we are able to do after 12 hours driving! by
Jesse Fisher Friday,
August 20, 2004 Good
morning from Weardale. The
weather - rain, rain, and then more rain. This is truly the wettest summer we've
had here. Fortunately, it's not too cold - or hot for that matter. With this humidity
it really gets uncomfortable when the temperature rises. The quarry has been quite
a mud bowl since I've arrived and Byron tells me that at one point recently no
one could even drive in because of high water in spots. He says he actually floated
the little Peugot trying to get out one afternoon after a day of heavy rain. It
poured down most of last night so it remains to be seen if we can drive in this
morning. After
a quick morning tour for our Italian visitors Tuesday morning, Joan and I drove
over the Kendal to visit with Lindsay and Patricia Greenbank. Lindsay's been somewhat
house-bound with health problems this summer and seemed pleased to have some company.
looking at minerals and discussing the wonders of digital photography, we all
had a very nice supper at a beautiful old Arts and Crafts era lodge overlooking
a nearby lake. The weather behaved itself so the evening view was great. Wednesday
we had a leisurely drive back through the Yorkshire Moors, but unfortunately found
that a dusty old antiques shop in Middleton that Joan had enjoyed stopping at
in the past has disappeared. On the way over the moors from Teesdale into Weardale
the rains began and have been our almost constant companion since.
evening we met up with out French collector friend Etienne, who had driven along
with his wife and 2 year old daughter from Paris. Evidently the traffic around
London was truly awful and the drive took much longer than it should have. When
they finally arrived I told him that he had learned a lesson about travel in the
UK - never try to drive through the London area on a weekday. After getting them
settled in to their hotel we had a nice dinner, which seemed to quickly take the
edge off their experience. |

la géode aux stalactites - Rogerley Mine Photo Jesse Fisher Yesterday
was spent at the mine digging in various spots. Evidently, the opportunities to
collect for one's self are quite limited in France, so Etienne was quite enthusiastic
about wallowing in our mud and moving rocks around. Cal has been working at the
face of our old friend the West Cross Cut for the past few days and uncovered
a spot that is being quite productive. After taking off mid-afternoon Etienne
took over and found several very nice pieces. Today's photo is of him enjoying
himself. Despite the rain and mud his wife Lydia and young daughter had a good
time hunting for wild flowers and collecting on the dump. Lydia came up with a
nice large single twinned crystal. Today we will all meet back at the mine
for another day in the mud. Dave had been somewhat hampered recently because of
a delay in our timber order. Without it he has not been able to drive much tunnel.
Hopefully it will arrive soon, as the end of the season is now approaching.
Cal and Kerith are leaving for London then the flight back to California. I will
also be taking Joan down for her trip home and then back up to Weardale for the
last two weeks.
Byron and Jonina |