about fluorite? The
book "Valzergues fluorite mine" E.
Guillou-Gotkovsky Comments
to get the book Fluorite
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Mine Original
postcard, not travelled, available for exchange. 
at spathfluor, we are always interested in everything that deals with fluorite.
All informations which can provide a better knowledge of our mining patrimony
is welcome. So, this page should have the name "desired" informations. If
you have some informations, documents, photos, postcards, movies... on fluorite
mines, and that you would like to show them, I would be glad to have a copy. I
know that it is very difficult to entrust such archives, by being afraid of seeing
them never seen back. So, high-resolution scans, copies made by your care
are completely convenient to me.
If it
can cause spending, I would pay (photo duplication, copies...)
To thank you for participating in the rescue of our mining and our fluorite heritage,
I can only offer you an access to the private part of spathfluor.com. In the case
of a possible publication, the "donnateur" will have its name registered
in the thanks and will receive a copy of the published work.
In every case, we make a commitment to mention your name (ex: copyright Alfred
Dupont 2007), except when you wish to keep the anonymity.
Guiollard Kiyoshi Kiikuni Jean-Michel Le Cleac'h Louis-Dominique
Bayle Guillaume Manzankiewicz Jean Feraud Philippe Conraux Dan
Weinrich Jordi Fabre Raoul Konantz Claudine François Marc
Fournet-Fayard Jacques Evlard Brice et Christophe Gobin Pascal Quénaon
Jacques Valverde Bernard Mary
Jacques Dintilhac John Rakovan Jean-François Lanoe Ronnie
Van Dommelen
| Laurent
Sikirdji Jesse Fisher et Joan Kureczka Gerard Massé Philip
Grounds Andy Seibel Christophe Lucas Cedric Bontent David Steiner
Patrick Arweiler Philip Blümner Luc Van Bellingen Jean-Claude
Uran Alexis Chaillou Ross Lillie Laura Lao Jean-Jacques Chevallier
Brian Morris Franck Galliot Vincent
Duseigne | |  |

Country | | |
Australia | | Fluorite
locations, mines | | | Some
fluorite location exist, but it seems to be difficult to find informations about
them. Anything is welcome! | | | |
Norway | |
Fluorite locations,
mines Maybe some publications will arrive... Why not to join us, to present
shortly the old mines? | | | |
| | | Iran | | Fluorite
locations, mines A bad known country, especially about mining. It is hard
to obtain informations... | | | |
| | | Tunisia | |
Hammam Zriba,
Hamamm Jedidi
More and more well known mines..; but where are the publications? |
USA | | Fluorite
locations, mines | | | Many
works are published on the US fluorite mines, but a good idea (I think!) would
be pto present many of these mines as web pages, on a same site. |
| | |
: Do not hesit to contact us. We can propose you a mean to present your company.
Contact us