

Art & décoration - 1
Art and decoration-2
Old plates
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Books about Fluorite

Fluorite articles
Other informations


The works (books, reviews, CD rom...) only about fluorite (gitology, use, indutries...) are represented there.



It exists other works in whicl the fluorite is described but the essence of the subject is not constituted. Some of them are described in the heading

"complementary litterature"



The History of Blue John Stone

Blue John is the only semi-precious stone still mined in Britain. This rare blue banded Fluorspar has captivated people for over 300 years. It was once Britain's most important decorative stone and a symbol to the rest of the world of British 18th Century manufacturing. Many priceless collections are held in royal, public and private collections around the world.
But Blue John remains deeply mysterious. For many years, Scientists and Historians have struggled with the many unanswered questions surrounding one of Brtain's most famous natural treasures. What is the source of the strange blue banding? Where does the name come from? Who was the first to discover it? and why is one small hillside in Derbyshire the only place where you can find it?
This fascinating documentary gets deep underground and explores rarely seen Blue John workings left frozen in time. It traces Blue John's rise to fame from the very beginnings by uncovering ancient documents, talking to the experts, piecing toether clues and revealing the answers. This is the definitive history of Blue John Stone.

To order this DVD, you can click on the following link:

Order Ref: BLH001. 72 Minutes. Widescreen DVD. PAL £9.99 + £1.20 p&p

If you desire to take a look, by clicking here.

David Rust
Lagoon Media Limited
Office +44 (0) 208 740 4775
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Click below to view our website and showreel


La Fluorine

Le Cahier des Micromonteurs, n° 100 - 2/2008

Disponibilité : AFM

La fluorite,  généralités…....……………..…………….4
La cristallographie de la fluorite……………….….7
La fluorite de Saint-Dié-des-Vosges ………...13
Cédric LHEUR
Alexis CHERMETTE…..…..………………….……...16
La fluorite d’Ecully (Rhône). ..…..…………….…17
La dumortiérite d’Ecully (Rhône), une heureuse
Patrick BRUN (AFM)
Pour le plaisir des yeux !..............................................20
La fluorite ne refuse jamais une inclusion ….....22
De la fluorite en plein cœur de Paris …………..…23
Cédric LHEUR (AFM)
La fluorite de Varreddes (Seine et Marne) …... 29
Claudine FOULE et Marc POIGNIEZ (AFM)
Méfions-nous des imitations ! ..................................30
Oui, c’est aussi de la fluorite ! ….….….….….…..……32
 Eddy Van Der MEERSCHE

La fluorite de Bretagne …..…………………..…………33
La fluorite en Rhône-Alpes …………..……………….34
La fluorite supporte tout...ou presque …..……....36
La fluorite des Alpes-Maritimes et du Var…...37
Stéphane MAURY (AFM)
La fluorite de Durfort. (Gard)……………………......…41
La fluorite du Pilat (Loire)  …..….………………......…42
André MELLE (AFM)  et Nicolas MEISSER
(Université de Lausanne, Suisse)
La fluorite dans le Massif vosgien……………...….44
La fluorite en Italie ……………………………………... 51
La fluorite de St-Julien-les-Rosiers (Gard)…….56
La fluorite en Belgique. Inventaire……….…….…58
Francis HUBERT (4M)
La fluorite de Mont-sur-Marchienne………….…60
Francis HUBERT (4M)
Les gisements de fluorite belges et français du bord méridional du synclinorium de Dinant..............................................…61
Luc Van BELLINGEN, Ransart. Belgique



Géochronique n°106 
Le magazine des Géosciences ...
30 pages avec photos en couleurs, portant qur tous les aspects de la fluorine.
Travail remaquable effectué par et avec la coordination de Jean Féraud

1. Minéralogie et propritétés fondamentales de la fluorine
Aspect, couleur
Classification minéralogique et formes cristallines
Propriétés physiques
2. Types de gisements
   Gisements filoniens
Gisements liés aux strates
L'exemple des gisements du Crétacé méxicain
Le type carbonatite : Okorusu
Le gisement géant de Vergenoeg
3. Panorama français
Répartition géographique
Importance de la production passée
Les gisements les plus remarquables
Quels nouveaux gîtes pour demain?
Les réserves et les ressources
4. Economie et marché
Exploitation minière et traitement
Applications industrielles de la fluorine
Panorama mondial de la fluorine
L'approvisionnement de la France
Subsititus possibles
Le management environnemental de l'industrie du fluor
5. Itinéraires patrimoniaux recommandés

Société géologique de France, 77 rue Claude Bernard 75005 Paris - FRANCE
Téléphone: (33) (0)1 43 31 77 35 - Télécopie: (33) (0)1 45 35 79 10 -



Les Minéraux du Morvan

Le Hors Série N° XIII
Le plus gros numéro publié depuis 1995.
Avec 132 pages et plus de 300 photographies inédites.

Le lecteur trouvera dans ce hors-série n°XIII du Règne Minéral une description des célèbres mines du Morvan (Voltennes, Maine, Argentolle et Les Molérats) mais aussi d’autres gisements ou indices (Alligny, Chitry, Marigny, Pierre-Perthuis, etc.) tout aussi intéressants.
Les nombreux filons de pegmatites et de quartz (béryl, grenat, quartz fumé), les skarns, les greisens à étain et quelques filons de fluorine mal connus, ainsi que quelques roches volcaniques (zéolites) offrent maintenant une nouvelle piste de recherches pour les amateurs. De même, les sables du cours d’eau du Mesvrin contiennent des zircons et des saphirs. Il est à parier qu’avec les méthodes analytiques de plus en plus sophistiquées, de vieux échantillons minéralogiques ou plus modernes, vont révéler des espèces rares ou nouvelles.
En fin de cet ouvrage, quelques amateurs ou anciens mineurs ont bien voulu nous raconter leurs découvertes, dont celle de la "Grande géode de barytine du Maine". Enfin, une visite du Musée d’Histoire naturelle d’Autun s’imposera avant que vous ne partiez sillonner les vallons et les forêts du Morvan grâce à notre itinéraire.
Texte : L.D. Bayle

Disponibilité : Le Règne Minéral



Les Fluorines du Tarn

Hors Série XII- Le Règne Minéral - 2006

Editions du Piat

21 x 30 cm, photos couleurs, plans N&B, schémas...

Disponibilité : Le Règne Minéral

Une incontestable réussite de 118 pages!
Ce numéro est un "must" et doit figurer, non seulement dans toutes les bibliothèques des fanatiques de la fluorine, mais aussi dans celles des collectionneurs minéralogistes.
C'est un témoignage comme on les aime, de l'activité minière d'une région. La partie "géologie" et "minéralogie" est amplement developpée et une iconographie excellente (je dirais "comme toujours") vient illustrer le tout.Le Tarn est connu dans le monde entier pour la qualité des cristallisations qu'il a fourni. Oui! hélas! Nous devons maintenant parler au passé car les différents gisements ont été "mis en sécurité".Ce numéro indispensable est disponible auprès du Règne Minéral



Berbes! Fluorite from Asturias

Mineral up - 2007/1

21 x 29,7 cm
photos couleurs, schémas...

Publication espagnole en langue anglaise.
27 pages sur la fluorite des Asturies.

Disponibilité :

ou Le Règne Minéral





Fluorite - The Collector's Choice

Hors Série Lapis - 2006

21 x 29,7 cm, 128 p
photos couleurs, schémas...


Disponibilité : LAPIS ou Le Règne Minéral






Les Fluorines de Haute-Loire et du Puy-de-Dôme

Hors Série XI- Le Règne Minéral - 2005

Editions du Piat

21 x 30 cm, colors photos, plans B&W,...

Availability: Le Règne Minéral

Remarkable special number taking back the data on the fluorite. The deposits of Puy de Dôme and the Haute-Loire are described there. Colors, little common crystallin forms, exceptional specimens... all which is beautiful meets itself in this number.






Les Gisements de Fluorite et de Barytine de Chaillac (Indre)

Hors Série X- Le Règne Minéral - 2004

Editions du Piat

21 x 30 cm, colors photos, plans B&W,...

Disponibilité : Le Règne Minéral

The literature that retrieves itself to the minerals of Chaillac is as sporadic as the news that circulate with the collectors. Well that Alfred Lacroix mentioned in 1901 beautiful crystals of goethite, it’s necessary to wait the beginning of the eighties for that the other minerals at last are described. The recent works of geologists of Orléans University, reinforced by analysises renseign us enormously on the organisation and the position of the minerals within the different deposits. The discoveries done by the minors of Chaillac since more than 20 years allowed finding exceptional samples of barite, fluorite, goethite, cerussite, galena and pyromorphite. Chaillac is therefore a high place of the French mineralogy, and one of the rare worldwide deposit that contains a perfectly crystallized goethite ! (LRM
© 2005)





Derbyshire Blue John

Trevor D. Ford (2000)

ISBN 1-873775-19-9

21,5 X 14 cm, 112 p, photographs N&B and colors.

Availability: Landmark Publishing LTD


Monograph on the famous English deposit of "Blue John" whose fluorite was and is still used for the realization of decorative objects (cuts), of tables, chimneys...


Fluorite - Northern Pennines Orefield, England

Jesse Fisher

Rocks & Minerals - Nov/Dec 2004
Vol.79, No. 6

Availability: Rocks & Minerals

Two articles writen by Jesse Fisher are published, as "Fluorite of the Northern Pennines Orefield, England" which is an essential article for the knowledge of the orefield where are the fluorite mine of Northern England. It is an indispensable guide to help to identify the English specimen you could have in your collection.
23 pages richly illustrated with description of the mines.





Fluorite in the Department of Haute-Loire

Christian Vialaron (1995)

21 X 14,8 cm, 52 p, photographs N&B and colors, many plane.

Availability: Christian Vialaron

Street E Chatillon, 43450 Blesle - France

or Review "Le Regne Mineral"

52 pages on the quarry of Haute-Loire. Historical description of the quarry, plans and succint make this booklet.


The Fluorite

Alexis Chermette (1986)

ISBN 2.904.1810.1

24 X 15,7 cm, 172 p, photographs N&B and central couleurs(cahier).

Work out of print.

In a synthetic way, this book sum up all works of A. Chermette who was published in the Review of Mineral Industry, Mines and Quarries... The French quarries of fluorite and the rest of quarries in the world are treated in this book.


Memorandum of the rocks and minerals industrial: fluorite.

Rep. BRGM R 40825

Jean Feraud (1999)

102 p., 2 fig., 10 tabl., 2 ann. chart N&B to the 1/2.500.000

Key words: Fluorite, Fluorite, Fluorite, Seam, Stratiform, Statistical mines, mineral Industry, Resources, Extraction, Transformation, French mining Production, Mines, Quarries, Nonmetal, Mineral industrialists, Rocks and minerals industrial, French mining Companies, Ministry for Industry, metallurgical Industry, Industry chemical, fluorite, Aluminium, Acid hydrofluoric, Melting, Hydrofluorocarbones, Chlorofluorocarbons, Hydrochlorofluorocarbones, Industry of Glass, Optics, Abrasives, mining Economy.

"This document makes a bibliographical point on the fluorite (or fluorite) in the world and in particular on the situation of French industry at the beginning of 2000. It was established within the framework of the public utility routine of the BRGM and with the assistance of the French Profession ".
It is the only current document about the economic aspect of the French quarries.

Availability: Jean Feraud
BRGM - 3 Avenue C. Guillemin BP 6009 Orleans Cedex 2 - France



Fluorinated and sulphuretted ore deposits of Barlet-Marsanges close Langeac (Haute-Loire)

Christian Vialaron (1997)

21 X 29,5 cm, 160 p, photographs N&B and colors, many plane.

Availability: Christian Vialaron

Street E Chatillon, 43450 Blesle - France

or Review "Le Regne Mineral"

Complete description of the history of these quarries that were among most important of France. Land surveys of all the galleries appear in it. Mineralogy is not too much developed there, with the profit of the photographs of underground landscapes...




Fluorit oder: Von dem Vergnügen, Flussspat zu sammeln


Extra Lapis lazuli n�4 (1993)

ISBN 3-921656-27-3

21 X 29,5 cm, 96 p, photographs N&B and colors.

Availability: Christian Weise Verlag


Work in German general information, crystallizations, use... are treated there. Many a specimen are photographed, of which George, fluorite red-pink of Mont Blanc.


Fluorita de Asturias

Bocamina - Vol.3. (1998)

ISSN 1134-5780

23 X 30 cm, 82p, N&B(rares) photos and colors.

Availability : Review "Le Regne Mineral"
See also "links"...

Pictures of the iberic fluorites. Plans of gedes, exploitations... all information necessary to know from which crystallizations come from our collections.


The Rogerley and other fluorite mines from Northern England

Jesse Fisher (2001)

CD Rom for PC env. 140 photographs colors.

Availability : Review "Le Regne Mineral"


Jesse Fisher


Description on :

Geology, geography, historic of the mine, the Rogerley mine, and a beautiful quantity of  specimens of good qualities constitute the essence of this work.


The Valzergues Fluorite Mine (Aveyron)

Etienne Guillou-Gotkovsky

Complete description



Illinois-Kentucky Fluorite district

Alan Goldstein (1997)

Mineralogical Record - Vol. 28, n�1, Jan-Fev 1997

ISSN 0026-4628

20,5 X 27,5 cm, 80p (including 50 for the fluorite).

Availability :Review "Le Regne Mineral"


The Mineralogical Record



Fluorit - Mineral of Regenbogens

Collective (1990)

21 X 14,5 cm, 88 p, photographs N&B and colors.

ISBN 3925094-44-X

Work in German. One finds information there on the fluo Austrian, Norwegian, Swiss, German...


Rainer Bode
Bode Verlag GMBH
Orter Putt 28
D-45721 Haltern
Such. 02364-16107
Fax 02364-169273


Alexis Chermette and Fluorite

Collective (2002)

144 pages including 64 full color pages, 48 remarkable samples, 22 cut objects.

This work is available to the shop of the Natural history museum and by correspondence.

Tel.. 04 72 69 50 47


Availability :Natural history museum of Lyon

Museaum d'Histoire Naturelle
28, boulevard des Belges -69006 LYON


Fluorite and other halides

Collective (2001)

Special issue Mineraux & Fossiles n�13

21 X 29,5 cm, 100 p, photographs N&B and colors.

Availability: Review "Mineraux & Fossiles"



Reviews of the Mineralogical Days of Munich

Mineralientage Munichen 1995

In German language


Catalogue exhausted which would be still available
at Christian Weise Verlag

bond mineralientage, editor of the catalogue

This work is in the same spirit as number HS of Lapis lazuli (see higher). Half of the catalogue is on the fluorite, the other is on the fossils, another topic approached at the time of the 1995 Munich show.


Daten, Fakten, Weltweite, Vorkommen

Peter G. Seroka (2005)

in German

Third edition, much more complete. Format is A4 (21 x 29,7 cm)
- 4800 worldwild occurences
- 82 countries
- 24 maps, drawings, tables
- 1230 litterature references
- 571 pages

Dictionary and language guide (English, German, French, Spanish).

The content is :

1 - Fluorite, properties and crystal forms
2 - Fluorite deposits and occurences
3 - Mining, extraction, processing
4 - Fluorite and its industrial use
5 - Collecting fluorite - Past and present
6 - Worldwilde occurences
7 - Litterature and references
8 - Dictionary and fluorite language guide
9 - Tables and charts
10- Index
11- About the author


Contact and order:

Peter G. Seroka
Sandweg 53 - D-60316 Frankfurt am Main

tel : ++49-(0)69-495151
fax: ++49-(0)69-4970942

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if you have a solution, you're welcome!



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