What about fluorite?

The book "Valzergues fluorite mine"
E. Guillou-Gotkovsky
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January 2009

Blue John fluorite DVD

Blue John is the only semi-precious stone still mined in Britain. This rare blue banded Fluorspar has captivated people for over 300 years. It was once Britain's most important decorative stone and a symbol to the rest of the world of British 18th Century manufacturing. Many priceless collections are held in royal, public and private collections around the world.
But Blue John remains deeply mysterious. For many years, Scientists and Historians have struggled with the many unanswered questions surrounding one of Brtain's most famous natural treasures. What is the source of the strange blue banding? Where does the name come from? Who was the first to discover it? and why is one small hillside in Derbyshire the only place where you can find it?
This fascinating documentary gets deep underground and explores rarely seen Blue John workings left frozen in time. It traces Blue John's rise to fame from the very beginnings by uncovering ancient documents, talking to the experts, piecing toether clues and revealing the answers. This is the definitive history of Blue John Stone.

To order this DVD, you can click on the following link:

If you desire to take a look, by clicking here.

David Rust
Lagoon Media Limited
Office +44 (0) 208 740 4775
Mobile +44 (0) 7947 176 046

Click below to view our website and showreel


March 2009 - New minerals - Fluorites... 
February 2009 - Blue John, Tsumeb, Jorf (Er Rachidia).... 
January 2009 - News on Spathfluor, Multiaxes and Spathfluorminerals 
Decembre 2008 -2 - Multiaxes offers exceptional minerals 
December 2008 - Our news sites are online- Spathfluorminerals and Multiaxes 
November 2007 - U like Uranium 
Janvier 2008 - News From Pala International 
Septembre 2008 - Spathfluor Info - Modifications on the sites, New show-room. 



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Internationally known componist and artist, Ida Gotkovsky is the mother of the author of spathfluor.
A webmaster who gives a lot of time to his customers.
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Mineralogy and geology of fluorspar deposits
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Mineralogie und Erzlagerstättenkunde der Fluorit is also



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