-447(5)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0168-9002(02)00750-7
IS: 0168-9002
Record - 38
TI: Effect of Preparation Method and Redox Treatment on the Reducibility
and Structure of Supported Ceria-Zirconia Mixed Oxide
AU: Kozlov A.I.; Kim D.H.; Yezerets A.; Andersen P.; Kung H.H.;
Kung M.C.
JN: Journal of Catalysis
PD: July 2002
VO: 209
NO: 2
PG: 417-426(10)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0021-9517
Record - 39
TI: Atomic structure and solute segregation of a Sigma = 3, 110/111
grain boundary in an yttria-stabilized cubic zirconia bicrystal
AU: Shibata N.; Ikuhara Y.; Oba F.; Yamamoto T.; Sakuma T.
JN: Philosophical Magazine Letters
PD: 1 July 2002
VO: 82
NO: 7
PG: 393-400(8)
PB: Taylor and Francis Ltd
IS: 0950-0839
Record - 40
TI: Influence of solution conditions and mineral surface structure
on the formation of oleate adsorption layers on fluorite
AU: Mielczarski E.; Mielczarski J.A.; Cases J.M.; Rai B.; Pradip
JN: Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
PD: 11 June 2002
VO: 205
NO: 1
PG: 73-84(12)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0927-7757(01)01150-5
IS: 0927-7757
Record - 41
TI: The formation and alteration of allanite in skarn from the
Beinn an Dubhaich granite aureole, Skye
AU: Smith, Martin P.; Henderson, Paul; Jeffries, Teresa
JN: European Journal of Mineralogy
PD: 1 June 2002
VO: 14
NO: 3
PG: 471-486(16)
PB: E. Schweizerbart Science Publishers
DOI: 10.1127/0935-1221/2002/0014-0471
IS: 0935-1221
Record - 42
TI: Teallite from Radvanice near Trutnov (Czech Republic)
AU: Sejkora, J.; Berlepsch, P.; Makovicky, E.; Balic-Zunic, T.;
Litochleb, J.
JN: Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie - Abhandlungen
PD: 1 May 2002
VO: 177
NO: 2
PG: 163-180(18)
PB: E. Schweizerbart Science Publishers
DOI: 10.1127/0077-7757/2002/0177-0163
IS: 0077-7757
Record - 43
TI: Genesis and evolution of hydrocarbons entrapped in the fluorite
deposit of Koh-i-Maran (North Kirthar Range, Pakistan)
JN: Fuel and Energy Abstracts
PD: March 2002
VO: 43
NO: 2
PG: 98-99(2)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6701(02)85072-X
IS: 0140-6701
Record - 44
TI: Anion Transport in Superionic Conductors Na_0.5 –
xR_0.5 + xF_2 + 2x (R Are Cations of Rare-Earth
Elements) at Elevated Temperatures
AU: Sorokin N.I.; Sobolev B.P.; Breiter M.W.
JN: Russian Journal of Electrochemistry
PD: May 2002
VO: 38
NO: 5
PG: 516-521(6)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
IS: 1023-1935
Record - 45
AU: Sadykov V.A.; Kuznetsova T.G.; Veniaminov S.A.; Kochubey D.I.;
Novgorodov B.N.; Burgina E.B.; Moroz E.M.; Paukshtis E.A.; Ivanov
V.P.; Trukhan S.N.; Beloshapkin S.A.; Potapova Y.V.; Lunin V.V.;
Kemnitz E.; Aboukais A.
JN: Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters
PD: May 2002
VO: 76
NO: 1
PG: 83-92(10)
PB: Springer
IS: 0133-1736
Record - 46
TI: Reflection and Absorption Spectra of Fluorite in the UV Spectral
AU: Sobolev V.V.; Kalugin A.I.
JN: Journal of Applied Spectroscopy
PD: January 2002
VO: 69
NO: 1
PG: 93-96(4)
PB: Springer
IS: 0021-9037
Record - 47
TI: The nature of orthomagmatic, carbonatitic fluids precipitating
REE,Sr-rich fluorite: fluid-inclusion evidence from the Okorusu
fluorite deposit, Namibia
AU: Buhn B.; Rankin A.H.; Schneider J.; Dulski P.
JN: Chemical Geology
PD: 1 June 2002
VO: 186
NO: 1
PG: 75-98(24)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2541(01)00421-1
IS: 0009-2541
Record - 48
TI: LDA study on polarizabilities and shielding factors of ions
in fluorite structure crystals
AU: Mahbubar R.M.; Michihiro Y.; Nakamura K.; Kanashiro T.
JN: Solid State Ionics
PD: 1 May 2002
VO: 148
NO: 1
PG: 227-233(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-2738(02)00054-1
IS: 0167-2738
Record - 49
TI: Physical and stable-isotope evidence for formation of secondary
calcite and silica in the unsaturated zone, Yucca Mountain, Nevada
AU: Whelan J.F.; Paces J.B.; Peterman Z.E.
JN: Applied Geochemistry
PD: June 2002
VO: 17
NO: 6
PG: 735-750(16)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0883-2927(02)00036-7
IS: 0883-2927
Record - 50
TI: Ilvaite from the Oslo Graben, Norway
AU: Larsen, A.O.; Dahlgren, S.
JN: Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie - Monatshefte
PD: 1 April 2002
VO: 2002
NO: 4
PG: 169-181(13)
PB: E. Schweizerbart Science Publishers
DOI: 10.1127/0028-3649/2002/2002-0169
IS: 0028-3649
Record - 1
TI: NO_x-Sorbing Metal Oxides, MnO_x-CeO_2. Oxidative NO Adsorption
and NO_x-H_2 Reaction
AU: Machida M.
JN: Catalysis Surveys from Japan
PD: April 2002
VO: 5
NO: 2
PG: 91-102(12)
PB: Springer
IS: 1384-6574
Record - 2
TI: Optimization of Mixed Conducting Properties of Y2O3-ZrO2-TiO2
and Sc2O3-Y2O3-ZrO2-TiO2 Solid Solutions as Potential SOFC Anode
AU: Tao S.; Irvine J.T.S.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: April 2002
VO: 165
NO: 1
PG: 12-18(7)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 3
TI: Controlled Oxidative Coupling of Methane by Ionic Conducting
Ceramic Membrane
AU: Akin F.T.; Lin Y.S.
JN: Catalysis Letters
PD: March 2002
VO: 78
NO: 1-4
PG: 239-242(4)
PB: Springer
IS: 1011-372X
Record - 4
TI: Tetrad effect in rare earth element distribution patterns:
a method of quantification with application to rock and mineral
samples from granite-related rare metal deposits
AU: Monecke T.; Kempe U.; Monecke J.; Sala M.; Wolf D.
JN: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
PD: 1 April 2002
VO: 66
NO: 7
PG: 1185-1196(12)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0016-7037(01)00849-3
IS: 0016-7037
Record - 5
TI: Surface-structure-controlled sectoral zoning of the rare earth
elements in fluorite from Long Lake, New York, and Bingham, New
Mexico, USA
AU: Bosze S.; Rakovan J.
JN: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
PD: 15 March 2002
VO: 66
NO: 6
PG: 997-1009(13)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0016-7037(01)00822-5
IS: 0016-7037
Record - 6
TI: Site selective spectroscopy of the C3v symmetry centre in
Er3+ doped BaF2
AU: Wells J.-P.R.; Dean T.; Reeves R.J.
JN: Journal of Luminescence
PD: March 2002
VO: 96
NO: 2
PG: 239-248(10)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0022-2313(01)00230-7
IS: 0022-2313
Record - 7
TI: Equilibrium and thermodynamic properties of the PuO2+x solid
AU: Haschke J.M.; Allen T.H.
JN: Journal of Alloys and Compounds
PD: 18 April 2002
VO: 336
NO: 1
PG: 124-131(8)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0925-8388(01)01908-9
IS: 0925-8388
Record - 8
TI: Microstructures of Some Bi-W-Nb-O Phases
AU: Zhou W.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: February 2002
VO: 163
NO: 2
PG: 479-483(5)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 9
TI: Determination of Chlorinity in Aqueous Fluids Using Raman
Spectroscopy of the Stretching Band of Water at Room Temperature:
Application to Fluid Inclusions
AU: Dubessy, Jean; Lhomme, Therese; Boiron, Marie-Christine; Rull,
JN: Applied Spectroscopy
PD: 1 January 2002
VO: 56
NO: 1
PG: 99-106(8)
PB: Society for Applied Spectroscopy
DOI: 10.1366/0003702021954278
IS: 0003-7028
Record - 10
TI: Nanocrystallization of SrBi2Nb2O9 from glasses in the system
AU: Syam Prasad N.; Varma K.B.R.
JN: Materials Science and Engineering: B
PD: 29 March 2002
VO: 90
NO: 3
PG: 246-253(8)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0921-5107(01)00919-9
IS: 0921-5107
Record - 11
TI: Short-range order and diffusion processes in the Na1-xBixF1+2x
anion-excess solid solution
AU: El Omari M.; Hafidi E.; El Omari M.; Abaouz A.; Yacoubi A.;
Reau J.M.; Senegas J.
JN: Materials Letters
PD: March 2002
VO: 53
NO: 3
PG: 138-144(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-577X(01)00462-1
IS: 0167-577X
Record - 12
TI: Electrochemical properties of Pr-doped Ce(Gd)O2-delta
AU: Kharton V.V.; Viskup A.P.; Figueiredo F.M.; Naumovich E.N.;
Shaulo A.L.; Marques F.M.B.
JN: Materials Letters
PD: March 2002
VO: 53
NO: 3
PG: 160-164(5)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-577X(01)00469-4
IS: 0167-577X
Record - 13
TI: Preparation of ceria-zirconia (Ce0.75Zr0.25O2) powders by
microwave-hydrothermal (MH) route
AU: Potdar H.S.; Deshpande S.B.; Deshpande A.S.; Gokhale S.P.;
Date S.K.; Khollam Y.B.; Patil A.J.
JN: Materials Chemistry and Physics
PD: 1 April 2002
VO: 74
NO: 3
PG: 306-312(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0254-0584(01)00485-0
IS: 0254-0584
Record - 14
TI: Formation and microstructural variation of cerium carbonate
hydroxide prepared by the hydrothermal process
AU: Lu C.-H.; Wang H.-C.
JN: Materials Science and Engineering: B
PD: 7 March 2002
VO: 90
NO: 1
PG: 138-141(4)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0921-5107(01)00924-2
IS: 0921-5107
Record - 15
TI: Co-doping effect on electrical conductivity in the fluorite-type
solid-solution systems \hbox{Zr}_{0.7}(\hbox{Sc}_{1-x}\hbox{M}_{x})_{0.3}\hbox{O}_{2-\deltab}
(M=Ca, Mg, Al, Gd, Yb)
AU: Yamamura H.; Matsusita T.; Nishino H.; Kakinuma K.
JN: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
PD: February 2002
VO: 13
NO: 2
PG: 57-61(5)
PB: Springer
IS: 0957-4522
Record - 16
TI: Bi0.85Ln0.15(1n)V0.15nO1.5+0.15n Fluorite Type Oxide Conductors:
Stability, Conductivity, and Powder Crystal Structure Investigations
AU: Benkaddour M.; Obbade S.; Conflant P.; Drache M.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: January 2002
VO: 163
NO: 1
PG: 300-307(8)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 17
TI: The Crystal Structures of the Binary Mixed Valence Compound
Bi(III)3Bi(V)O7 and Isotypic Bi3SbO7 as Determined by High Resolution
X-Ray and Neutron Powder Diffraction
AU: Dinnebier R.E.; Ibberson R.M.; Ehrenberg H.; Jansen M.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: January 2002
VO: 163
NO: 1
PG: 332-339(8)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 18
TI: The nature of anionic clusters in anion excess fluorite-type
oxidefluoride solid solutions in MF-BiF3-BiOF systems (M = Na,
AU: El Omari M.; Reau J.M.; Senegas J.; Serov T.V.; Ardashnikova
E.I.; Dolgikh V.A.
JN: Journal of Fluorine Chemistry
PD: 28 January 2002
VO: 113
NO: 1
PG: 37-45(9)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0022-1139(01)00467-5
IS: 0022-1139
Record - 19
TI: Rock mass characterization by fractal dimension
AU: Bagde M.N.; Raina A.K.; Chakraborty A.K.; Jethwa J.L.
JN: Engineering Geology
PD: January 2002
VO: 63
NO: 1
PG: 141-155(15)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0013-7952(01)00078-3
IS: 0013-7952
Record - 20
TI: Evolution of microstructure and impedance upon the sintering
of a Bi-Pr-V-based fluorite-type oxide conductor
AU: Benkaddour M.; Conflant P.; Drache M.; Steil M.C.
JN: Solid State Ionics
PD: January 2002
VO: 146
NO: 1
PG: 175-184(10)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-2738(01)00998-5
IS: 0167-2738
Record - 21
TI: The effect of cyclic red-ox treatments on the reducibility
and durability of properties of YO1.5-(CeO2)-PrOx-ZrO2 materials
AU: Ikryannikova L.N.; Markaryan G.L.; Kostyuk B.G.; Lunina E.V.;
Sinev M.Y.
JN: Materials Letters
PD: February 2002
VO: 52
NO: 4
PG: 283-288(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-577X(01)00407-4
IS: 0167-577X
Record - 22
TI: Pulsed laser deposition of yttria stabilized zirconia for
solid oxide fuel cell applications
AU: Hobein B.; Tietz F.; Stover D.; Kreutz E.W.
JN: Journal of Power Sources
PD: 20 March 2002
VO: 105
NO: 2
PG: 239-242(4)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0378-7753(01)00945-4
IS: 0378-7753
Record - 23
TI: Defect clusterization and transport properties of oxide and
fluoride ionic conductors with fluorite structure: Quantum-chemical
AU: Zainullina, V.; Zhukov, V.
JN: Physics of the Solid State
PD: September 2001
VO: 43
NO: 9
PG: 1686-1699(14)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/1.1402224
IS: 1063-7834
Record - 24
TI: Magnetic susceptibility of sodium rare-earth fluorites Na0.5
x R 0.5 + x F2 + 2x (R = Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb) and some ordered
AU: Bohigas, X.; Lluma, J.; Tejada, J.; Krivandina, E.; Sobolev,
JN: Crystallography Reports
PD: May 2001
VO: 46
NO: 3
PG: 483-487(5)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/1.1376482
IS: 1063-7745
Record - 25
TI: Concentration dependences of the unit-cell parameters of nonstoichiometric
fluorite-type Na0.5 x R 0.5 + x F2 + 2x phases (R = rare-earth
AU: Fedorov, P.; Aleksandrov, V.; Bondareva, O.; Buchinskaya,
I.; Val'kovskii, M.; Sobolev, B.
JN: Crystallography Reports
PD: March 2001
VO: 46
NO: 2
PG: 239-245(7)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/1.1358401
IS: 1063-7745
Record - 26
TI: Bi1-xCrxO1.5+1.5x', 0.05=<x=<0.15: A New High-Temperature
Solid Solution with a Three-Dimensional Incommensurate Modulation
AU: Esmaeilzadeh S.; Lundgren S.; Halenius U.; Grins J.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: January 2001
VO: 156
NO: 1
PG: 168-180(13)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2000.8978
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 27
TI: HREM Study of Fluorinated Nd2CuO4
AU: Hadermann J.; Van Tendeloo G.; Abakumov A.M.; Rozova M.G.;
Antipov E.V.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: 15 February 2001
VO: 157
NO: 1
PG: 56-61(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2000.9038
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 28
TI: Characterization and Defect Structure of Anion-Excess Fluorite-Related
Phases in LnOF-LnF3 Systems (Ln=Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd): From Isolated
Defect Clustering to ''Vernier'' Modulated Phases
AU: Laval J.P.; Taoudi A.; Abaouz A.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: 15 February 2001
VO: 157
NO: 1
PG: 134-143(10)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2000.9064
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 29
TI: Support-Promoted Stabilization of the Metastable PZT Pyrochlore
Phase by Epitaxial Thin Film Growth
AU: Hamedi L.; Guilloux-Viry M.; Perrin A.; Li Z.Z.; Raffy H.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: April 2001
VO: 158
NO: 1
PG: 40-48(9)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2000.9054
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 30
TI: Low-Temperature Direct Synthesis of Nanoparticles of Fluorite-Type
Ceria-Zirconia Solid Solutions by ''Forced Cohydrolysis'' at 100oC
AU: Hirano M.; Miwa T.; Inagaki M.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: April 2001
VO: 158
NO: 1
PG: 112-117(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2000.9106
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 31
TI: A Study of the Magnetic and Thermal Properties of Ln3RuO7
(Ln=Sm, Eu)
AU: Harada D.; Hinatsu Y.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: May 2001
VO: 158
NO: 2
PG: 245-253(9)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2001.9099
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 32
TI: The Structural Transformation from the Pyrochlore Structure,
A2B2O7, to the Fluorite Structure, AO2, Studied by Raman Spectroscopy
and Defect Chemistry Modeling
AU: Glerup M.; Nielsen O.F.; Poulsen F.W.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: August 2001
VO: 160
NO: 1
PG: 25-32(8)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2000.9142
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 33
TI: Crystal Structure of La24Li20Ti5O56: A Pseudo-Close-Packed,
Columnar Intergrowth Stucture
AU: Kirk C.A.; West A.R.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: December 2001
VO: 162
NO: 2
PG: 379-388(10)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2001.9328
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 34
TI: Oxidation Activity and 18O-Isotope Exchange Behavior of Cu-Stabilized
Cubic Zirconia
AU: Dongare M.K.; Ramaswamy V.; Gopinath C.S.; Ramaswamy A.V.;
Scheurell S.; Brueckner M.; Kemnitz E.
JN: Journal of Catalysis
PD: 25 April 2001
VO: 199
NO: 2
PG: 209-216(8)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jcat.2001.3173
IS: 0021-9517
Record - 35
TI: Supported CuO+Ag/Partially Stabilized Zirconia Catalysts for
the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx under Lean Burn Conditions
- 1. Bulk and Surface Properties of the Catalysts
AU: Sadykov V.A.; Bunina R.V.; Alikina G.M.; Ivanova A.S.; Kochubei
D.I.; Novgorodov B.N.; Paukshtis E.A.; Fenelonov V.B.; Zaikovskii
V.I.; Kuznetsova T.G.; Beloshapkin S.A.; Kolomiichuk V.N.; Moroz
E.M.; Matyshak V.A.; Konin G.A.; Rozovskii A.Y.; Ross J.R.H.;
Breen J.P.
JN: Journal of Catalysis
PD: 15 May 2001
VO: 200
NO: 1
PG: 117-130(14)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jcat.2001.3193
IS: 0021-9517
Record - 36
TI: Nucleation and crystallisation behaviour of transparent, erbium
III doped, oxyfluoride glass ceramics for active photonic devices
AU: Kukkonen L.L.; Reaney I.M.; Furniss D.; Seddon A.B.
JN: Physics and Chemistry of Glasses
PD: June 2001
VO: 42
NO: 3
PG: 265-274(10)
PB: Society of Glass Technology
IS: 0031-9090
Record - 37
TI: Crystalline Host Phases for Actinides, Obtained by Self-Propagating
High-Temperature Synthesis
AU: Glagovskii E.M.; Yudintsev S.V.; Kuprin A.V.; Pelevin L.P.;
Konovalov E.E.; Velichkin V.I.; Myasoedov B.F.
JN: Radiochemistry
PD: November 2001
VO: 43
NO: 6
PG: 632-638(7)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
IS: 1066-3622
Record - 38
TI: Frequency Dependence of the Components of Dielectric Permeability
and Characteristic Losses of Fluorite
AU: Sobolev V.V.; Kalugin A.I.
JN: Journal of Applied Spectroscopy
PD: November 2001
VO: 68
NO: 6
PG: 1000-1005(6)
PB: Springer
IS: 0021-9037
Record - 39
TI: Leaching of fluorine bearing minerals from lead and zinc concentrates
AU: Torrisi C.
JN: Minerals Engineering
PD: December 2001
VO: 14
NO: 12
PG: 1637-1648(12)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0892-6875(01)00182-0
IS: 0892-6875
Record - 40
TI: Crystal Structure of La24Li20Ti5O56: A Pseudo-Close-Packed,
Columnar Intergrowth Stucture
AU: Kirk C.A.; West A.R.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: December 2001
VO: 162
NO: 2
PG: 379-388(10)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 41
TI: Cerium oxide layers on Pt(111): a scanning tunneling microscopy
AU: Berner U.; Schierbaum K.
JN: Thin Solid Films
PD: 3 December 2001
VO: 400
NO: 1
PG: 46-49(4)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0040-6090(01)01446-8
IS: 0040-6090
Record - 42
TI: Electrical conductivity of metastable kappa-CeZrO4 phase possessing
ordered arrangement of Ce and Zr ions
AU: Izu N.; Kishimoto H.; Omata T.; Yao T.; Otsuka-Yao-Matsuo
JN: Science and Technology of Advanced Materials
PD: 12 September 2001
VO: 2
NO: 3
PG: 443-448(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1468-6996(01)00074-2
IS: 1468-6996
Record - 43
TI: Phase Evolution, Characterization, and Impedance Spectroscopic
Analysis of Nanocrystalline SrBi2Nb2O9 in Glassy Li2B4O7 Matrix
AU: N. Syam Prasad; K.B.R. Varma
JN: Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
PD: 1 December 2001
VO: 1
NO: 4
PG: 425-432(8)
PB: American Scientific Publishers
DOI: 10.1166/jnn.2001.052
IS: 1533-4880
Record - 44
TI: Atomistic simulations of the pressure-induced phase transitions
in BaF2 crystals
AU: Ayala A.P.
JN: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
PD: 2001
VO: 13
NO: 50
PG: 11741-11749(9)
PB: Institute of Physics Publishing
IS: 0953-8984
Record - 45
TI: Homogeneity of Lanthanide Doped Ceria Nanocrystal Dispersions
Using High-resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy
AU: Hartridge A.; Bhattacharya A.K.; Dunin-Borkowski R.E.; Hutchison
JN: Journal of Nanoparticle Research
PD: December 2001
VO: 3
NO: 5-6
PG: 431-439(9)
PB: Springer
IS: 1388-0764
Record - 46
TI: Formation of CaF2 nanostructures on Si(001)
AU: Pasquali L.; D'Addato S.; Selvaggi G.; Nannarone S.; Sokolov
N.S.; Suturin S.M.; Zogg H.
JN: Nanotechnology
PD: 2001
VO: 12
NO: 4
PG: 403-408(6)
PB: Institute of Physics Publishing
IS: 0957-4484
Record - 47
TI: Structure of Mechanochemical Reaction Products in the Systems
PbO-Sb2O5and PbO-Sb2O3
AU: Zyryanov V.V.
JN: Inorganic Materials
PD: December 2001
VO: 37
NO: 12
PG: 1278-1284(7)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
IS: 0020-1685
Record - 48
TI: Coupled heat and silica transport associated with dike intrusion
into sedimentary rock: effects on isotherm location and permeability
AU: Dutrow B.L.; Travis B.J.; Gable C.W.; Henry D.J.
JN: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
PD: 1 November 2001
VO: 65
NO: 21
PG: 3749-3767(19)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0016-7037(01)00704-9
IS: 0016-7037
Record - 49
TI: Reversible electrochemical insertion of lithium in nanocrystalline
lanthanide doped ceria thin films with the fluorite structure
AU: Hartridge A.; Ghanashyam Krishna M.; Bhattacharya A.K.; Attia
A.; Owen J.R.
JN: Solid State Ionics
PD: 11 December 2001
VO: 144
NO: 3
PG: 287-293(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-2738(01)00983-3
IS: 0167-2738
Record - 50
TI: Synthesis and UV-shielding properties of metal oxide doped
ceria via soft solution chemical processes
AU: Yabe S.; Yamashita M.; Momose S.; Tahira K.; Yoshida S.; Li
R.; Yin S.; Sato T.
JN: The International Journal of Inorganic Materials
PD: November 2001
VO: 3
NO: 7
PG: 1003-1008(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1466-6049(01)00198-2
IS: 1466-6049
Record - 1
TI: Radiation Resistance of Fused Titanium Ceramic for Actinide
AU: Yudintsev S.V.; Stefanovskii S.V.; Kiryanova O.I.; Lian J.;
Ewing R.
JN: Atomic Energy
PD: June 2001
VO: 90
NO: 6
PG: 487-494(8)
PB: Springer
IS: 1063-4258
Record - 2
TI: Structure of Mechanochemical Reaction Products in the Systems
AU: Zyryanov V.V.
JN: Inorganic Materials
PD: November 2001
VO: 37
NO: 11
PG: 1138-1148(11)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
IS: 0020-1685
Record - 3
TI: Compositional variation of aeschynite-group minerals in the
Bayan Obo Nb-REE-Fe ore deposit, Inner Mongolia, China
AU: Yang, Zhuming; Smith, Martin; Henderson, Paul; LeBas, Michael
J.; Tao, Kejie; Zhang, Peishan
JN: European Journal of Mineralogy
PD: 1 November 2001
VO: 13
NO: 6
PG: 1207-1214(8)
PB: E. Schweizerbart Science Publishers
DOI: 10.1127/0935-1221/2001/0013-1207
IS: 0935-1221
Record - 4
TI: Separation of Mineral Raw Material in the Activated Aqueous
Dispersions of Air
AU: Solozhenkin P.M.; Skorokhodov V.F.
JN: Journal of Mining Science
PD: 2 January 2001
VO: 37
NO: 1
PG: 106-116(11)
PB: Springer
IS: 1062-7391
Record - 5
TI: The influence of the surface on conformational equilibrium
in thin layers of nematic liquid crystal
AU: Boinovich L.B.; Emelyanenko A.M.
JN: Russian Chemical Bulletin
PD: February 2001
VO: 50
NO: 2
PG: 319-321(3)
PB: Springer
IS: 1066-5285
Record - 6
TI: Substitutional disorder and optical spectroscopy of Ce [iopmath
latex="$^{3+}$"] 3+ [/iopmath] -doped CaNaYF6 crystals
AU: Yamaga M.; Imai T.; Miyairi H.; Kodama N.
JN: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
PD: 2001
VO: 13
NO: 4
PG: 753-764(12)
PB: Institute of Physics Publishing
IS: 0953-8984
Record - 7
TI: Far-infrared properties of resonant modes and tunnelling states
in rare-earth-doped calcium fluoride
AU: FitzGerald S.A.; Sievers A.J.; Campbell J.A.
JN: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
PD: 2001
VO: 13
NO: 10
PG: 2095-2116(22)
PB: Institute of Physics Publishing
IS: 0953-8984
Record - 8
TI: Two-level systems in fluorite mixed crystals - a far-infrared
AU: FitzGerald S.A.; Sievers A.J.; Campbell J.A.
JN: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
PD: 2001
VO: 13
NO: 10
PG: 2177-2200(24)
PB: Institute of Physics Publishing
IS: 0953-8984
Record - 9
TI: Molecular dynamics simulation of superhard phases in RuO2
AU: Sekkal W.; Zaoui A.
JN: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
PD: 2001
VO: 13
NO: 16
PG: 3699-3708(10)
PB: Institute of Physics Publishing
IS: 0953-8984
Record - 10
TI: Calculation of the e.m.f. of solid oxide fuel cells
AU: Zha S.W.; Xia C.R.; Meng G.Y.
JN: Journal of Applied Electrochemistry
PD: January 2001
VO: 31
NO: 1
PG: 93-98(6)
PB: Springer
IS: 0021-891X
Record - 11
TI: The crystallisation of glasses from the ternary CaF2-CaAl2Si2O8-P2O5
AU: Clifford A.; Hill R.G.; Towler M.R.; Wood D.J.
JN: Journal of Materials Science
PD: 15 August 2001
VO: 36
NO: 16
PG: 3955-3961(7)
PB: Springer
IS: 0022-2461
Record - 12
TI: Synthesis and properties of copper and samarium doped yttria-bismuth
oxide powders and membranes
AU: Zeng Y.; Lin Y.S.
JN: Journal of Materials Science
PD: 1 March 2001
VO: 36
NO: 5
PG: 1271-1276(6)
PB: Springer
IS: 0022-2461
Record - 13
TI: Origin of Mantle-Shaped Carbonatite Bodies in the Khalyuta
Deposit, Western Transbaikal Region, Russia
AU: Bulnaev K.B.
JN: Lithology and Mineral Resources
PD: 2 January 2001
VO: 36
NO: 1
PG: 63-76(14)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
IS: 0024-4902
Record - 14
TI: The atomic hydrogen permeability in (CeO2)0.85(CaO)0.15 at
high temperatures
AU: Nigara Y.; Yashiro K.; Kawada T.; Mizusaki J.
JN: Solid State Ionics
PD: 1 December 2001
VO: 145
NO: 1
PG: 365-370(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-2738(01)00932-8
IS: 0167-2738
Record - 15
TI: Sr, Y, and REE diffusion in fluorite
AU: Cherniak D.J.; Zhang X.Y.; Wayne N.K.; Watson E.B.
JN: Chemical Geology
PD: 15 October 2001
VO: 181
NO: 1
PG: 99-111(13)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2541(01)00267-4
IS: 0009-2541
Record - 16
TI: Computer simulation of Pu3+ and Pu4+ substitutions in gadolinium
AU: Williford R.E.; Weber W.J.
JN: Journal of Nuclear Materials
PD: November 2001
VO: 299
NO: 2
PG: 140-147(8)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0022-3115(01)00687-0
IS: 0022-3115
Record - 17
TI: Halogen elements as indicator of deep-seated orebodies in
the Chadong As-Ag-Au deposit, western Guangdong, China
AU: Zhang Q.; Shao S.; Pan J.; Liu Z.
JN: Ore Geology Reviews
PD: October 2001
VO: 18
NO: 3
PG: 169-179(11)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0169-1368(01)00028-2
IS: 0169-1368
Record - 18
TI: Cubic-tetragonal phase change of yttria-doped hafnia solid
solution: high-resolution X-ray diffraction and Raman scattering
AU: Fujimori H.; Yashima M.; Sasaki S.; Kakihana M.; Mori T.;
Tanaka M.; Yoshimura M.
JN: Chemical Physics Letters
PD: 5 October 2001
VO: 346
NO: 3
PG: 217-223(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2614(01)00929-0
IS: 0009-2614
Record - 19
TI: Mineralogy and geochemistry of Gabal El-Ineigi Granite and
associated fluorite veins, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt: application
of fluid inclusions to fluorite genesis
AU: Salem I.A.; Abdel-Moneum A.A.; Shazly A.G.; El-Shibiny N.H.
JN: Journal of African Earth Sciences
PD: January 2001
VO: 32
NO: 1
PG: 29-45(17)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0899-5362(01)90017-X
IS: 0899-5362
Record - 20
TI: Recognition of pegmatitic carbonatite intrusions in sodic
fenite and their importance in the localisation of the fluorite
ores at Okorusu, Namibia
AU: Hagni R.D.; Shivdasan P.A.
JN: Journal of African Earth Sciences
PD: January 2001
VO: 32
NO: 1
PG: 17-17(1)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0899-5362(01)90036-3
IS: 0899-5362
Record - 21
TI: Preparation and structural elucidation of the new anion-excess
fluorite variant Ba4Er3F17
AU: Tyagi A.K.; Kohler J.
JN: Solid State Sciences
PD: August 2001
VO: 3
NO: 6
PG: 689-695(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1293-2558(01)01167-0
IS: 1293-2558
Record - 22
TI: Interaction of fast heavy ions with subsurface layers of crystals
at grazing angle of incidence
AU: Vorobyova I.; Reimann C.T.
JN: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section
B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
PD: September 2001
VO: 179
NO: 4
PG: 521-529(9)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0168-583X(01)00604-8
IS: 0168-583X
Record - 23
TI: Infiltration of Late Palaeozoic evaporative brines in the
Reelfoot rift: a possible salt source for Illinois basin formation
waters and MVT mineralizing fluids
AU: Rowan E.L.; de Marsily G.
JN: Petroleum Geoscience
PD: August 2001
VO: 7
NO: 3
PG: 269-279(11)
PB: Geological Society Publishing House
IS: 1354-0793
Record - 24
TI: Nb-Ta oxide minerals from miarolitic pegmatites of the Baveno
pink granite, NW Italy
AU: Aurisicchio C.; De Vito C.; Ferrini V.; Orlandi P.
JN: Mineralogical Magazine
PD: 1 August 2001
VO: 65
NO: 4
PG: 509-522(14)
PB: Mineralogical Society
IS: 0026-461X
Record - 25
TI: A new variety of PdF2 synthesised by low-temperature reaction
in anhydrous HF
AU: Mazej Z.; Tressaud A.; Darriet J.
JN: Journal of Fluorine Chemistry
PD: 29 August 2001
VO: 110
NO: 2
PG: 139-143(5)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0022-1139(01)00421-3
IS: 0022-1139
Record - 26
TI: Nucleation and crystallisation of transparent, erbium III-doped,
oxyfluoride glass-ceramics
AU: Kukkonen L.L.; Reaney I.M.; Furniss D.; Pellatt M.G.; Seddon
JN: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
PD: September 2001
VO: 290
NO: 1
PG: 25-31(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0022-3093(01)00731-1
IS: 0022-3093
Record - 27
TI: Thermodynamics of the UO2 solid solution with magnesium and
europium oxides
AU: Fujino T.; Sato N.; Yamada K.; Nakama S.; Fukuda K.; Serizawa
H.; Shiratori T.
JN: Journal of Nuclear Materials
PD: September 2001
VO: 297
NO: 3
PG: 332-340(9)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0022-3115(01)00627-4
IS: 0022-3115
Record - 28
TI: High-pressure structural phase transitions in RuO2 and its
geophysical implications
AU: Ahuja R.; Rekhi S.; Saxena S.K.; Johansson B.
JN: Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
PD: November 2001
VO: 62
NO: 11
PG: 2035-2037(3)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0022-3697(01)00049-X
IS: 0022-3697
Record - 29
TI: The influence of precipitation variables on zirconia powder
AU: Oliveira A.P.; Torem M.L.
JN: Powder Technology
PD: 24 September 2001
VO: 119
NO: 2
PG: 181-193(13)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0032-5910(00)00422-8
IS: 0032-5910
Record - 30
TI: Phase Relations at 1500C in the Ternary System ZrO2-Gd2O3-TiO2
AU: Feighery A.J.; Irvine J.T.S.; Zheng C.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: September 2001
VO: 160
NO: 2
PG: 302-306(5)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 31
TI: X-Ray and TEM Studies of CdTeMoO6 and CoTeMoO6: A New Superstructure
of Fluorite Type with Cation and Anion Deficiencies (CoTeMo)(2O6)
AU: Laligant Y.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: September 2001
VO: 160
NO: 2
PG: 401-408(8)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 32
TI: Geology and tectonic setting of Paleoproterozoic granitoid
suites in the Island Harbour Bay area, Makkovik Province, Labrador
AU: Barr S.M.; White C.E.; Culshaw N.G.; Ketchum J.W.
JN: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
PD: March 2001
VO: 38
NO: 3
PG: 441-463(23)
PB: NRC Research Press
IS: 1480-3313
Record - 33
TI: Synthesis of yttria stabilized cubic zirconia (YSZ) powders
by microwave-hydrothermal route
AU: Khollam Y.B.; Deshpande A.S.; Patil A.J.; Potdar H.S.; Deshpande
S.B.; Date S.K.
JN: Materials Chemistry and Physics
PD: 10 September 2001
VO: 71
NO: 3
PG: 235-241(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0254-0584(01)00287-5
IS: 0254-0584
Record - 34
TI: Catalytic activity of CeO2-ZrO2 mixed oxide catalysts prepared
via sol-gel technique: CO oxidation
AU: Thammachart M.; Meeyoo V.; Risksomboon T.; Osuwan S.
JN: Catalysis Today
PD: 1 July 2001
VO: 68
NO: 1
PG: 53-61(9)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0920-5861(01)00322-4
IS: 0920-5861
Record - 35
TI: Pseudopotential study of PrO2 and HfO2 in fluorite phase
AU: Dabrowski J.; Zavodinsky V.; Fleszar A.
JN: Microelectronics Reliability
PD: July 2001
VO: 41
NO: 7
PG: 1093-1096(4)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0026-2714(01)00070-1
IS: 0026-2714
Record - 36
TI: Oxygen release behavior of metastable tetragonal t'meta-(Ce0.5Zr0.5)O2
phases prepared by reduction and successive oxidation of t' phase
AU: Izu N.; Kishimoto H.; Omata T.; Ono K.; Otsuka-Yao-Matsuo
JN: Science and Technology of Advanced Materials
PD: June 2001
VO: 2
NO: 2
PG: 397-404(8)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1468-6996(01)00012-2
IS: 1468-6996
Record - 37
TI: Ionic conductivity in solid solutions of PbF2 and YF3
AU: Patwe S.J.; Balaya P.; Goyal P.S.; Tyagi A.K.
JN: Materials Research Bulletin
PD: July 2001
VO: 36
NO: 9
PG: 1743-1749(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0025-5408(01)00634-1
IS: 0025-5408
Record - 38
TI: The Structural Transformation from the Pyrochlore Structure,
A2B2O7, to the Fluorite Structure, AO2, Studied by Raman Spectroscopy
and Defect Chemistry Modeling
AU: Glerup M.; Nielsen O.F.; Poulsen F.W.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: August 2001
VO: 160
NO: 1
PG: 25-32(8)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 39
TI: The Strain-Driven Pyrochlore to "Defect Fluorite"
Phase Transition in Rare Earth Sesquioxide Stabilized Cubic Zirconias
AU: Tabira Y.; Withers R.L.; Barry J.C.; Elcoro L.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: June 2001
VO: 159
NO: 1
PG: 121-129(9)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 40
TI: The origin and evolution of base metal mineralising brines
and hydrothermal fluids, South Cornwall, UK
AU: Gleeson S.A.; Wilkinson J.J.; Stuart F.M.; Banks D.A.
JN: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
PD: 1 July 2001
VO: 65
NO: 13
PG: 2067-2079(13)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0016-7037(01)00579-8
IS: 0016-7037
Record - 41
TI: Proton conduction in non-perovskite-type oxides at elevated
AU: Shimura T.; Fujimoto S.; Iwahara H.
JN: Solid State Ionics
PD: 1 June 2001
VO: 143
NO: 1
PG: 117-123(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-2738(01)00839-6
IS: 0167-2738
Record - 42
TI: Helium and carbon isotopes in fluorites: implications for
mantle carbon contribution in an ancient subduction zone
AU: Yamamoto J.; Watanabe M.; Nozaki Y.; Sano Y.
JN: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
PD: June 2001
VO: 107
NO: 1
PG: 19-26(8)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0377-0273(00)00315-2
IS: 0377-0273
Record - 43
TI: Residual alkalinity as tracer to estimate the changes induced
by forage cultivation in a non-saline irrigated sodic soil
AU: Barbiero L.; Valles V.; Regeard A.; Cheverry C.
JN: Agricultural Water Management
PD: 20 September 2001
VO: 50
NO: 3
PG: 229-241(13)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0378-3774(00)00124-4
IS: 0378-3774
Record - 44
TI: Preparation of ternary Bi-La and Bi-Pr oxides from polyaminocarboxylate
AU: Wullens H.; Leroy D.; Devillers M.
JN: The International Journal of Inorganic Materials
PD: July 2001
VO: 3
NO: 4
PG: 309-321(13)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1466-6049(01)00036-8
IS: 1466-6049
Record - 45
TI: Thermal and electrical behavior of gamma-Bi2VO5.5 and f-Bi2VO5
oxides obtained from mechanochemically activated precursors
AU: Millan P.; Rojo J.M.; Pardo L.; Ricote J.; Castro A.
JN: Materials Research Bulletin
PD: May 2001
VO: 36
NO: 7
PG: 1277-1286(10)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0025-5408(01)00597-9
IS: 0025-5408
Record - 46
TI: HREM Study of Fluorinated Nd2CuO4
AU: Hadermann J.; Van Tendeloo G.; Abakumov A.M.; Rozova M.G.;
Antipov E.V.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: February 2001
VO: 157
NO: 1
PG: 56-61(6)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 47
TI: Characterization and Defect Structure of Anion-Excess Fluorite-Related
Phases in LnOF-LnF3 Systems (Ln=Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd): From Isolated
Defect Clustering to "Vernier" Modulated Phases
AU: Laval J.P.; Taoudi A.; Abaouz A.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: February 2001
VO: 157
NO: 1
PG: 134-143(10)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 48
TI: Support-Promoted Stabilization of the Metastable PZT Pyrochlore
Phase by Epitaxial Thin Film Growth
AU: Hamedi L.; Guilloux-Viry M.; Perrin A.; Li Z.Z.; Raffy H.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: April 2001
VO: 158
NO: 1
PG: 40-48(9)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 49
TI: Low-Temperature Direct Synthesis of Nanoparticles of Fluorite-Type
Ceria-Zirconia Solid Solutions by "Forced Cohydrolysis"
at 100C
AU: Hirano M.; Miwa T.; Inagaki M.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: April 2001
VO: 158
NO: 1
PG: 112-117(6)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 50
TI: A Study of the Magnetic and Thermal Properties of Ln3RuO7
(Ln=Sm, Eu)
AU: Harada D.; Hinatsu Y.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: May 2001
VO: 158
NO: 2
PG: 245-253(9)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 1
TI: Influence of fluorite on the Ba-bearing sulphoaluminate cement
AU: Chang J.; Cheng X.; Liu F.; Lu L.; Teng B.
JN: Cement and Concrete Research
PD: February 2001
VO: 31
NO: 2
PG: 213-216(4)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0008-8846(00)00450-6
IS: 0008-8846
Record - 2
TI: Traces of epigenetic hydrothermal activity at Yucca Mountain,
Nevada: preliminary data on the fluid inclusion and stable isotope
AU: Dublyansky Y.; Ford D.; Reutski V.
JN: Chemical Geology
PD: 1 March 2001
VO: 173
NO: 1
PG: 125-149(25)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2541(00)00271-0
IS: 0009-2541
Record - 3
TI: A petrological and fluid inclusion study of magnetite-scheelite
skarn mineralization at Kara, Northwestern Tasmania: implications
for ore genesis
AU: Singoyi B.; Zaw K.
JN: Chemical Geology
PD: 1 March 2001
VO: 173
NO: 1
PG: 239-253(15)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2541(00)00278-3
IS: 0009-2541
Record - 4
TI: Geochemistry of the rhyolitic magmas from the Streltsovka
caldera (Transbaikalia, Russia): a melt inclusion study
AU: Chabiron A.; Alyoshin A.P.; Cuney M.; Deloule E.; Golubev
V.N.; Velitchkin V.I.; Poty B.
JN: Chemical Geology
PD: 1 June 2001
VO: 175
NO: 3
PG: 273-290(18)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2541(00)00300-4
IS: 0009-2541
Record - 5
TI: Phase Relations of Peralkaline Silicic Magmas and Petrogenetic
JN: Journal of Petrology
PD: April 2001
VO: 42
NO: 4
PG: 825-845(21)
PB: Oxford University Press
IS: 0022-3530
Record - 6
TI: Crystal structure of LaHo0.75Sr0.25CuO3.89: evidence of oxygen
vacancies in the fluorite-like slab
AU: Kopnin E.M.; Belik A.A.; Schwer H.; Bottger G.; Karpinski
JN: Journal of Alloys and Compounds
PD: 26 April 2001
VO: 319
NO: 1
PG: 1-4(4)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0925-8388(01)00901-X
IS: 0925-8388
Record - 7
TI: Phase development and ferroelectric properties of lead zirconate
titanate thin films prepared from a triol sol-gel route
AU: Naksata M.; Milne S.J.
JN: The International Journal of Inorganic Materials
PD: March 2001
VO: 3
NO: 2
PG: 169-173(5)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1466-6049(00)00063-5
IS: 1466-6049
Record - 8
TI: Oxidative coupling of methane on fluorite-structured samarium-yttrium-bismuth
AU: Zeng Y.; Akin F.T.; Lin Y.S.
JN: Applied Catalysis A: General
PD: 14 May 2001
VO: 213
NO: 1
PG: 33-45(13)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0926-860X(00)00877-2
IS: 0926-860X
Record - 9
TI: Supported CuO+AgPartially Stabilized Zirconia Catalysts for
the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx under Lean Burn Conditions
1. Bulk and Surface Properties of the Catalysts
AU: Sadykov V.A.; Bunina R.V.; Alikina G.M.; Ivanova A.S.; Kochubei
D.I.; Novgorodov B.N.; Paukshtis E.A.; Fenelonov V.B.; Zaikovskii
V.I.; Kuznetsova T.G.; Beloshapkin S.A.; Kolomiichuk V.N.; Moroz
E.M.; Matyshak V.A.; Konin G.A.; Rozovskii A.Y.; Ross J.R.H.;
Breen J.P.
JN: Journal of Catalysis
PD: May 2001
VO: 200
NO: 1
PG: 117-130(14)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0021-9517
Record - 10
TI: Oxidation Activity and 18O-Isotope Exchange Behavior of Cu-Stabilized
Cubic Zirconia
AU: Dongare M.K.; Ramaswamy V.; Gopinath C.S.; Ramaswamy A.V.;
Scheurell S.; Brueckner M.; Kemnitz E.
JN: Journal of Catalysis
PD: April 2001
VO: 199
NO: 2
PG: 209-216(8)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0021-9517
Record - 11
TI: Thermal expansion and solubility limits of plutonium-doped
lanthanum zirconates
AU: Yamazaki S.; Yamashita T.; Matsui T.; Nagasaki T.
JN: Journal of Nuclear Materials
PD: April 2001
VO: 294
NO: 1
PG: 183-187(5)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0022-3115(01)00464-0
IS: 0022-3115
Record - 12
TI: Crystal structure and bonding in the high-pressure form of
fluorite (CaF2)
AU: Morris E.; Groy T.; Leinenweber K.
JN: Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
PD: 1 June 2001
VO: 62
NO: 6
PG: 1117-1122(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0022-3697(00)00291-2
IS: 0022-3697
Record - 13
TI: Experimental constraints on the fractionation of 13C/12C and
18O/16O ratios due to adsorption of CO2 on mineral substrates
at conditions relevant to the surface of Mars
AU: Rahn T.; Eiler J.M.
JN: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
PD: 1 March 2001
VO: 65
NO: 5
PG: 839-846(8)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0016-7037(00)00592-5
IS: 0016-7037
Record - 14
TI: Heavy ion irradiation studies of columbite, brannerite, and
pyrochlore structure types
AU: Lumpkin G.R.; Smith K.L.; Blackford M.G.
JN: Journal of Nuclear Materials
PD: February 2001
VO: 289
NO: 1
PG: 177-187(11)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0022-3115(00)00695-4
IS: 0022-3115
Record - 15
TI: Heavy-ion irradiation effects in Gd2(Ti2-xZrx)O7 pyrochlores
AU: Begg B.D.; Hess N.J.; McCready D.E.; Thevuthasan S.; Weber
JN: Journal of Nuclear Materials
PD: February 2001
VO: 289
NO: 1
PG: 188-193(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0022-3115(00)00696-6
IS: 0022-3115
Record - 16
TI: Phase relationship and electrical conductivity in the ZrO2-Y0.75Nb0.25O1.75
AU: Lee1 J.-H.; Yoshimura M.
JN: Solid State Ionics
PD: 28 February 2001
VO: 139
NO: 3
PG: 197-203(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-2738(01)00685-3
IS: 0167-2738
Record - 17
TI: A new type of amperometric oxygen sensor based on a mixed-conducting
composite membrane
AU: Peng Z.; Liu M.; Balko E.
JN: Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
PD: 5 January 2001
VO: 72
NO: 1
PG: 35-40(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0925-4005(00)00629-8
IS: 0925-4005
Record - 18
TI: Bi1xCrxO1.5+1.5x, 0.05x0.15: A New High-Temperature Solid
Solution with a Three-Dimensional Incommensurate Modulation
AU: Esmaeilzadeh S.; Lundgren S.; Halenius U.; Grins J.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: January 2001
VO: 156
NO: 1
PG: 168-180(13)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 19
TI: Preparation and structural properties of new series of mixed-anion
compounds: rare earth fluorosulfides
AU: Demourgues A.; Tressaud A.; Laronze H.; Gravereau P.; Macaudiere
JN: Journal of Fluorine Chemistry
PD: February 2001
VO: 107
NO: 2
PG: 215-221(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0022-1139(00)00361-4
IS: 0022-1139
Record - 20
TI: Raman spectroscopic study of ion-beam synthesized polycrystalline
beta-FeSi2 on Si(100)
AU: Maeda Y.; Umezawa K.; Hayashi Y.; Miyake K.
JN: Thin Solid Films
PD: 15 January 2001
VO: 381
NO: 2
PG: 219-224(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0040-6090(00)01747-8
IS: 0040-6090
Record - 21
TI: Investigation by impedance and 19F-NMR spectroscopies of a
new oxyfluoride solid solution range in the NaF-BiF3-Bi2O3 system
AU: Serov T.V.; Zakirov R.Y.; Ardashnikova E.I.; Dolgikh V.A.;
El Omari M.; Senegas J.; Reau J.M.
JN: Solid State Ionics
PD: 1 January 2001
VO: 138
NO: 3
PG: 233-242(10)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-2738(00)00809-2
IS: 0167-2738
Record - 22
TI: Improvement of the electrolytic properties of Y2O3-based materials
using a crystallographic index
AU: Mori T.; Lee J.-H.; Li J.; Ikegami T.; Auchterlonie G.; Drennan
JN: Solid State Ionics
PD: 1 January 2001
VO: 138
NO: 3
PG: 277-291(15)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-2738(00)00815-8
IS: 0167-2738
Record - 23
TI: A luminescence study for dating archaeometallurgical slagspaper
AU: Haustein M.; Krbetschek M.R.; Trautmann T.; Roewer G.; Stolz
JN: Quaternary Science Reviews
PD: 1 December 2001
VO: 20
NO: 5
PG: 981-985(5)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0277-3791(00)00038-X
IS: 0277-3791
Record - 24
TI: Occurrences of the Purple Pigment Fluorite on Paintings in
the National Gallery
AU: Spring, Marika
JN: The National Gallery Technical Bulletin
PD: January 2000
VO: 21
NO: 1
PG: 20-27(8)
PB: National Gallery
IS: 0140-7430
Record - 25
TI: X-ray diffraction study of Ca0.88Gd0.12F2.12 single crystals
with a modified fluorite structure
AU: Grigoreva, N.; Maksimov, B.; Sobolev, B.
JN: Crystallography Reports
PD: September 2000
VO: 45
NO: 5
PG: 718-720(3)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/1.1312907
IS: 1063-7745
Record - 26
TI: Crystallochemical model of ion-transport percolation in nonstoichiometric
M 1x RxF2+x phases with the defect CaF2-type structure
AU: Sorokin, N.
JN: Crystallography Reports
PD: September 2000
VO: 45
NO: 5
PG: 799-803(5)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/1.1312924
IS: 1063-7745
Record - 27
TI: Oxygen Permeation and Oxidative Coupling of Methane in Yttria
Doped Bismuth Oxide Membrane Reactor
AU: Zeng Y.; Lin Y.S.
JN: Journal of Catalysis
PD: 1 July 2000
VO: 193
NO: 1
PG: 58-64(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jcat.2000.2876
IS: 0021-9517
Record - 28
TI: An Electron Diffraction and XRD Study of the alpha'1 and alpha''1
Fluorite-Related Phases in the (1-x)12Bi2O3.xCaO, 0.20<x<0.29,
AU: Withers R.L.; Larsson A.-K.; Schmid S.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: 1 February 2000
VO: 149
NO: 2
PG: 218-225(8)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.1999.8507
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 29
TI: Redox Reaction of Praseodymium Oxide in the ZnO Sintered Ceramics
AU: Wakiya N.; Chun S.-Y.; Shinozaki K.; Mizutani N.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: 1 February 2000
VO: 149
NO: 2
PG: 349-353(5)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.1999.8543
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 30
TI: New Calcium Tantalate Polytypes in the System Ca2Ta2O7-Sm2Ti2O7
AU: Grey I.E.; Roth R.S.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: 15 February 2000
VO: 150
NO: 1
PG: 167-177(11)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.1999.8573
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 31
TI: Intermediate Cubic Phase Crystallized from Synroc Alkoxide
Precursor at 800oC
AU: Vance E.R.; Hunter B.A.; Davis R.L.; Hawkins K.D.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: 15 February 2000
VO: 150
NO: 1
PG: 209-212(4)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.1999.8586
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 32
TI: A New High-Temperature Cubic Fluorite-Type Phase Mo0.16Bi0.84O1.74
with a Rare Three-Dimensional Incommensurate Modulation
AU: Valldor M.; Esmaeilzadeh S.; Pay-Gomez C.; Grins J.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: July 2000
VO: 152
NO: 2
PG: 573-576(4)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2000.8742
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 33
TI: Structure of Bi2Nd4O9 Monoclinic Phase
AU: Lan Y.C.; Chen X.L.; Li J.Q.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: August 2000
VO: 153
NO: 1
PG: 30-33(4)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2000.8734
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 34
TI: Cation Disorder in Three-Layer Aurivillius Phases: Structural
Studies of Bi2-xSr2+xTi1-xNb2+xO12 (0<x<0.8) and Bi4-xLaxTi3O12
(x=1 and 2)
AU: Hervoches C.H.; Lightfoot P.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: August 2000
VO: 153
NO: 1
PG: 66-73(8)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2000.8741
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 35
TI: Synthesis and Study of Hg-Based 1222-Type Superconducting
Cuprates (Hg, M)Sr2(Ln, Ce)2Cu2Oz
AU: Kandyel E.; Yamamoto A.; Wen J.G.; Tajima S.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: 1 November 2000
VO: 154
NO: 2
PG: 488-497(10)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2000.8869
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 36
TI: Lattice Oxygen Transfer in Fluorite-Type Oxides Containing
Ce, Pr, and/or Tb
AU: Kang Z.C.; Eyring L.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: 15 November 2000
VO: 155
NO: 1
PG: 129-137(9)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2000.8913
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 37
TI: High-Temperature Incommensurate-to-Commensurate Phase Transition
in the Bi2MoO6 Catalyst
AU: Buttrey D.J.; Vogt T.; White B.D.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: 15 November 2000
VO: 155
NO: 1
PG: 206-215(10)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2000.8935
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 38
TI: The Influence of Particle Size on Sintering and Conductivity
of Bi0.85Pr0.105V0.045O1.545 Ceramics
AU: Benkaddour M.; Steil M.C.; Drache M.; Conflant P.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: December 2000
VO: 155
NO: 2
PG: 273-279(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2000.8793
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 39
TI: Synthesis, Structure, Electrical Conductivity, and Band Structure
of the Rare-Earth Copper Oxychalcogenide La5Cu6O4S7
AU: Huang F.Q.; Brazis P.; Kannewurf C.R.; Ibers J.A.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: December 2000
VO: 155
NO: 2
PG: 366-371(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2000.8926
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 40
TI: Surface Complexation of Calcium Minerals in Aqueous Solution
- 4. The Complexation of Alizarin Red S at Fluorite-Water Interfaces
AU: Wu L.; Forsling W.; Holmgren A.
JN: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
PD: 15 April 2000
VO: 224
NO: 2
PG: 211-218(8)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jcis.1999.6692
IS: 0021-9797
Record - 41
TI: Solution Chemistry in Adsorption Layer Formation of Oleate
on Fluorite
AU: Mielczarski E.; de Donato P.; Mielczarski J.A.; Cases J.M.;
Barres O.; Bouquet E.
JN: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
PD: 15 June 2000
VO: 226
NO: 2
PG: 269-276(8)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jcis.2000.6793
IS: 0021-9797
Record - 42
TI: Crystal Structure of Pb5Bi18P4O42: A Fluorite-Related Superstructure
AU: Giraud S.; Wignacourt J.-P.; Swinnea S.; Steinfink H.; Harlow
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: May 2000
VO: 151
NO: 2
PG: 181-189(9)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2000.8633
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 43
TI: Reaction Mechanism of Metal Silicide Mg2Si for Li Insertion
AU: Moriga T.; Watanabe K.; Tsuji D.; Massaki S.; Nakabayashi
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: September 2000
VO: 153
NO: 2
PG: 386-390(5)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.2000.8787
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 44
TI: First-principles investigations of transition metal dihydrides,
TH2: T = Sc, Ti, V, Y, Zr, Nb; energetics and chemical bonding
AU: Wolf W.; Herzig P.
JN: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
PD: 2000
VO: 12
NO: 21
PG: 4535-4551(17)
PB: Institute of Physics Publishing
IS: 0953-8984
Record - 45
TI: Cubic symmetry around iron in CoSi_2
AU: Bill E.; Dezsi I.; Fetzer C.
JN: Hyperfine Interactions
PD: 2000
VO: 128
NO: 4
PG: 433-436(4)
PB: Springer
IS: 0304-3834
Record - 46
TI: Semiempirical Estimation of Thermal Expansion Coefficients
and Isobaric Heat Capacities of Fluorite-Type Compounds
AU: Inaba H.
JN: International Journal of Thermophysics
PD: January 2000
VO: 21
NO: 1
PG: 249-268(20)
PB: Springer
IS: 0195-928X
Record - 47
TI: EPR study on oxygen handling properties of ceria, zirconia
and Zr-Ce 1 : 1 mixed oxide samples
AU: Martinez-Arias A.; Fernandez-Garcia M.; Belver C.; Conesa
J.C.; Soria J.
JN: Catalysis Letters
PD: 2000
VO: 65
NO: 4
PG: 197-204(8)
PB: Springer
IS: 1011-372X
Record - 48
TI: Approximating the Liquidus Surface of the ZrO2 Y2O3 La2O3
Phase Equilibrium Diagram with Reduced Polynomials
AU: Andrievskaya E.R.; Lopato L.M.
JN: Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics
PD: 10 September 2000
VO: 39
NO: 9/10
PG: 445-450(6)
PB: Springer
IS: 1068-1302
Record - 49
TI: A Study of the Structural Characteristics of Fluorite Crystals
Using Methods of X-Ray Diffractometry and Topography
AU: Kablis G.N.; Punegov V.I.; Shilov S.V.; Petrakov A.P.
JN: Industrial Laboratory
PD: November 2000
VO: 66
NO: 11
PG: 726-728(3)
PB: Springer
IS: 0019-8447
Record - 50
TI: Grain Boundary Kinetics in Oxide Ceramics with the Cubic Fluorite
Crystal Structure and its Derivatives
AU: Chen I-W.
JN: Interface Science
PD: August 2000
VO: 8
NO: 2/3
PG: 147-156(10)
PB: Springer
IS: 0927-7056
Record - 1
TI: Epitaxial Sr-Bi-Ta Oxide Films of Cubic Fluorite-Like Structure
AU: Noh T.W.; Hyun S.J.; Park B.H.; Bu S.D.; Lee J.S.; Jo W.
JN: Journal of Electroceramics
PD: June 2000
VO: 4
NO: 2/3
PG: 273-278(6)
PB: Springer
IS: 1385-3449
Record - 2
TI: Defect Chemistry of \hbox{SrBi}_{2}\hbox{Ta}_{2}\hbox{O}_{9}
and Ferroelectric Fatigue Endurance
AU: Palanduz A.C.; Smyth D.M.
JN: Journal of Electroceramics
PD: August 2000
VO: 5
NO: 1
PG: 21-30(10)
PB: Springer
IS: 1385-3449
Record - 3
TI: Electrical conductivity of fluorite phases in the system Y2O3-Ta2O5-MgO
AU: Choi S.M.; Kim S.; Lee H.L.
JN: Journal of Materials Science
PD: 1 April 2000
VO: 35
NO: 7
PG: 1685-1689(5)
PB: Springer
IS: 0022-2461
Record - 4
TI: Hot-spring and supergene lanthanide mineralization at the
Buru carbonatite centre, Western Kenya
AU: Onuonga I. O.; Bowden P.
JN: Mineralogical Magazine
PD: 1 August 2000
VO: 64
NO: 4
PG: 663-673(11)
PB: Mineralogical Society
IS: 0026-461X
Record - 5
TI: Epitaxial growth of zeolite X on zeolite A and twinning in
zeolite A: structural and topological analysis
AU: Porcher F.; Dusausoy Y.; Souhassou M.; Lecomte C.
JN: Mineralogical Magazine
PD: 1 February 2000
VO: 64
NO: 1
PG: 1-1(1)
PB: Mineralogical Society
IS: 0026-461X
Record - 6
TI: Er3+ ion cathodoluminescence in fluorite: experimental and
modelling approach of the thermal effect under electron beam.
AU: Duvaut T.; d'Almeida T.; Bouffard M.; Jouart J.-P.; Barbin
JN: Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Series IIA Earth
and Planetary Science
PD: 30 November 2000
VO: 331
NO: 10
PG: 641-645(5)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1251-8050(00)01465-8
IS: 1251-8050
Record - 7
TI: Structural and optical properties of CeO2 thin films prepared
by spray pyrolysis
AU: Elidrissi B.; Addou M.; Regragui M.; Monty C.; Bougrine A.;
Kachouane A.
JN: Thin Solid Films
PD: 8 December 2000
VO: 379
NO: 1
PG: 23-27(5)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0040-6090(00)01404-8
IS: 0040-6090
Record - 8
TI: Synthesis and Study of Hg-Based 1222-Type Superconducting
Cuprates (Hg, M)Sr2(Ln, Ce)2Cu2Oz
AU: Kandyel E.; Yamamoto A.; Wen J.G.; Tajima S.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: November 2000
VO: 154
NO: 2
PG: 488-497(10)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 9
TI: Lattice Oxygen Transfer in Fluorite-Type Oxides Containing
Ce, Pr, andor Tb
AU: Kang Z.C.; Eyring L.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: November 2000
VO: 155
NO: 1
PG: 129-137(9)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 10
TI: High-Temperature Incommensurate-to-Commensurate Phase Transition
in the Bi2MoO6 Catalyst
AU: Buttrey D.J.; Vogt T.; White B.D.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: November 2000
VO: 155
NO: 1
PG: 206-215(10)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 11
TI: Process of solid state reaction between doped ceria and zirconia
AU: Eguchi K.; Akasaka N.; Mitsuyasu H.; Nonaka Y.
JN: Solid State Ionics
PD: 1 November 2000
VO: 135
NO: 1
PG: 589-594(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-2738(00)00416-1
IS: 0167-2738
Record - 12
TI: Enhancement of the ionic conductivity of mixed calcia/yttria
stabilized zirconia
AU: Gong J.; Li Y.; Tang Z.; Zhang Z.
JN: Materials Letters
PD: November 2000
VO: 46
NO: 2
PG: 115-119(5)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-577X(00)00152-X
IS: 0167-577X
Record - 13
TI: A novel aqueous solution route to the low-temperature synthesis
of SrBi2Nb2O9 by use of water-soluble Bi and Nb complexes
AU: Asai T.; Camargo E.R.; Kakihana M.; Osada M.
JN: Journal of Alloys and Compounds
PD: 14 September 2000
VO: 309
NO: 1
PG: 113-117(5)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0925-8388(00)01081-1
IS: 0925-8388
Record - 14
TI: The crystal structures of BiTeO3I, NdTeO3X (X=Cl, Br) and
Bi5TeO8.5I2: some crystal chemistry peculiarities of layered Bi(Ln)&unknown;Te
AU: Berdonosov P.S.; Charkin D.O.; Kusainova A.M.; Hervoches C.H.;
Dolgikh V.A.; Lightfoot P.
JN: Solid State Sciences
PD: 1 September 2000
VO: 2
NO: 5
PG: 553-562(10)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1293-2558(00)01065-7
IS: 1293-2558
Record - 15
TI: Polytypic arrangements of cuboctahedral oxygen clusters in
AU: Nowicki L.; Garrido F.; Turos A.; Thome L.
JN: Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
PD: November 2000
VO: 61
NO: 11
PG: 1789-1804(16)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0022-3697(00)00057-3
IS: 0022-3697
Record - 16
TI: Stability of delta-Bi2O3-based solid electrolytes
AU: Yaremchenko A.A.; Kharton V.V.; Naumovich E.N.; Tonoyan A.A.
JN: Materials Research Bulletin
PD: 1 March 2000
VO: 35
NO: 4
PG: 515-520(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0025-5408(00)00237-3
IS: 0025-5408
Record - 17
TI: Reaction Mechanism of Metal Silicide Mg2Si for Li Insertion
AU: Moriga T.; Watanabe K.; Tsuji D.; Massaki S.; Nakabayashi
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: September 2000
VO: 153
NO: 2
PG: 386-390(5)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 18
TI: TEM characterisation of PZT films prepared by a diol route
on platinised silicon substrates
AU: Kaewchinda D.; Chairaungsri T.; Naksata M.; Milne S.J.; Brydson
JN: Journal of the European Ceramic Society
PD: August 2000
VO: 20
NO: 9
PG: 1277-1288(12)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0955-2219(99)00296-4
IS: 0955-2219
Record - 19
TI: Structure of Bi2Nd4O9 Monoclinic Phase
AU: Lan Y.C.; Chen X.L.; Li J.Q.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: August 2000
VO: 153
NO: 1
PG: 30-33(4)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 20
TI: Cation Disorder in Three-Layer Aurivillius Phases: Structural
Studies of Bi2xSr2+xTi1xNb2+xO12 (0<x<0.8) and Bi4xLaxTi3O12
(x=1 and 2)
AU: Hervoches C.H.; Lightfoot P.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: August 2000
VO: 153
NO: 1
PG: 66-73(8)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 21
TI: The late stages of evolution of the Kwandonkaya A-type granite
complex, Nigeria, as deduced from mafic minerals
AU: Sakoma E.M.; Martin R.F.; Williams-Jones A.E.
JN: Journal of African Earth Sciences
PD: February 2000
VO: 30
NO: 2
PG: 329-350(22)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0899-5362(00)00023-3
IS: 0899-5362
Record - 22
TI: Crystal structure of BiNbTe2O8
AU: Blanchandin S.; Champarnaud-Mesjard J.C.; Thomas P.; Frit
JN: Solid State Sciences
PD: 1 May 2000
VO: 2
NO: 2
PG: 223-228(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1293-2558(00)00121-7
IS: 1293-2558
Record - 23
TI: Ion irradiation of rare-earth- and yttrium-titanate-pyrochlores
AU: Wang S.X.; Wang L.M.; Ewing R.C.; Govindan Kutty K.V.
JN: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section
B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
PD: 2 June 2000
VO: 169
NO: 1
PG: 135-140(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0168-583X(00)00030-6
IS: 0168-583X
Record - 24
TI: A New High-Temperature Cubic Fluorite-Type Phase Mo0.16Bi0.84O1.74
with a Rare Three-Dimensional Incommensurate Modulation
AU: Valldor M.; Esmaeilzadeh S.; Pay-Gomez C.; Grins J.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: July 2000
VO: 152
NO: 2
PG: 573-576(4)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 25
TI: New anion-conducting solid solutions in the NaF-MF3-M2O3 (M=Nd,
Bi) systems
AU: Serov T.V.; Zakirov R.Y.; Kovba M.L.; Ardashnikova E.I.; Dolgikh
V.A.; El Omari M.; Reau J.-M.
JN: Journal of Fluorine Chemistry
PD: July 2000
VO: 104
NO: 2
PG: 255-261(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0022-1139(00)00243-8
IS: 0022-1139
Record - 26
TI: Oxygen Permeation and Oxidative Coupling of Methane in Yttria
Doped Bismuth Oxide Membrane Reactor
AU: Zeng Y.; Lin Y.S.
JN: Journal of Catalysis
PD: July 2000
VO: 193
NO: 1
PG: 58-64(7)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0021-9517
Record - 27
TI: Geochemical study of calcite veins in the Silurian and Devonian
of the Barrandian Basin (Czech Republic): evidence for widespread
post-Variscan fluid flow in the central part of the Bohemian Massif
AU: Suchy V.; Heijlen W.; Sykorova I.; Muchez P.; Dobes P.; Hladikova
J.; Jackova I.; Safanda J.; Zeman A.
JN: Sedimentary Geology
PD: 15 March 2000
VO: 131
NO: 3
PG: 201-219(19)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0037-0738(99)00136-0
IS: 0037-0738
Record - 28
TI: Manganese fluoride epitaxial growth on Si(111)
AU: Anisimov O.V.; Banshchikov A.G.; Krupin A.V.; Moisseeva M.M.;
Sokolov N.S.; Ulin V.P.; Yakovlev N.L.
JN: Thin Solid Films
PD: 15 May 2000
VO: 367
NO: 1
PG: 199-202(4)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0040-6090(00)00673-8
IS: 0040-6090
Record - 29
TI: MBE-growth peculiarities of fluoride (CdF2-CaF2) thin film
AU: Sokolov N.S.; Suturin S.M.
JN: Thin Solid Films
PD: 15 May 2000
VO: 367
NO: 1
PG: 112-119(8)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0040-6090(00)00705-7
IS: 0040-6090
Record - 30
TI: Aerosol and plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition process
for multi-component oxide La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 thin film
AU: Wang H.B.; Meng G.Y.; Peng D.K.
JN: Thin Solid Films
PD: 15 June 2000
VO: 368
NO: 2
PG: 275-278(4)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0040-6090(00)00781-1
IS: 0040-6090
Record - 31
TI: Deposition and characterization of YSZ thin films by aerosol-assisted
AU: Wang H.B.; Xia C.R.; Meng G.Y.; Peng D.K.
JN: Materials Letters
PD: May 2000
VO: 44
NO: 1
PG: 23-28(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-577X(99)00291-8
IS: 0167-577X
Record - 32
TI: Geology, geochemistry, and origin of volcanic rock-hosted
uranium deposits in northwestern Nevada and southeastern Oregon,
AU: Castor S.B.; Henry C.D.
JN: Ore Geology Reviews
PD: March 2000
VO: 16
NO: 1
PG: 1-40(40)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0169-1368(99)00021-9
IS: 0169-1368
Record - 33
TI: Pressureless sintering of fluorapatite under oxygen atmosphere
AU: Ben Ayed F.; Bouaziz J.; Bouzouita K.
JN: Journal of the European Ceramic Society
PD: July 2000
VO: 20
NO: 8
PG: 1069-1076(8)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0955-2219(99)00272-1
IS: 0955-2219
Record - 34
TI: Solution Chemistry in Adsorption Layer Formation of Oleate
on Fluorite
AU: Mielczarski E.; de Donato P.; Mielczarski J.A.; Cases J.M.;
Barres O.; Bouquet E.
JN: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
PD: June 2000
VO: 226
NO: 2
PG: 269-276(8)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0021-9797
Record - 35
TI: Structural defects in a nano-scale powder of CeO2 studied
by pulsed neutron diffraction
AU: Mamontov E.; Egami T.
JN: Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
PD: August 2000
VO: 61
NO: 8
PG: 1345-1356(12)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0022-3697(00)00003-2
IS: 0022-3697
Record - 36
TI: Neutron diffraction study of the Pb1-xAlxF2+x solid solution
AU: El Omari M.; Soubeyroux J.L.; Reau J.-M.; Senegas J.
JN: Solid State Ionics
PD: 1 May 2000
VO: 130
NO: 1
PG: 133-141(9)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-2738(00)00279-4
IS: 0167-2738
Record - 37
TI: Structure and magnetism in Pr3RuO7
AU: Wiss F.; Raju N.P.; Wills A.S.; Greedan J.E.
JN: The International Journal of Inorganic Materials
PD: February 2000
VO: 2
NO: 1
PG: 53-59(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1466-6049(99)00065-3
IS: 1466-6049
Record - 38
TI: Solid state aspects of oxidation catalysis
AU: Gellings P.J.; Bouwmeester H.J.M.
JN: Catalysis Today
PD: 28 April 2000
VO: 58
NO: 1
PG: 1-53(53)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0920-5861(00)00240-6
IS: 0920-5861
Record - 39
TI: High-temperature infrared reflectivity of yttria-stabilized
hafnia single crystals
AU: Kadlec F.; Simon P.
JN: Materials Science and Engineering: B
PD: 1 March 2000
VO: 72
NO: 1
PG: 56-58(3)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0921-5107(99)00595-4
IS: 0921-5107
Record - 40
TI: Crystal Structure of Pb5Bi18P4O42: A Fluorite-Related Superstructure
AU: Giraud S.; Wignacourt J-P.; Swinnea S.; Steinfink H.; Harlow
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: May 2000
VO: 151
NO: 2
PG: 181-189(9)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 41
TI: Electrical Conductivity of Novel Tetragonal tmeta-(Ce0.5Zr0.5)O2
Phase Prepared by Reduction and Successive Oxidation of t Phase
AU: Izu N.; Kishimoto H.; Omata T.; Otsuka-Yao-Matsuo S.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: May 2000
VO: 151
NO: 2
PG: 253-259(7)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 42
TI: Raman spectra and vibrational analysis of nanometric tetragonal
zirconia under high pressure
AU: Bouvier P.; Lucazeau G.
JN: Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
PD: April 2000
VO: 61
NO: 4
PG: 569-578(10)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0022-3697(99)00242-5
IS: 0022-3697
Record - 43
TI: Geochemistry of southwestern New Mexico fluorite occurrences
implications for precious metals exploration in fluorite-bearing
AU: Hill G.T.; Campbell A.R.; Kyle P.R.
JN: Journal of Geochemical Exploration
PD: February 2000
VO: 68
NO: 1
PG: 1-20(20)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0375-6742(99)00047-3
IS: 0375-6742
Record - 44
TI: Synthesis and oxygen permeation properties of ceramic-metal
dual-phase membranes
AU: Kim J.; Lin Y.S.
JN: Journal of Membrane Science
PD: 14 March 2000
VO: 167
NO: 1
PG: 123-133(11)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0376-7388(99)00273-2
IS: 0376-7388
Record - 45
TI: Red-to-blue up-conversion spectroscopy of Tm3+ in SrF2, CaF2,
BaF2 and CdF2
AU: Bouffard M.; Jouart J.P.; Joubert M.-F.
JN: Optical Materials
PD: March 2000
VO: 14
NO: 1
PG: 73-79(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0925-3467(99)00110-X
IS: 0925-3467
Record - 46
TI: Surface Complexation of Calcium Minerals in Aqueous Solution
4. The Complexation of Alizarin Red S at Fluorite-Water Interfaces
AU: Wu L.; Forsling W.; Holmgren A.
JN: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
PD: April 2000
VO: 224
NO: 2
PG: 211-218(8)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0021-9797
Record - 47
TI: Economic aspects of carbonatites of India
AU: Krishnamurthy P.; Hoda S.Q.; Sinha R.P.; Banerjee D.C.; Dwivedy
JN: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
PD: April 2000
VO: 18
NO: 2
PG: 229-235(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1367-9120(99)00031-0
IS: 1367-9120
Record - 48
TI: Fluorite 87Sr/86Sr and REE constraints on fluid-melt relations,
crystallization time span and bulk DSr of evolved high-silica
granites. Tabuleiro granites, Santa Catarina, Brazil
AU: Sallet R.; Moritz R.; Fontignie D.
JN: Chemical Geology
PD: 6 March 2000
VO: 164
NO: 1
PG: 81-92(12)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2541(99)00143-6
IS: 0009-2541
Record - 49
TI: Influence of glass composition on the properties of glass
polyalkenoate cements. Part III: influence of fluorite content
AU: De Barra E.; Hill R.G.
JN: Biomaterials
PD: March 2000
VO: 21
NO: 6
PG: 563-569(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0142-9612(99)00215-X
IS: 0142-9612
Record - 50
TI: Alkali metal insertion and dielectric studies on anion excess
fluorite related mixed oxide Bi2Te2W3O16
AU: Marimuthu K.N.; Varadaraju U.V.
JN: Materials Chemistry and Physics
PD: 28 February 2000
VO: 63
NO: 2
PG: 127-132(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0254-0584(99)00209-6
IS: 0254-0584
Record - 1
TI: Short-chain carboxylates in fluid inclusions in minerals
AU: Zeng Y.; Liu J.
JN: Applied Geochemistry
PD: January 2000
VO: 15
NO: 1
PG: 13-25(13)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0883-2927(99)00020-7
IS: 0883-2927
Record - 2
TI: An Electron Diffraction and XRD Study of the alpha1 and alpha1
Fluorite-Related Phases in the (1x)Bi2O3xCaO, 0.20<x<0.29,
AU: Withers R.L.; Larsson A.-K.; Schmid S.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: February 2000
VO: 149
NO: 2
PG: 218-225(8)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 3
TI: Redox Reaction of Praseodymium Oxide in the ZnO Sintered Ceramics
AU: Wakiya N.; Chun S-Y.; Shinozaki K.; Mizutani N.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: February 2000
VO: 149
NO: 2
PG: 349-353(5)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 4
TI: Thermal studies on alkaline earth uranates
AU: Sali S.K.; Sampath S.; Venugopal V.
JN: Journal of Nuclear Materials
PD: 2 January 2000
VO: 277
NO: 1
PG: 106-112(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0022-3115(99)00145-2
IS: 0022-3115
Record - 5
TI: New Calcium Tantalate Polytypes in the System Ca2Ta2O7-Sm2Ti2O7
AU: Grey I.E.; Roth R.S.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: February 2000
VO: 150
NO: 1
PG: 167-177(11)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 6
TI: Intermediate Cubic Phase Crystallized from Synroc Alkoxide
Precursor at 800C
AU: Vance E.R.; Hunter B.A.; Davis R.L.; Hawkins K.D.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: February 2000
VO: 150
NO: 1
PG: 209-212(4)
PB: Academic Press
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 7
TI: Formation of ceria partially stabilized zirconia nanocrystals
by laser evaporation-condensation
AU: Lee, Wen-Hsu; Shen, Pouyan
JN: Advanced Powder Technology
PD: 1999
VO: 10
NO: 4
PG: 383-397(15)
PB: VSP, an imprint of Brill
DOI: 10.1163/156855299X00226
IS: 0921-8831
Record - 8
TI: Cuspidine-bearing skarn from Chesney Vale, Victoria
AU: Henry, D. A.
JN: Australian Journal of Earth Sciences
PD: April 1999
VO: 46
NO: 2
PG: 251-260(10)
PB: Taylor and Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1046/j.1440-0952.1999.00695.x
IS: 0812-0099
Record - 9
TI: Fine structure of the permittivity spectrum of a fluorite
AU: Sobolev, V.; Kalugin, A.
JN: Physics of the Solid State
PD: September 1999
VO: 41
NO: 9
PG: 1480-1481(2)
PB: MAIK Nauka Interperiodica
DOI: 10.1134/1.1131035
IS: 1063-7834
Record - 10
TI: Cuspidine-bearing skarn from Chesney Vale, Victoria
AU: Henry, D.A.
JN: Australian Journal of Earth Sciences
PD: 1 April 1999
VO: 46
NO: 2
PG: 251-260(10)
PB: Taylor and Francis Ltd
IS: 0812-0099
Record - 11
TI: Anion Ordering in Fluorinated La2CuO4
AU: Abakumov A.M.; Hadermann J.; Van Tendeloo G.; Shpanchenko
R.V.; Oleinikov P.N.; Antipov E.V.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: 1 February 1999
VO: 142
NO: 2
PG: 440-450(11)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.1998.8064
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 12
TI: Modeling and Rietveld-Refinement of the Crystal Structure
of Bi4Ta2O11Based on That of Bi7Ta3O18
AU: Ling C.D.; Thompson J.G.; Withers R.L.; Schmid S.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: January 1999
VO: 142
NO: 1
PG: 33-40(8)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.1998.7980
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 13
TI: Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Two New Rare-Earth
Manganese Germanates: CeMn2Ge4O12and GdMnGe2O7
AU: Taviot-Gueho C.; Leone P.; Palvadeau P.; Rouxel J.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: March 1999
VO: 143
NO: 2
PG: 145-150(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.1998.7939
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 14
TI: Phase Relations at 1500oC in the Ternary System ZrO2-Y2O3-TiO2
AU: Feighery A.J.; Irvine J.T.S.; Fagg D.P.; Kaiser A.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: March 1999
VO: 143
NO: 2
PG: 273-276(4)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.1998.8108
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 15
TI: An Electron and X-Ray Powder Diffraction Study of the Defect
Fluorite Structure of Mn0.6Ta0.4O1.65
AU: Esmaeilzadeh S.; Grins J.; Larsson A.-K.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: June 1999
VO: 145
NO: 1
PG: 37-49(13)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.1999.8198
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 16
TI: Bi(F, O)2.45: An Anion-Excess Fluorite Defect Structure Deriving
from Rhombohedral LnFO Type
AU: Laval J.P.; Champarnaud-Mesjard J.C.; Britel A.; Mikou A.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: August 1999
VO: 146
NO: 1
PG: 51-59(9)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.1999.8307
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 17
TI: Structure of Zr2ON2 by Neutron Powder Diffraction: The Absence
of Nitride-Oxide Ordering
AU: Clarke S.J.; Michie C.W.; Rosseinsky M.J.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: September 1999
VO: 146
NO: 2
PG: 399-405(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.1999.8372
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 18
TI: On the Quenching of Bi3+ Luminescence in the Pyrochlore Gd2GaSbO7
AU: Srivastava A.M.; Szarowski A.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: September 1999
VO: 146
NO: 2
PG: 494-498(5)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.1999.8408
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 19
TI: The Structures of C-Ce2O3+delta, Ce7O12, and Ce11O20
AU: Kummerle E.A.; Heger G.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: 1 November 1999
VO: 147
NO: 2
PG: 485-500(16)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.1999.8403
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 20
TI: A Novel Family of Layered Bismuth Compounds - I. The Crystal
Structures of Pb0.6Bi1.4Cs0.6O2Cl2 and Pb0.6Bi3.4Cs0.6O4Cl4
AU: Charkin D.O.; Berdonosov P.S.; Moisejev A.M.; Shagiakhmetov
R.R.; Dolgikh V.A.; Lightfoot P.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: 1 November 1999
VO: 147
NO: 2
PG: 527-535(9)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.1999.8412
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 21
TI: Structural Transformations in the Fluorinated T* Phase
AU: Hadermann J.; Abakumov A.M.; Lebedev O.I.; Van Tendeloo G.;
Rozova M.G.; Shpanchenko R.V.; Pavljuk B.P.; Kopnin E.M.; Antipov
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: 1 November 1999
VO: 147
NO: 2
PG: 647-656(10)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.1999.8438
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 22
TI: An Oxygen-Rich Pyrochlore with Fluorite Composition
AU: Thomson J.B.; Robert Armstrong A.; Bruce P.G.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: 15 November 1999
VO: 148
NO: 1
PG: 56-62(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.1999.8347
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 23
TI: Structure and Crystal Chemistry as a Function of Composition
across the Wide Range Nonstoichiometric (1-epsilon)ZrO2.epsilonSmO1.5,
0.38<epsilon<0.55, Oxide Pyrochlore System
AU: Tabira Y.; Withers R.L.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: December 1999
VO: 148
NO: 2
PG: 205-214(10)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.1999.8433
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 24
TI: Structural Relationships among Bismuth-Rich Phases in the
Bi2O3-Nb2O5, Bi2O3-Ta2O5, Bi2O3-MoO3, and Bi2O3-WO3 Systems
AU: Ling C.D.
JN: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
PD: December 1999
VO: 148
NO: 2
PG: 380-405(26)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1006/jssc.1999.8467
IS: 0022-4596
Record - 25
TI: Josephson Plasma in Various High-Tc Cuprates
AU: Shibata H.
JN: Journal of Low Temperature Physics
PD: December 1999
VO: 117
NO: 5-6
PG: 1077-1081(5)
PB: Springer
IS: 0022-2291
Record - 26
TI: Polarization effects in the simulation of lead (II) fluoride
AU: Castiglione M.J.; Wilson M.; Madden P.A.
JN: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
PD: 1999
VO: 11
NO: 46
PG: 9009-9024(16)
PB: Institute of Physics Publishing
IS: 0953-8984
Record - 27
TI: Effects of Cation Disorder on Oxygen Vacancy Migration in
AU: Williford R.E.; Weber W.J.; Devanathan R.; Gale J.D.
JN: Journal of Electroceramics
PD: October 1999
VO: 3
NO: 4
PG: 409-424(16)
PB: Springer
IS: 1385-3449
Record - 28
TI: New investigations within the TeO2-WO3 system: phase equilibrium
diagram and glass crystallization
AU: Blanchandin S.; Marchet P.; Thomas P.; Champarnaud-Mesjard
J.C.; Frit B.; Chagraoui A.
JN: Journal of Materials Science
PD: 1 September 1999
VO: 34
NO: 17
PG: 4285-4292(8)
PB: Springer
IS: 0022-2461
Record - 29
TI: Improvement of Electrical Conductivity in Fluorite Related
Y2O3 and Fluorite CeO2 Systems Based on A Unique Effective Index
AU: Mori, T.; Ikegami, T.; Yamamura, H.; Atake, T.
JN: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
PD: September 1999
VO: 57
NO: 3
PG: 831-838(8)
PB: Springer
DOI: 10.1023/A:1010150410278
IS: 1418-2874
Record - 30
TI: Magmatic and metasomatic processes during formation of the
Nb-Zr-REE deposits Khaldzan Buregte and Tsakhir (Mongolian Altai):
Indications from a combined CL-SEM study
AU: Kempe U.; Gtze J.; Dandar S.; Habermann D.
JN: Mineralogical Magazine
PD: 1 April 1999
VO: 63
NO: 2
PG: 165-165(1)
PB: Mineralogical Society
IS: 0026-461X
Record - 31
TI: Electrical conductivity of the systems, (Y1-xMx)3NbO7 (M=Ca,
Mg) and Y3Nb1-xMxO7 (M'=Zr and Ce)
AU: Yamamura H.; Matsui K.; Kakinuma K.; Mori T.
JN: Solid State Ionics
PD: August 1999
VO: 123
NO: 1
PG: 279-285(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-2738(99)00098-3
IS: 0167-2738
Record - 32
TI: Sediment-borne Contaminants in Rivers Discharging into the
Humber Estuary, UK
AU: Rees J.G.; Ridgway J.; Knox R.W.O.B.; Wiggans G.; Breward
JN: Marine Pollution Bulletin
PD: March 1999
VO: 37
NO: 3
PG: 316-329(14)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0025-326X(99)00055-7
IS: 0025-326X
Record - 33
TI: Instability of Eu3+ ions under electron beam excitation observed
by luminescence
AU: Baumer A.; Blanc P.; Lapraz D.; Ohnenstetter D.; Cesbron F.;
Panczer G.; Prevost H.
JN: Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Series IIA Earth
and Planetary Science
PD: 15 November 1999
VO: 329
NO: 9
PG: 629-635(7)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1251-8050(00)87639-9
IS: 1251-8050
Record - 34
TI: Luminescence study of Eu3+: KGd2F7
AU: Pierrard A.; Gredin P.; Dupont N.; de Kozak A.; Viana B.;
Aschehoug P.; Vivien D.
JN: Solid State Sciences
PD: March 1999
VO: 1
NO: 2
PG: 149-161(13)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1293-2558(00)80071-0
IS: 1293-2558
Record - 35
TI: Systematics of fluorite-related structures. I. General principles
AU: Krivovichev S.V.
JN: Solid State Sciences
PD: June 1999
VO: 1
NO: 4
PG: 211-219(9)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1293-2558(00)80076-X
IS: 1293-2558
Record - 36
TI: Systematics of fluorite-related structures. II. Structural
AU: Krivovichev S.V.
JN: Solid State Sciences
PD: June 1999
VO: 1
NO: 4
PG: 221-231(11)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1293-2558(00)80077-1
IS: 1293-2558
Record - 37
TI: Geochemical and petrological evidence of calc-alkaline and
A-type magmatism in the Homrit Waggat and El-Yatima areas of eastern
AU: Moghazi A.M.; Mohamed F.H.; Kanisawa S.
JN: Journal of African Earth Sciences
PD: October 1999
VO: 29
NO: 3
PG: 535-549(15)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0899-5362(99)00114-1
IS: 0899-5362
Record - 38
TI: Synthesis and characterization of mixed fluorides Y1-xBa2+1.5xF7
(-1.33 =< x =< 1.0)
AU: Achary S.N.; Mahapatra S.; Patwe S.J.; Tyagi A.K.
JN: Materials Research Bulletin
PD: July 1999
VO: 34
NO: 10
PG: 1535-1543(9)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0025-5408(99)00176-2
IS: 0025-5408
Record - 39
TI: Apatite fission track dating of fluorite ore veins from Santa
Catarina state, Brazil: a complex hydrothermal evolution
AU: Jelinek A.R.; Bastos Neto A.C.; Lelarge M.L.V.; Soliani E.
JN: Journal of South American Earth Sciences
PD: July 1999
VO: 12
NO: 4
PG: 367-377(11)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0895-9811(99)00028-0
IS: 0895-9811
Record - 40
TI: Composition of natural, volatile-rich Na-Ca-REE-Sr carbonatitic
fluids trapped in fluid inclusions - Nomenclature, average chemical
compositions, and element distribution
AU: Ninomiya Y.; Dong Z.; Suzuki Y.; Koketsu J.; Buhn12 B.; Rankin
JN: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
PD: November 1999
VO: 63
NO: 22
PG: 3781-3797(17)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0016-7037(99)00180-5
IS: 0016-7037
Record - 41
TI: Oxygen ion displacement in compositionally homogeneous, nanocrystalline
ZrO2-12 mol% Y2O3 powders
AU: Ito A.; Uehara T.; Tokumitsu A.; Okuma Y.; Nomura Y.; Lamas
D.G.; Walsoe de Reca N.E.
JN: Materials Letters
PD: November 1999
VO: 41
NO: 4
PG: 204-208(5)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-577X(99)00131-7
IS: 0167-577X
Record - 42
TI: Monolith honeycomb mixed oxide catalysts for methane oxidation
AU: Isupova L.A.; Alikina G.M.; Snegurenko O.I.; Sadykov V.A.;
Tsybulya S.V.
JN: Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
PD: 5 July 1999
VO: 21
NO: 3
PG: 171-181(11)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0926-3373(99)00024-7
IS: 0926-3373
Record - 43
TI: Ordered cerium oxide thin films grown on Ru(0001) and Ni(111)
AU: Mullins D.R.; Radulovic P.V.; Overbury S.H.
JN: Surface Science
PD: 15 June 1999
VO: 429
NO: 1
PG: 186-198(13)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0039-6028(99)00369-6
IS: 0039-6028
Record - 44
TI: Characterization of ceria/yttria stabilized zirconia grown
on silicon substrate
AU: Hartmanova M.; Gmucova K.; Jergel M.; Thurzo I.; Kundracik
F.; Brunel M.
JN: Thin Solid Films
PD: 21 May 1999
VO: 345
NO: 2
PG: 330-337(8)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0040-6090(98)01424-2
IS: 0040-6090
Record - 45
TI: Structure, oxygen stoichiometry and electrical conductivity
of LnPrO3+y (Ln=Y and Lanthanide) oxides
AU: Rajendran M.; Ghanashyam Krishna M.; Mallick K.K.; Bhattacharya
JN: Materials Science and Engineering: B
PD: 29 March 1999
VO: 58
NO: 3
PG: 215-220(6)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0921-5107(99)00007-0
IS: 0921-5107
Record - 46
TI: Direct conversion of methane to synthesis gas through gas-solid
reaction using CeO2-ZrO2 solid solution at moderate temperature
AU: Otsuka K.; Wang Y.; Nakamura M.
JN: Applied Catalysis A: General
PD: 19 July 1999
VO: 183
NO: 2
PG: 317-324(8)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S0926-860X(99)00070-8
IS: 0926-860X
Record - 47
TI: Nature, origin and evolution of fluids in the mining district
of the Oued Belif caldera (Nefza, northern Tunisia)
AU: Talbi F.; Slim-Shimi N.; Tlig S.; Zargouni F.
JN: Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Series IIA Earth
and Planetary Science
PD: February 1999
VO: 328
NO: 3
PG: 153-160(8)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1251-8050(99)80090-1
IS: 1251-8050
Record - 48
TI: TL response of a natural fluorite
AU: Balogun F.A.; Ojo J.O.; Ogundare F.O.; Fasasi M.K.; Hussein
JN: Radiation Measurements
PD: December 1999
VO: 30
NO: 6
PG: 759-763(5)
PB: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/S1350-4487(99)00232-2
IS: 1350-4487
page 12 non comprise à raison de 50 résultats
par page

bibliography of Mercer County, Kentucky;: Citations of printed
and manuscript sources touching upon its history, geology, calcite,
barite, fluorite, ... and mining, with brief annotations by Willard
Rouse Jillson ( - Jan 1, 1962)
preliminary report on radioactive fluorite deposits, Thomas Range,
Juab County, Utah (TEM / United States Geological Survey) (TEM
/ United States Geological Survey) by Mortimer Hay Staatz ( -
Jan 1, 1951)
relation of fluorite and sellaite in rocks (Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian
Toimituksia annales Academiae Fennicae. Series A. III. Geologica-geographica)
by Thure Georg Sahama ( - 1945)
in Fluorine Chemistry * Butterworth , [s.n.] 1960-
and fluorite in Western Australia (Mineral resources bulletin)
by P. B Abeysinghe ( - 1997)
celestite and fluorite in Nova Scotia (Information circular) (Information
circular) by J. H Fowler (- Jan 1, 1988)
celestite and fluorite in Nova Scotia (Paper - Nova Scotia Dept.
of Mines) by G. W Felderhof ( - 1978)
fluorite, galena, sphalerite veins of middle Tennessee by Willard
Brownell Jewell ( - 1947)
Bell fluorite deposits: Beaver County, Utah (Report of investigations)
(Report of investigations) by Eugene Frey (- Jan 1, 1947)
- Expériences et Observations sur le Spath vitreux, ou
Fluor spathique.s.l., 1773. in-12. 32pp
Carbonates, silice et mineralisations au contact entre le socle
et les premieres formations mesozoiques en charollais et brionnais
(saone-et-loire) * par Zoungrana , Gomkoudgou - 1976
L. - Une nouvelle province fluorée en Europe occidentale
: le Massif armoricain (France) Bulletin du BRGM, (2), section
II, n° 2, 1982
fluorite.(mining industry): An article from: The Mineralogical
Record by Berthold Ottens ( - Jan 1, 2005) HTML
Clarendon Press 1974
djedidi et hammam zriba (region de zaghouan, tunisie). etude geologique
et miniere de deux gisements stratiformes dans le cadre de la
province fluoree tunisienne. l'association des concentrations
fluorees aux surfaces d'emersion * par Thibieroz , Jacques
- 1974
flotation of multiple products from a fluorite ore (Report of
investigations) by M. R Peterson ( - 1990)
des centres colores dans les fluorines sous l'effet d'irradiations
lumineuses intenses : realisation d'un laser a centres "f::(2a")
dans le fluorure de strontium dope au sodium * par Mechernene
, Lahcene, Margerie , Jean - 1988
of Colorado fluorite ores (Report of investigations / United States
Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines) (Report of investigations
/ United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines) by
J. V Batty ( - Jan 1, 1947)
of fluorite from Metals Reserve Company stock piles (Report of
investigations / United States Department of the Interior, Bureau
of Mines) (Report of investigations / United States Department
of the Interior, Bureau of Mines) by Morris M Fine ( - Jan 1,
of fluorite from tailings and mine waste rock in Crittenden and
Livingston Counties, Ky (Report of investigations / United States
Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines) (Report of investigations
/ United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines) by
Morris M Fine ( - Jan 1, 1948)
of fluorite ores from Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada,
and Wyoming (Report of investigations / United States Department
of the Interior, Bureau of Mines) (Report of investigations /
United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines) by
J. V Batty ( - Jan 1, 1947)
of Utah fluorite ores (Report of investigations / United States
Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines) (Report of investigations
/ United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines) by
H. D Snedden ( - Jan 1, 1947)
of the formation of fluorite in sedimentary rocks: (the fluorite
system) by A. V Kazakov (- Jan 1, 1951)
of the formation of fluorite in sedimentary rocks: The fluorite
system (Trace elements investigations report) by A. V Kazakov
( - 1951)
DES ARTS, mensuel, Paris, 1946...n 173 (Juillet 1966): Sur la
fluorine; George IV et l'art français; R. Huyghe sur le
buste de Gl¥k par Houdon; la galerie d'ìnée;
Eygalières; sur l'art brut; -
a la connaissance de la ceinture a fluorine du vale do ribeira
(parana-sao paulo), bresil. etude geologique, mineralogique et
geochimique * par Ronchi , Luiz-henrique, Touray , J.-C
- 1993
à l'étude de la distribution des lanthanides dans
la Fluorine : étude expérimentale et application
au gîte de Maine (Saône-et-Loire, France) *
par Marchand , Liliane, Université d'Orléans - [s.n.]
a l'etude des phenomenes de transport de l'oxygene dans les oxydes
mo::(2 +ou- x) stoechiometriques et non stoechiometriques de structure
c.f.c. type fluorine ou apparentee: ex.: uo::(2), puo::(2), ceo::(2),
(u,pu)o::(2), (u,ce)o::(2), (u, ,nd)o::(2) * par Bayoglu
, A. S - 1981
a l'etude des proprietes de transport de fluorures et oxyfluorures
de structures fluorine ou tysonite * par Rhandour , Ali
- 1985
a l'etude des solutions solides de type fluorine mf 2-ndf 3 et
mf 2-uf 4 (m=ca, ba) * par Grandjean , Didier, Vitse , Pierre-1991
à l'étude génétique des concentrations
de fluorine: application aux gisements filoniens de Montroc et
du Burc (Tarn) * par Deloule , Etienne - 1981
à l'étude géologique et gîtologique
du district à tungstène, étain et fluor de
Montredon-Labessonnié (Tarn) * par Guion , Jean-Louis
- 1984
Vuillemenot , Patrick - [s.n.] 1982
entre proprietes electriques et ordre a courte distance au sein
de quelques solutions solides de structure type fluorine excedentaires
en anions : mise en place d'un modele * par El Omari , Mohamed,
Reau , Jean-maurice - 1989
Mountain fluorite deposits, Ravalli County, Mont (Report of investigations
/ United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines) (Report
of investigations / United States Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Mines) by John W Taber ( - Jan 1, 1952)
studies of fluorite (American Museum novitates) (American Museum
novitates) by Herbert P Whitlock (- Jan 1, 1931)
with the fluorite structure : electronic, vibrational, and defect
properties * par Hayes , William -- 1913-1994
Fluorite Mine: Rosiclare Lead & Fluorspar Mining Co., Hardin
County, Ill (Report of investigations) (Report of investigations)
by Neal M Muir (- Jan 1, 1947)
corrosion handbook : corrosive agents and their interaction with
materials . Volume 05 . Aliphatic amines, alkaline earth chlorides,
alkaline earth hydroxides, fluorine, hydrogen fluoride and hydrofluoric
acid, hydrochloric acid * par Behrens , Dieter, DECHEMA
- VCH 1989
fluorite in the Eastgate zeolite deposit, Churchill, County, Nevada
(Reports-Open file series - United States Geological Survey) (Reports-Open
file series - United States Geological Survey) by Richard A Sheppard
( - Jan 1, 1980)
sampling data, fluorite-beryllium deposits, Lost River Valley,
Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 1964 (Open-file report) (Open-file report)
by John J Mulligan ( - Jan 1, 1964)
cristallochimique des oxyfluorures de lanthanoides et de quelques
oxyfluorures mixtes derives de la fluorine * par Taoudi
, Abdelkrim, Laval , J. P - 1992
de l'adsorption des tensio-actifs sur les mineraux peu conducteurs.
caracterisation dielectrique. application a la flottation des
pulpes minerales * par Khayar , Mohammed, Bessiere , Jacques-1993
de l'influence d'un champ electromagnetique intense sur la flottation
aerobie de la fluorine et de la barytine * par Sevrain ,
Pascal, Roussy , Georges-1989
de minéralisations à fluorine, barytine et sidérite
en contexte hercynien : Secteur du gisement d'Escaro (Pyrénées-Orientales)
* par Cartier , Alain - Orléans 1981
de quelques filons de fluorine de la partie sud-ouest du morvan
* par Le Roux , Christian - 1975
des mecanismes de mineralisation en fluorure et elements associes
dans les eaux naturelles de la region des lacs du riftethiopien
* par Chernet , Tesfaye, Travi , Yves - 1998
du transport de charges dans les conducteurs ioniques : cas de
la forstérite, des oxydes de structure fluorine, des verres
silicatés alcalins * par Abelard , Pierre -- 19..-....
-- docteur ès sciences - 1983
géologique et géochimique du gisement de fluorine
de Villabona (Asturies, Espagne) * par Ferrand , Alain --
19..-.... -- auteur d'une thèse de géologie, Université
d'Orléans - [s.n.] 1978
geologique et metallogenique du val de ribas sur le versant espagnol
des pyrenees catalanes * par Robert , Jean-francois - 1980
géologique et minéralogique des filons de fluorine
de la Charbonnière (Haute-Vienne) et du Chatenet (Vienne)
: annexes:inclusions fluides et microfacies de la fluorine "ambrée"
du filon du Rossignol (Chaillac, Indre) * par Yaman , Servet,
Université d'Orléans - 1977
methodologique de la distribution des gites de fluorine- -barytine
du massif central a l'ouest du sillon houiller * par Vairon
, J - 1977
ET FLUORINE DE L'HOM-HAUT (TARN) * par Boudrie , Michel
- [s.n.] 1977
par 1 9f rmn de la mobilite de l'ion f dans quelques solutions
solides de type fluorine excedentaires en anions * par Suh
, Kyung-soo, Senegas , Jean - 1991
A LA GEOCHIMIE * par Chatagnon , Bruno 1981
par résonance paramagnétique électronique
et activation neutronique du comportement d'ions lanthanides dans
la fluorine : application à l'étude géochimique
des filons de Montroc et du Burc (Tarn) * par Meary , Alain
- 1983
petrologique et metallogenique d'un secteur du district a fluorine
de santa catarina, bresil. les granitoides precambriens monzonitiques
source probable de la fluorine filonienne post- -jurassique
* par Sallet , Ricardo - 1988
structurale des schistes et des filons de fluorine de l'Albigeois
* par Bles , J. L, Béziat , P, Lozes , J (Jean), Roubichou
, Philippe -Editions du Bureau de recherches géologiques
et minières, Service géologique national 1982
structurales de quelques phases fluorees et oxyfluorees de type
fluorine excedentaire en anions * par Abaouz , Ali, Frit
, Bernard - 1988
of the Stoddard Fluorite Mine, Cheshire County, N.H (Report of
investigations) (Report of investigations) by J. D Bardill ( -
Jan 1, 1946)
for fluorite, Krausse estate property, Crittendon County, Ky (Report
of investigations) (Report of investigations) by Xavier B Starnes
( - Jan 1, 1946)
of Fluorite Ridge Fluorspar District, Luna County, New Mexico
(Report of investigations) (Report of investigations) by Paul
L Russell ( - Jan 1, 1947)
of the Bear Lodge fluorite property, Crook County, Wyo (Report
of investigations / United States Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Mines) (Report of investigations / United States Department
of the Interior, Bureau of Mines) by W. C Dunham ( - Jan 1, 1946)
concentration of a low grade fluorite ore from southwestern New
Mexico: A preliminary study by Michael J Harris ( - 1987)
tests on fluorite ore from Lemhi County, Idaho, (Idaho. Bureau
of Mines and Geology. Pamphlet) (Idaho. Bureau of Mines and Geology.
Pamphlet) by Lewis Seward Prater ( - Jan 1, 1943)
d'ions ln 3 + (eu 3 +, dy 3 +, tb 3 +, ce 3 +) dans des solutions
solides fluorees desordonnees de type fluorine * par Robinet
, Sophie, Trottier , Danielle - 1993
chemistry at the millennium : fascinated by fluorine * par
Banks , R.E. -- 1932-...Elsevier 2000
chemistry for organic chemists : problems and solutions
* par Hudlicky , Milos -- 1919-Oxford University Press 2000
molecules : structure, reactivity, synthesis, and applications
* par Liebman , Joel F, Greenberg , Arthur, Dolbier , William
R - VCH c1988
and zinc on the Eva Tanguay property, Crittenden County, Ark (Report
of investigations) (Report of investigations) by X. B Starnes
( - Jan 1, 1947)
and zinc on the J.J. Shelby and H. McGuire properties, Pope County,
Ill (Report of investigations) (Report of investigations) by O.
M Bishop ( - Jan 1, 1947)
atomic theory, by A. A Alles (- Jan 1, 1932)
deposits of the Quinn Canyon Range, Nevada, (Contributions to
economic geology) by C. L Sainsbury ( - 1969)
deposits on Kromdraai 209 JR (the Vergenoeg fluorite mine) and
Naaupoort 208 JR Transvaal (Report) by I. T Crocker ( - 1977)
flotation I: Development of new flotation techniques (Bulletin
no. 47 of the Utah Engineering Experiment Station) by James Hugh
Hamilton ( - 1950)
in New Brunswick (Topical report - New Brunswick, Mineral Resources
Branch) by T. C Webb (- 1976)
in the Mineral Ridge-Clay Lick Fault System, Livingston County,
Ky (Report of investigations) (Report of investigations) by Neal
M Muir
in the Mineral Ridge-Clay Lick Fault System, Livingston County,
Ky (Report of investigations) (Report of investigations) by Neal
M Muir ( - Jan 1, 1947)
in Utah: Its occurrence, extent, and significance to Utah history
(Circular) (Circular) by Alfred M Buranek ( - Jan 1, 1948)
in Utah: Its occurrence, extent, and significance to Utah industry
(Utah. State Dept. of Publicity and Industrial Development. Raw
Materials Division. Circular) (Utah. State Dept. of Publicity
and Industrial Development. Raw Materials Division. Circular)
by Alfred M Buranek ( - Jan 1, 1948)
in Wyoming (Open file report / Geological Survey of Wyoming) (Open
file report / Geological Survey of Wyoming) by Ray E Harris (
- Jan 1, 1988)
on the Lee Mine property, Hardin County, Ill (Report of investigations)
(Report of investigations) by O. M Bishop ( - Jan 1, 1947)
reserves at the Lost River tin mine ([Open-file report) ([Open-file
report) by Robert Roy Coats ( - Jan 1, 1944)
mineralisation in the Chandidongri area, Durg District, Madhya
Pradesh (Bulletins of the Geological Survey of India : series
A, economic geology ; no. 41) by Sayamadas Banerjee ( - 1976)
de formes pour la planification de l'exploitation souterraine
des gisements complexes * par Cheimanoff , Nicolas, Deliac
, Eric - 1988
Survey of Canada , Canadian Govt. Pub. Centre, Supply and Services
Canada [distributor] 1985
* par Vassal , Marc - 1980
of barium, strontium, and fluorine deposits in Canada *
par Dawson , K. R
of the fluorite occurrences, Spor Mountain, Juab County, Utah
(Special studies / Utah Geological and Mineral Survey) (Special
studies / Utah Geological and Mineral Survey) by Kenneth C Bullock
(- Jan 1, 1981)
of the Thomas Range fluorite district, Juab County, Utah (Trace
elements investigations report) by Mortimer Hay Staatz ( - 1955)
français de Pb, Zn, W, Sn, Au, As, barytine, fluorine,
talc . 6 . le gisement filonien de Noailhac-Saint-Salvy, Tarn
: Zn, Ag, Ge, Pb, Cd * par Congrès géologique
international -- (26 -- 1980 -- Paris), Fogliérini , F
- Éditions du B.R.G.M 1980
of fluorous chemistry * par Gladysz , John A., Curran ,
Dennis P., Horváth , István T. - Wiley-VCH cop 2004
N. - Sharpe A.G.- Fluorine and its compounds London 1951
paleogeographique, petrologique et structurale du district a fluorine
de taourirt (maroc oriental) * par Giret , Philippe - 1985
uranothorite in fluorite breccias from the Blue Jay Mine, Jamestown,
Boulder County, Colorado (TEI) (TEI) by George Phair ( - Jan 1,
spar and optical fluorite (Information circular / Bureau of Mines)
(Information circular / Bureau of Mines) by Harry Herbert Hughes
(- Jan 1, 1941)
de l'ordre a courte distance sur les proprietes de conduction
ionique de l'ion f dans quelques solutions solides m 1 x 2 +m
x 2 + af 2 + a x (a=1,2) de structure type fluorine * par
Wahbi , Mostafa, Reau , Jean Maurice-1992
de l'oxygene sur les proprietes de conduction ionique de fluorures
de structure fluorine ou derivee * par Laborde , Pascale,
Reau , J.M - 1986
studies of oleic acid and sodium oleate adsorption on fluorite,
barite, and calcite (Report of investigations) (Report of investigations)
by A. S Peck ( - Jan 1, 1963)
study of the effect of fluoride, sulfate, and chloride ions on
adsorption of oleate on fluorite and barite (Report of investigations)
(Report of investigations) by Alan S Peck ( - Jan 1, 1964)
of Douglas fluorite property, Pope County, Ill (Report of investigations
/ United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines) (Report
of investigations / United States Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Mines) by O. M Bishop ( - Jan 1, 1949)
of fluorite deposits of Babb Vein System, Crittenden and Livingston
counties, Ky (Report of investigations / United States Department
of the Interior, Bureau of Mines) (Report of investigations /
United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines) by
A. S Swanson ( - Jan 1, 1950)
of Jamestown fluorite deposits, Boulder County, Colo (Report of
investigations / United States Department of the Interior, Bureau
of Mines) (Report of investigations / United States Department
of the Interior, Bureau of Mines) by John H Hild ( - Jan 1, 1949)
of Snowball fluorite deposit, Maricopa County, Ariz (Report of
investigations / United States Department of the Interior, Bureau
of Mines) (Report of investigations / United States Department
of the Interior, Bureau of Mines) by Thomas C Denton ( - Jan 1,
of the Dubois fluorite property, Hardin County, Ill (Report of
investigations / United States Department of the Interior, Bureau
of Mines) (Report of investigations / United States Department
of the Interior, Bureau of Mines) by Arthur S Swanson ( - Jan
1, 1948)
lectures presented at the 34th Microsymposium on Macromolecules
: fluorinated monomers and polymers : held in Prague, Czech Republic,
19-22 July 1993 * par Microsymposium on Macromolecules --
34th -- Prague, Czech Republic -- 1993, Kahovec , Jaroslav - Hüthig
& Wepf Verlag c1994
Price fluorite deposit Crittenden County, Ky (Report of investigations
/ Bureau of Mines) by Xavier B Starnes (- 1947)
J.S. Brown - Genesis Of Stratiform Lead-Zinc-Barite-Fluorite Deposits
in Carbonate ROcks ( The So-Called Mississippi Valley Type Deposits)
- 1967
Burdette barite-fluorite deposit Garrard County, Ky (Report of
investigations / Bureau of Mines) by Kenneth M Earl ( - 1959)
Journal of fluorine chemistry * Elsevier 1971-
X-ray absorption of calcium in calcite, gypsum and fluorite (Contributions
from the Physical Laboratory of the University of Michigan) (Contributions
from the Physical Laboratory of the University of Michigan) by
George Allan Lindsay ( - Jan 1, 1927)
et filons à fluorine dans le faisceau synclinal du Morvan
: le gisement d'Argentolle (Saône-et-Loire, France)
* par Valette , Claude-Olivier - Editions du Bureau de recherches
géologiques et minières, Service géologique
national 1983
C Bullock - Fluorite occurrences in Utah (Bulletin - Utah Geological
and Mineral Survey ; 110 - 1976
fluorites, by Willard Rouse Jillson (- Jan 1, 1930)
and Yingling fluorite mines, Hardin County, Ill (Report of investigations
/ United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines) (Report
of investigations / United States Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Mines) by Harry Louis Burmeister ( - Jan 1, 1952)
barytine et la fluorine au Québec : Barite and fluorite
in Quebec * par Tiphane , Marcel - Services des gîtes
minéraux 1972]
barytine et la fluorine au QueÌbec: Barite and fluorite
in Quebec (QueÌbec) (QueÌbec) by Marcel Tiphane
( - Jan 1, 1972)
MINERALISATIONS ASSOCIEES * par Bois , Michel - 1978
fluorine stratiforme de la bordure ouest du morvan : geologie,
geochimie et modelisation * par Nigon , Pascal - 1988
district a fluorine de santa catarina (bresil): mineralisations
et alterations hydrothermales dans leur cadre geodynamique
* par Bastos Neto , Arthur Cezar, Touray , Jean-Claude-1990
Filon des Farges et les minéralisations à barytine
fluorine et galène du district d'Ussel dans leur cadre
géologique (Massif central français) * par
Jébrak , Michel - Université, U.E.R. des sciences
fondamentales et appliqueés 1978
GITOLOGIE, METALLOGENIE) * par Dechomets , Roland - 1979
, Jean-jacques - 1980
filons et stratiformes a fluorine, blende, galene, barytine du
grand chatelard (massifs cristallins externes, savoie) : relations,
role dela distension liasique, remobilisation alpine * par
Sivade , Marie Amelie - 1989
gisements de Chaillac (Indre) : la barytine des Redoutières,
la fluorine du Rossignol Association d'un gite stratiforme de
couverture et d'un gite filonien du socle * par Ziserman
, A - Éditions du B.R.G.M. 1980]
gisements de fluorine post-hercyniens (karstiques et filoniens)
dans le paléozoïque de la région du Pourtalet
(Pyrénées-atlantiques - provine de Huesca)
* par Martin , Francis - 1979
gisements stratiformes de fluorine du Morvan, sud-est du bassin
de Paris, France * par Soulé de Lafont , D, Lhégu
, J - Éditions du B.R.G.M. 1980]
* par Grandprat , Michel - 1978
* par Grandprat , Michel - 1979
Les mineralisations de plomb, zinc, fluor du proterozoique superieur
dans le bresil central * par Dardenne , Marcel - 1979
mineralisations en fluorine, barytine, pb, zn et fe sideritique
autour du fosse de tebessa-morsott. relations entre paleogeographie
albo-aptienne, diapirisme, structure et metallogenie * par
Otmanime , Abderrahmane -1987
(VAR, FRANCE) * par Vervialle , Jean-Pierre, Université
d'Orléans - 1975
inclusions of fluid in British fluorites from the mineral collection
of the British Museum (Natural History) (Bulletin of the British
Museum) (Bulletin of the British Museum) by A. H Rankin ( - Jan
1, 1978)
showing mineral resource assessment for vein and replacement deposits
of base and precious metals, barite, and fluorspar, Dillon 1?x
2?quadrangle, Idaho and Montana * par Geological Survey
(U.S.), Pearson , Robert Carl -- 1926-The Survey , For sale by
Map Distribution 1992
of organic chemistry (Houben-Weyl) . Workbench Ed. Volume E 1O
. Organo-fluorine compounds * par Baasner , B., Hagemann
, Hermann, Tatlow , J. C, Adcock , J. L. - Georg Thieme Verlag
resources of Thailand 1:2,500,000 : fluorite * par Thailand
-- Kong Se¯tthathoraniwitthaya¯, Angkatavanich , Ngarmpis,Booryasombuti
, Sethachai, Thailand . Economic Geology Division - Economic Geology
Division, Dept. of Mineral Resources 1975
en plomb, zinc et fluorine encaissées dans le groupe Bambui
du Pritérozoïque supérieur de la région
d'Itacarambi (Minas Gerais - Brésil) * par Ferreira
Lopes , Omar - 1979
filoniennes a cuivre bismuth et karstiques a plomb zinc dans une
gangue de siderite anhydrite quartz et fluorine barytine en bordure
du fosse rhenan. region de colmar- -ribeauville (vosges moyennes
france) * par Rabenandrasana , Samuel, Arnold , Michel-1989
and pelletization of fluorite flotation concentrates (Report of
investigations / United States Department of the Interior, Bureau
of Mines) (Report of investigations / United States Department
of the Interior, Bureau of Mines) by H Kenworthy ( - Jan 1, 1951)
oxynitrures de type perovskite ou fluorine dans les systemes m-ta(nb)-o-n
(m : alcalinoterreux) et ln-w-o-n (ln : elementde terre rare)
en vue d'une application comme pigments colores * par Diot
, Nadege, Marchand , Roger - 1999
oxynitrures de type perovskite ou fluorine dans les systemes m-ta(nb)-o-n
(m : alcalinoterreux) et ln-w-o-n (ln : elementde terre rare)
en vue d'une application comme pigments colores * par Diot
, Nadege, Marchand , Roger - 1999
of dickite and fluorite in the Cambrian and Ordovician of Perry
County, Missouri (Missouri. Division of Geological Survey and
Water Resources. Report) by J. G Grohskopf ( - 1937)
the optical transparency of certain specimens of fluorite, by
John Francis Todd Young ( - Jan 1, 1920)
fluorite in southern Illinois, (Illinois. State geological survey.
Extract from Bulletin no. 38 [pt.1]) (Illinois. State geological
survey. Extract from Bulletin no. 38 [pt.1]) by Joseph E Pogue
(- Jan 1, 1918)
a courte et a longue distances dans quelques fluorures ou oxyfluorures
de structures tysonite ou fluorine * par Mikou , Aziz, Frit
, Bernard - 1986
occurences of galena, sphalerite, and fluorite in Illinois (Illinois
industrial minerals notes) (Illinois industrial minerals notes)
by James C Bradbury ( - Jan 1, 1957)
reconnaissance report on fluorite in the Spring Creek area of
Burnet Count[y], Texas by Virgil E Barnes ( - Jan 1, 1943)
rudoobrazovai?i?a : IV simpozium Mezhdunarodnoiš asso?t?sia?t?sii
po genezisu rudnykh mestorozhdeniiš, Varna, 1974 = =Problems of
ore deposition : IV symposium of the International Association
on the Genesis of Ore Deposits, Varna, 1974 * par International
Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits, Bogdanov , Bogdan
D., Symposium on the Genesis of ore deposits -- 4th -- 1974 --
de fluorescence de l'ion mn 2 + au sein de la matrice srmnf 4
de structure fluorine et etude des transferts d'energie gd 3 +tb
3 +, eu 3 + dans linay 2f 8 et k 2gdf 5 * par Aamili , Ahmed,
Cousseins , Jean-Claude - 1989
spectroscopiques et magnéto-optiques des centres colorés
dans CaF2 : Na+. Perspectives d'utilisation comme matériaux
laser * par Doualan , Jean-Louis - 1993
structurales et electriques de quelques phases du systeme pbf::(2)inf::(3),
de type fluorine excedentaire en anions * par Kacim , Salah
- 1982
structurales et electriques de quelques phases pb:: :(1-x)zr::(x)f::(2+2x)
derivant de la fluorine * par Depierrefixe , Christian -
Peter Richards and George W. Robinson - MINERALOGY OF THE CALCITE-FLUORITE
VEINS NEAR LONG LAKE, NEW YORK.: An article from: The Mineralogical
Record - Sep 1, 2000.
fluorite in the Thomas Range, Juab County, Utah (Trace elements
investigations report) (Trace elements investigations report)
by Mortimer Hay Staatz ( - Jan 1, 1951)
of fluorite and byproducts from Fish Creek deposit, Eureka County,
NV (Report of investigations / United States Department of the
Interior, Bureau of Mines) by F. W Benn ( - 1986)
entre la structure et les proprietes de conductivite ionique des
solutions solides a structure fluorine excedentaire en anionsna::(0,5-x)y::(0,5+x)f::(2+2x)
* par Pontonnier , Liliane - 1985
in geochemical prospecting methods for fluorite deposits, Madoc
area, Ontario (Paper - Geological Survey of Canada ; 73-38) by
J. P Lalonde ( - 1974)
physical properties of naturally irradiated fluorite (Trace elements
investigations report) by R Berman ( - 1955)
Fouad - Etude gitologique et conditions de formation des gisements
de fluorine (Pb, Zn, Ba) du Jebel Zaghouan (J. Stah et Sidi Taya)
et du Jebel Oust (Tunisie nord-orientale)Université Paul
Sabatier, CNRS, Laboratoire de Minéralogie et Cristallographie,
Toulouse 1987
of fluid inclusions in fluorite at confining pressures up to one
kilobar (Open-file report / United States Department of the Interior,
U.S. Geological Survey) (Open-file report / United States Department
of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey) by E. Lanier Rowan (
- Jan 1, 1985)
ioniques de structure fluorine : a) mesure de la conductivite
ionique du fluorure de strontium : b) etude des proprietes thermodynamiques
du fluorure de calcium par simulation numerique * par Evangelakis
, Georgios, Gerl , Maurice - 1989
sur la repartition des gites de fluorine et de barytine dans le
massif central a l'est du sillon houiller * par Boirat ,
Jean-Michel - 1979
sur la repartition des gites de fluorine et de barytine dans le
massif central a l'est du sillon houiller * par Boirat ,
Jean-Michel - 1979
fluorite deposits of Chesire County, N.H (New Hampshire. State
Planning and Development Commission. Mineral resource survey)
(New Hampshire. State Planning and Development Commission. Mineral
resource survey) by H. M Bannerman ( - Jan 1, 1941)
International Series of Monographs on Physics - Crystals with
the Fluorite Structure: Electronic, Vibrational, and Defect Properties
origin of fluorite, sulfate and sulfide minerals in northwestern
Ohio (Kent State University. Graduate School. Masters theses :
Department of Geology) (Kent State University. Graduate School.
Masters theses : Department of Geology) by George Mychkovsky (
- Jan 1, 1978)
quantum efficiency of ozone formation in the fluorite region by
William Eugene Vaughan ( - 1930)
history of fluorite deposition, Browns Canyon, Colorado (Northeast
Louisiana University, Monroe. Master's theses) (Northeast Louisiana
University, Monroe. Master's theses) by Ernest Gale Kavanaugh
( - Jan 1, 1978)
element and rare earth element variation in fluorites collected
from skarn and epithermal mineral deposits in the Sierra Cuchillo
area, south-central ... of the Interior, Geological Survey) (Open-file
report / United States Department of the Interior, Geological
Survey) by R. G Eppinger ( - Jan 1, 1988)
electron microscopy (TEM) studies of natural and synthetic quartzes
and fluorites (ArasÌþtırma raporları
/ Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, ... Faculty of Engineering
and Architecture) by Rezan Birsoy ( - 1985)
association in the Todilto limestone, Grants, New Mexico (RME)
(RME) by Paul F Kerr (- Jan 1, 1953)
of uraninite in fluorite breccias from the Blue Jay Mine, Jamestown,
Colorado (Trace elements memorandum report) (Trace elements memorandum
report) by George Phair ( - Jan 1, 1950)